Emmanuel Acho is trending again.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


this is the dude we NOT trying to permanently flush?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can't stand Acho at all...but he wasn't wrong about Angel. That young lady sexualized herself (multiple pics half naked and in lingerie etc.), played dirty (pulled girls hair, cheap shots etc.), disrespected opposing coaches and the list goes on...I personally don't want to hear the bullshit whining from her, Draymond, or any other person that profits off of being a heel when they lose...


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Which is why Acho’s comments are so asinine. Reese wasn’t complaining about the way people talked about her on the basketball court, she was talking about the way she is being treated off it, in the real world.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Cardinals’ Sam Acho declares football dominance over brother, Eagles’ linebacker​

Oct 25, 2014, 3:00 PM | Updated: 3:00 pm
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TEMPE, Ariz. —

That’s it. Sam Acho has thrown down the gauntlet.

The Cardinals’ linebacker was talking to reporters Wednesday when he made the ultimate claim of superiority.

“I am a much better player than my brother,” he said. “I saw he had an interview yesterday and he said he’s a better athlete, a better player, and Emmanuel Acho, I’m going to look you in the eyes and say I’m the better player of the Acho brothers.”

Sam’s younger brother, Emmanuel, is a linebacker for the Philadelphia Eagles, and before the teams face each other on Sunday, Sam responded to the confident assertions made by his brother.

Sam even went into detail, breaking down which brother reigns superior at each sport. Sam claimed the top spot in football and soccer, while giving Emmanuel the edge in basketball and tennis. He said the two are tied in baseball due to an equal lack of talent.
Sam backed up his claim by pulling from the their performances in the NFL Draft Combines.

“My 40 time was faster bro, I’m just saying. So we can talk about who is a better athlete, but I’ve got the better 40 time,” he said. Sam participated in the 2011 Combine, while Emmanual took part in the 2012 version.

The older Acho came out on top in the 40-yard-dash, running the distance in 4.67 seconds compared to Emmanuel’s time of 4.73 seconds. But Sam may have wanted to look at the other categories before bringing up the combine, as Emmanuel won out in the three other events in which they both participated: the vertical jump, broad jump and bench press.

But with the two players entering the NFL one year apart, they were not able to personally face off in the combine, continuing a lifelong trend of never battling in official competitions against one another.

“We’ve been on the same team since we’ve been eight years old,” said Sam.

The linebacker added that they competed in pickup basketball games on different teams when they were younger, but would end up passing the ball to each other out of natural instinct
The two could have met last season when the Cardinals and Eagles played in Week 13, but both missed the game with Sam on injured reserve and Emmanual inactive.

While the brothers may not personally match up on Sunday, with both playing on the defensive side of the ball, Sam said he is still looking for a game with some familial ties.

“It’s fun to have someone you are so close with, and be able to go against them on the field in the NFL,” he said.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Cardinals’ Sam Acho declares football dominance over brother, Eagles’ linebacker​

Oct 25, 2014, 3:00 PM | Updated: 3:00 pm
Follow @AZSportsPresented By...

TEMPE, Ariz. —

That’s it. Sam Acho has thrown down the gauntlet.

The Cardinals’ linebacker was talking to reporters Wednesday when he made the ultimate claim of superiority.

“I am a much better player than my brother,” he said. “I saw he had an interview yesterday and he said he’s a better athlete, a better player, and Emmanuel Acho, I’m going to look you in the eyes and say I’m the better player of the Acho brothers.”

Sam’s younger brother, Emmanuel, is a linebacker for the Philadelphia Eagles, and before the teams face each other on Sunday, Sam responded to the confident assertions made by his brother.

Sam even went into detail, breaking down which brother reigns superior at each sport. Sam claimed the top spot in football and soccer, while giving Emmanuel the edge in basketball and tennis. He said the two are tied in baseball due to an equal lack of talent.
Sam backed up his claim by pulling from the their performances in the NFL Draft Combines.

“My 40 time was faster bro, I’m just saying. So we can talk about who is a better athlete, but I’ve got the better 40 time,” he said. Sam participated in the 2011 Combine, while Emmanual took part in the 2012 version.

The older Acho came out on top in the 40-yard-dash, running the distance in 4.67 seconds compared to Emmanuel’s time of 4.73 seconds. But Sam may have wanted to look at the other categories before bringing up the combine, as Emmanuel won out in the three other events in which they both participated: the vertical jump, broad jump and bench press.

But with the two players entering the NFL one year apart, they were not able to personally face off in the combine, continuing a lifelong trend of never battling in official competitions against one another.

“We’ve been on the same team since we’ve been eight years old,” said Sam.

The linebacker added that they competed in pickup basketball games on different teams when they were younger, but would end up passing the ball to each other out of natural instinct
The two could have met last season when the Cardinals and Eagles played in Week 13, but both missed the game with Sam on injured reserve and Emmanual inactive.

While the brothers may not personally match up on Sunday, with both playing on the defensive side of the ball, Sam said he is still looking for a game with some familial ties.

“It’s fun to have someone you are so close with, and be able to go against them on the field in the NFL,” he said.

Bro... dudes on black were better at football than your brother


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
The crazy thing is everybody was wrong about why she was crying...

The reporter asked about her teammates support and she started breaking down answering the question... because I think she realized in the moment it was her last game and last time she would be with her teammates...


Is he taking a shot at his own brother???



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Im sick of Bomanis shit. Either say something or stfu nigga. Him and his judgmental higher than thou bullshit while being too pussy to actually call names is so fucking tired.

damn it I hate to agree with you

Bo my man 100 grand

but he got to chill with these subliminal holier than thou shots.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Rising Star
Platinum Member
damn it I hate to agree with you

Bo my man 100 grand

but he got to chill with these subliminal holier than thou shots.

"I dont have much to say about Norby..". Well stfu then Bo!! Dont say shit then. :smh:

Dude loves telling everyone how hes above the fray while coming to the fray to criticize and judge folk for being in it. Its gotten so fucking old man. And i was once a big supporter of the guy.

A 30 year tenured espn exec steps down after rumored infighting with his highest paid talent and Bo acts shocked people will opine on it? WTF!?
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
"I dont have much to say about Norby..". Well stfu then Bo!! Dont say shit then. :smh:

Dude loves telling everyone how hes above the fray while coming to the fray to criticize and judge folk for being in it. Its gotten so fucking old man. And i was once a big supporter of the guy.

An 30 year tenured espn exec steps down after rumored infighting with his highest paid talent and Bo acts shocked people will opine on it? WTF!?

Yeah I got nothing - I don't like this

maybe he just KNOWS at this point its all about the algorithm

And this is HIS version of hot takes and click bait?


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor

Im sick of Bomanis shit. Either say something or stfu nigga. Him and his judgmental higher than thou bullshit while being too pussy to actually call names is so fucking tired.

The irony is that he's as passive aggressive as Lebron, yet he complains about that shit.

Don't post at all since you always act above everything :dunno: