Female posters: How would you react to the request to sign a Prenup.


Super Moderator
Miss Lead Luv said:
Look at it like this, you may trust your wife...but how much do you trust your EX-wife? :lol:


So your Fine and got game. :hmm: :D :dance:

Miss Lead Luv said:
BUT in the case that there is a significant difference in income I would recommend you get one!

:hmm: Perhaps. But still. U Get simply, what you expect. :hmm:

Here's another angle. As far as a woman, after discussing at short length with a female friend. Because of what she may put in on a marriage, I can understand her wanting to be " Taken care of ". And that would be righteous. :hmm:

Because if your married, or going to be, you will likely have children. The family should be taken care of. That includes the wife, and the man should be most concerned with those things.

Anything might happen to him.

Men without life insurance, at least a owned home that can be left, and some money, should not be talking about being married. Least of all thinking on a pre-nup or it's effects. :hmm:

This is why, in my thinking . . ..

If your a black man who loves the black family that may soon be. You can easily take care of the security a senseable black woman needs without a pre-nup. :hmm:


True Fist of the North Star
OG Investor
My girl would :lol: at me..

mainly since not only she has better credit, makes more money but also has the potential to make even more money than me by a greater margin down the road...

I think the choice you make in your spouse makes a difference.. if your with a secure person who is independant.. that person wont want anything.. if your with a lazy person expect that person to expect you to take care of them after the break up...

I have no concerns on my end and i know my girl doesnt either...


Modded Moderator Modding
BGOL Investor
I'll tell you what. I have an elderly family friend and 2 elderly uncles in their late 70's who are sickly and dying. The last thing on their mind is the money they made trying to uphold a decent standard of living for their families. Because when you get married, your wife is your family. Any offspring as a result of your union is family.

The last thing they are thinking about is how much money they put into their relationships. They are thinking about how proud they are to be able to support their family and how the reciprocation of hard work aids them in making it another day.

I personally believe that many lack the confidence in finding that woman who will be there through thick and thin and through sickness and health.

TRU is right. Most are focusing on the wrong thing. Instead of focusing on what a woman is going to look like in 40 years, you should be focusing on trying to maintain a marraige for 40 years. And this goes for men and women.

Instead of focusing on a wallet, women should be focusing on whether or not she can stand being with a man through thick and thin with all of his faults and can he do the same with all her faults.

I'm really glad I can use my parents as an example of this. It is this level of integrity that I expect in my future mate.

I work, I own a home but ultimately I want to bring all that I've worked for into a relationship and build upon it...with love, dedication, loyalty and honor and I expect that in return.


Support BGOL
The OVERWHELMING majority of contributors to this thread . . both male and female have taken a PRO PRE-NUP position backed up by SOLID fact, FIRM reasoning, and 1st or 2nd hand accounts as to the UNFORTUNATE necessity of such a document. Not to mention, the headlines are full of them.

The minority opinion on the topic isn't supported by reason, but an outmoded approach to a changing institution that obviously needs an overhaul and a shake down.

The funny thing is I have the HIGHEST REGARD for the institution and wouldn't dare sully it by visiting a lack of integrity on it by NOT understanding what it is definitively, and what it would mean to my sig other or other(s).

Broad platitudes and slick one-liners belie the complexity of all that goes into building a "LIFETIME COMMITMENT". I SAID . . LIFETIME COMMITMENT. The best laid intentions DON'T always suffice. LIFE MAY OR MAY NOT turn out how we'd like it to. So to dismiss advocates of the practice as ANY LESS passionate, committed, OR sincere about marriage cast YOU ALL as DEFACTO ARBITORS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MARRIAGE and PERFECT MANAGERS OF RELATIONSHIPS WHO KNOW HOW IT'S ALL GONNA TURN OUT.



BUT, what I'd like (in all sincerity)more than anything is for one of you single ANTI-PRENUP BGOL contributors to do is prove me wrong by getting rich AND THEN, post on BGOL that you ASS got married . . . WITHOUT that document. And be honest when you do. At least I'll be able to congratulate you on all the hard work it took to break through that SELDOM encountered financial barrier. We'll see how strong YOUR stomach is for clairvoyance then. :lol: :lol:

I don't know about your earning potential . . . but I personally will have to deal with this issue in the not too distant future. So prove me wrong . . . or shaddup, shaddin' up :lol: :lol:



Support BGOL
femmenoire said:
I'll tell you what. I have an elderly family friend and 2 elderly uncles in their late 70's who are sickly and dying. The last thing on their mind is the money they made trying to uphold a decent standard of living for their families. Because when you get married, your wife is your family. Any offspring as a result of your union is family.

