Pls tell me how to thin out and kill a bloodline? You can murder people , you can sterilize them or you can simply make them uninterested in biological reproduction. Homosexuality is #3, and is now the norm. Go look at the average tv show, see how many straight black men there are vs. gay black men. What message is that sending?
As for white people yes there are more of them, but white is still portrayed as right, the image of the white man that is put out there isn't that of a gay man, the white family is not under attack in any way shape or form. White women have no problems finding husband, nor are most white babies born out of wedlocl.
As for the sports and entertainment thing, go into the hood and talk to our young brothers, ask them what they aspire to be, for every kid who aspires to be a white collar super successful professional , you'll see dozens who aspire to be athletes or entertainers.
Anyway, this is a porn board, no one here is going to change because of whatever any of us write.
Okay. You've said a bunch of things. I will address them:
First of all: Being homosexual does not necessarily = "uninterested in biological reproduction." Roughly 20% of homosexuals in the United States are raising biological offspring, and the number is steadily rising. If you're truly concerned about the diminishing growth rate of black people in America, you didn't put more focus on the truly depressing numbers of black people who are murdered--by other black people.
Do you have any statistics to back your insinuation that there are more gay black males on tv than straight black males? I am pretty sure you don't... because that claim is completely false.
I would disagree with you that the white family "isn't under attack." Marriage rates amongst white Americans are also on the decline.

Marriage is on the decline in the U.S.
Fewer people are getting married, and marriage is happening later.

and they are on the decline for the same reason that black marriages declined in the first place: economic pressures that make marriage appear either undesirable or unattainable.
Have you heard the expression "When Black America sneezes, the rest of America catches a cold"? Black America has always been the canary in the coal mine because negative socioeconomic trends tend to hit us first before spreading to the rest of the population. It's like how in the 80s our communities got decimated by the crack epidemic, and everybody was like "Well, they deserve it because they're a bunch of undisciplined animals... Just lock 'em all up!" And then 30 years later, millions of white Americans are dying in an opioid epidemic, and all of a sudden it is a national emergency that needs to be treated with the utmost sensitivity and compassion.
It's the same thing going on with the family in America... Most millennials have a lower standard of living than their parents. They're not getting married because they say they can't afford it. They feel the idea of ever owning a home (which used to be the American Dream) is a fantasy they'll never realize:

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What they are experiencing is the same kind of economic tension that racked Black America in the 1960s. And the rate of out of wedlock births among white Americans is steadily climbing

Dramatic increase in the proportion of births outside of marriage in the United States from 1990 to 2016 - Child Trends
The families into which children are born, and in which they spend the early part of childhood, have changed dramatically over the past several decades. Among the most notable changes is an increase in nonmarital childbearing—that is, the percentage of all children born to unmarried parents...