Exhiledcoon and CptMarvl are the same person . Idiot forgot to log out with me insulting his other name


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
It was back when stans were stanning for The Dark Knight Rises. Ninjas were talking about how realistic it was and I was like that China sequence was bullshit. Batman ain't just flying his ass out of Beijing like hes on a regular ass domestic flight.

Them mafuggaz got hot and asked me why.

So I said: "the Chinese have something called an airforce."

This ninja called me on the phone to go off. :lol:
It was the dark knight

and u also said u hated how Batman did all upper body moves in taking down his enemies.

You were wrong then and u are wrong now


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

How do cats have enough time to create and keep up with with several screen names? Why would you ever want to do that anyway?

Anyway got in to see when the accused will confront his accusers...


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor

How do cats have enough time to create and keep up with with several screen names? Why would you ever want to do that anyway?

Anyway got in to see when the accused will confront his accusers...
Over the years there have been dozens of them …. probably more … didn't RedSox do the same thing …. Blunt??? .... Tiny Tina ??? @Slowhands .... @Trojan Horse?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Over the years there have been dozens of them …. probably more … didn't RedSox do the same thing …. Blunt??? .... Tiny Tina ??? @Slowhands .... @Trojan Horse?


Yes but as I’ve gotten older I can’t understand how someone has that kind and mentality to do this to a bunch of strangers. And it’s not even like they getting money from it or biz. It’s wild weird


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Yes but as I’ve gotten older I can’t understand how someone has that kind and mentality to do this to a bunch of strangers. And it’s not even like they getting money from it or biz. It’s wild weird
Tina still does, every month
It's pathologically amazing how they do it ... and some of them have been sitting on alternate usernames from day one .... Dec 24, 2004 .... just waiting to use them or using them sporadically .... making like 245 posts in 15 years ..... or switching back n forth with them and then getting caught forgetting which one they're using when they have them both online at the same time ... :smh:



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
They might not have seen it yet. One of them was online after you posted but the forum logs you out after an hour of inactivity and their log out time was less than an hour after you asking if they forgot to log out.
really …. how is it that I leave my laptop on for hours while watching tv with multiple threads open in tabs and when I come back I'm still logged in ?



Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
really …. how is it that I leave my laptop on for hours while watching tv with multiple threads open in tabs and when I come back I'm still logged in ?


You don't have to re enter your password, but anyone clicking on your name to see your activity will see that you aren't online. The green online symbol goes away and you appear offline if you are idle more than an hour.
. Most people don't sign out they just leave the page open or close it without hitting the logout button. If you actually sign out you are shown offline immediately


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

Deciding that he should rule the world, Mighty Adam overthrows and kills the pharaoh and assumes the Egyptian throne. Angered by this betrayal, Shazam renames his errant champion "Black Adam," and—unable to revoke the powers he gave Adam, banishes him to the most distant star in the universe.


Teth-Adam was born on September 11, 1279 BC. Teth-Adam is the son of the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses II, and impresses one of the high priests, the wizard Shazam, with his good deeds. The wizard gives Teth-Adam the power to become the superhero Mighty Adam by speaking the name "Shazam," an acronym for Mighty Adam's powers: the stamina of Shu, the swiftness of Heru (Horus), the strength of Amon, the wisdom of Zehuti (Thoth), the power of Aton, and the courage of Mehen.[9] He does not draw powers from Shazam due to the demoness Blaze making a deal with the Egyptian god Set.

Mighty Adam serves as Egypt's champion for many centuries, but becomes corrupted by the charms of a mysterious woman, revealed to be Shazam's evil daughter Blaze in disguise.[citation needed] The bewitched Adam is convinced that he and his mistress should rule Egypt, so he kills the Pharaoh and appoints himself ruler. Shazam learns of this treachery and strips Adam of his powers, encasing them in a mystical scarab necklace. Adam's depowered body rapidly experiences the aging process that the magic had staved off, and the former hero withers away into a dried cadaver in seconds.

Shazam buries both the body and the scarab in the tomb of Ramesses II, where he plans for it to remain for all eternity. In death, the former hero is referred to as "Khem-Adam" ("Black Adam").
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