The last thing they are thinking about is how much money they put into their relationships. They are thinking about how proud they are to be able to support their family and how the reciprocation of hard work aids them in making it another day.

I personally believe that many lack the confidence in finding that woman who will be there through thick and thin and through sickness and health.

TRU is right. Most are focusing on the wrong thing. Instead of focusing on what a woman is going to look like in 40 years, you should be focusing on trying to maintain a marraige for 40 years. And this goes for men and women.

Instead of focusing on a wallet, women should be focusing on whether or not she can stand being with a man through thick and thin with all of his faults and can he do the same with all her faults.

I'm really glad I can use my parents as an example of this. It is this level of integrity that I expect in my future mate.

I work, I own a home but ultimately I want to bring all that I've worked for into a relationship and build upon it...with love, dedication, loyalty and honor and I expect that in return.

Touching story but I don't think the PRO PRENUP clan is arguing that you need to MARRY THE RIGHT PERSON! & yes you need to find someone that you feel is going to be a stable partner...yadda, yadda, yadda.

But of the 70% of the Black Folk that get divorced... how many of them on their wedding day thought that it was going to be forever :rolleyes:

The game has changed for a number of reasons. Just like the jobs situation has changed. 50 years ago people stayed at 1 job their whole career. But that is not today's reality.

If you got hired to a NEW JOB... you would be fool to NOT KEEP YOUR RESUME UPDATED. Keeping your RESUME updated has NOTHING to do with your dedication to your current employer. It just means that you are prepared for a worst case scenario. Same thing with a PRE-NUP.

Femm if you got rich doing something and were taking in a MILLION+ a year right now. Lets say you have 3 MILLION DOLLARS IN ASSESTS. You got married to a guy that you truly love 2 years from now that was making $35K/year as a teacher. If you got divorced YOU WOULD NOT HAVE A PROBLEM GIVING HIM HALF YOUR ASSESTS.... and paying him PALIMONEY for the rest of YOUR LIFE?



Potential Star
I myself have made no pro or anti prenup. I have stated what I would or would not do. What anyone else does is their biz.

What I have done is ask 2 questions

1. Why would you marry someone you do not trust? By demanding the other
sign a prenup.

2. Why would you marry someone that doesn't trust you? By demanding you
sign a prenup.

2 very simple and basic questions. Haven't got an answer yet.

any takers???


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
DiamondDeuce said:
Touching story but I don't think the PRO PRENUP clan is arguing that you need to MARRY THE RIGHT PERSON! & yes you need to find someone that you feel is going to be a stable partner...yadda, yadda, yadda.

But of the 70% of the Black Folk that get divorced... how many of them on their wedding day thought that it was going to be forever :rolleyes:
The game has changed for a number of reasons. Just like the jobs situation has changed. 50 years ago people stayed at 1 job their whole career. But that is not today's reality.

If you got hired to a NEW JOB... you would be fool to NOT KEEP YOUR RESUME UPDATED. Keeping your RESUME updated has NOTHING to do with your dedication to your current employer. It just means that you are prepared for a worst case scenario. Same thing with a PRE-NUP.

Femm if you got rich doing something and were taking in a MILLION+ a year right now. Lets say you have 3 MILLION DOLLARS IN ASSESTS. You got married to a guy that you truly love 2 years from now that was making $35K/year as a teacher. If you got divorced YOU WOULD NOT HAVE A PROBLEM GIVING HIM HALF YOUR ASSESTS.... and paying him PALIMONEY for the rest of YOUR LIFE?


Exactly, we all have stories of people who stuck through marriage with their partner and persevered through the bad times. I know just as many horror stories about failed marriages. Nobody says "I do" with the intent to get a divorce. People are vindictive and if you hurt them they are going to want to make you pay. Smart people always have a contingency plan. I don't believe in unconditional love unless it involves a parent and their child so I will choose to protect myself.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
BigUnc said:
I myself have made no pro or anti prenup. I have stated what I would or would not do. What anyone else does is their biz.

What I have done is ask 2 questions

1. Why would you marry someone you do not trust? By demanding the other
sign a prenup.

2. Why would you marry someone that doesn't trust you? By demanding you
sign a prenup.

2 very simple and basic questions. Haven't got an answer yet.

any takers???

If you have not got an answer to this, you may need to reread all these responses and read then very slowly. Seriously, this has been covered well.

To summarize.

1. This has NOTHING to do with trust. When I enter into a business relationship with another person, I enter it because I do trust them to do as stated. I trust their expertise and integrity. However, being a responsible business man, you create a contract with stipulations that protect you IN CASE of wrong doing, manipulation, etc. Sometimes unintentionally a business partner can harm you... even so..intent is not always the problem... the result is. You have to protect yourself and your investment.

When you buy a home, you are trusting that the owner has been forthright in the claims about the details of the property. However, you stipulate before closing the deal, that the closing has stipulations: appraisal, home inspectors report, etc. that verify the information provided by the seller.

It has more to do with being prepared for the worst and being thorough than being trusting.

To buy the house without those documents signed in place or to go ahead with the business partnership without the partnership dissolution agreement in place DOES not illustrate that you trusted the seller or your partner. Same as with the getting married without the prenuptial. It illustrates that you were incredibly NAIVE in not preparing for unexpected or undesirable circumstances that you could have protected yourself from with a simple agreement with stipulations.

Having a stipulation of a prenuptial agreement does not indicate that you do not trust your future wife. What it does say is that you are a realist and understand that despite both your good intentions, you are aware that for whatever plethora of reasons, there is a possibility that this relationship COULD end. Neither of you may want it, but there is a possibility. And because of that possibility, you two are responsible enough to stipulate BEFOREHAND how best to deal with this issue while you are both rational as opposed to dealing with it during the emotional illogical proceeding that can occur during a divorce where feeling are hurt and emotions overrun logic.

Question 2. If you plan on STAYING with the person, what is the big fucking problem with signing a prenuptial agreement. If you stay in the marriage, it does not get enforced. So if the relationship goes AS YOU INTENDED or stated to intend.. there is not issue.

The reality is that you would have to question a woman or man who would have a problem with signing an agreement that said they are not able to take the assets you have accumulated before marrying them. A logical person does not see a problem with this.
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Potential Star
So eewwll clarify this if my reading comprehension skills aren't up to your standards. What I'm reading is that you would treat your future wife as a complete stranger that you do not know deeply or trust when they are out of your sight. In regards to question 2 you have no problem someone treating you the exact same way.

If I didn't trust someone enough with my life, my kids, or my money then the logical thing to do is not to bring that person in my inner circle and keep moving.

But thats just me. Do what you do bro



Support BGOL
BigUnc said:
I myself have made no pro or anti prenup. I have stated what I would or would not do. What anyone else does is their biz.

What I have done is ask 2 questions

1. Why would you marry someone you do not trust? By demanding the other
sign a prenup.

2. Why would you marry someone that doesn't trust you? By demanding you
sign a prenup.

2 very simple and basic questions. Haven't got an answer yet.

any takers???

I'll bite, but that's been answered throughout the thread.

I say trust is a concept of value that is earned . . . and developed over time. I have trusted many . . . but that DIDN'T prevent them from shammin'.
In fact I don't think that trust is the issue . . . at all. That's too narrow a theme to frame the discussion around given the complexity of it all.

If you've lived any kind of life on this planet you HAVE had the unfortunate experience of unearthing some fabrication or misrepresentation about an individual(family, friend, woman) that you loved, cared for, and/or trusted.
Yes or No?

You can NEVER truly know someone unless they allow you to. And MOST don't know themselves to a definitive degree . . . . We are mostly works in progress. I'm NOT exactly the same person I was 20 or even 10 years ago.
Just because the person you marry today is who they are . . at that point DOESN'T give you absolute knowable certainty . . nor should it. Nothing in life is certain but death and taxes . . . (and the uber rich have found loopholes through the latter).

Pre-nups are simply a contingency for that which your current vantage point cannot render you insight. And for MOST people, the future IS SUCH a thing.

But this is all academic. Smart people don't get married with trust issues preceding them . . . it's ridiculous on it's face. Love and Money make strange bed fellows, and make even stranger characters of those who never had any real doe . . .or real love (whatever that means to the person). That being said, to cast marriage as an institution to venture off into ONLY when you have ABSOLUTE knowledge of the future of your partners behavior is a failure of reason, and IS ALSO ridiculous. IF marriage hadn't anything to do with assets, it would require NO legal covenant/documentation . . . BUT it does. Some aren't making distinctions between marriage as legal entity vs. marriage the embodiment of combined values & sentiments, love etc.

You go into marriage with the best intentions, but overwhelming evidence suggest a couple things to me.

1. Humanity is humanity . . as dictated by culture. So we all fail at some point. Some more than others.

2. Obligating one to a life of palimony AND/or 50% of disproportionately generated wealth is TOOOOOOO great and equally disproportionate a penalty for a well intended gamble on an institution LARGELY underpinned by faith.



Support BGOL
Big Unc,

Sorry for the duplicate responses. It seems as I was typing, Eewwll was already hitting the submit button :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
BigUnc said:
So eewwll clarify this if my reading comprehension skills aren't up to your standards. What I'm reading is that you would treat your future wife as a complete stranger that you do not know deeply or trust when they are out of your sight. In regards to question 2 you have no problem someone treating you the exact same way.

If I didn't trust someone enough with my life, my kids, or my money then the logical thing to do is not to bring that person in my inner circle and keep moving.

But thats just me. Do what you do bro


You are making suppositions that are not valid. Again, that is why I mentioned about being careful about what your extrapolate from the posts on here. You assume because I am mindful of reality that I am without a heart..which could be nothing but the furthest thing from the truth. I am willing to wager that I have a better relationship with my girlfriend that most people have with their wives. I bet you my woman can walk into a room with a 1000 women and know that there is not one that is happier and loved more than she is. I give her a very strong non-contradictory love. My woman goes to sleep and wakes up with a smile on her face that never leaves all day long.

I absolutely trust my woman and we have a very close rare bond. She will continue to be treated that was a long as she is my woman or she is my wife. What you are all seeming to miss is that the prenupt is NOT for your wife.. it is for your EXWIFE. And that is what it is prepared for.. and if my this particular woman ceases to be my wife.. she will not only be denied my time, my participation in her life, and my love, etc.. she will not be afforded to continue to share in the resources that I have accumulated BEFORE I met her and that she is no way shape or form contributed to.

However, that still does not change the fact that a person, especially when obviously very wealthy, should consider the fact that seemingly blissful relationships do sometimes end and should be planned for accordingly. Has nothing to do with trust.. has everything to do with being a person who deals with reality and has a plan to protect himself just in case of worst case scenarios.
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Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
John_Gault said:
Some aren't making distinctions between marriage as legal entity vs. marriage the embodiment of combined values & sentiments, love etc.

As usual on point John Gault.. but in particular.. this is the very distinction that many people are not grasping here.


Support BGOL
eewwll said:
As usual on point John Gault.. but in particular.. this is the very distinction that many people are not grasping here.

Who knew?!! :confused: :confused:

It seems so glaringly obvious :lol: :lol: :lol:

I, along with yourself, Dert Bagg and many others repeatedly explained and framed the issue AND supported it with a clear line of rationale.

Hell, i'm no wiz kid but sheesh. . . I know I won't get there by circumstantial, and selective use of rationality. . . . that's a great way to end up broke.



Potential Star
Well I am not going to trip about a pre nup as long as it has a nice little section that says I get half of anything I help him get after we are married. There is no way I am leaving the marriage with just what I started out with if after we got married we made money together!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yal need to understand that Pre-nup is just another word for Insurance. Because you never know what may happen.

Here's an analogy:

Car - Insurance;Couple - Prenup


Support BGOL
jjUSTAZZ said:
Well I am not going to trip about a pre nup as long as it has a nice little section that says I get half of anything I help him get after we are married. There is no way I am leaving the marriage with just what I started out with if after we got married we made money together!

Please DEFINE "help him get"?


Potential Star
Prenup ain't nothing but an insurance policy.
Besides as the saying goes, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
And a woman scorned will go for the jugular.
Plus, she might not really want to screw you over until those lawyers start chirping in her ear.
Suddenly, your broke and living in your Mom's basement cause she ain't in love.
Fuck that shit.
If she balks at a prenup then you prolly ain't making that much paper to begin with.


Miss Lead Luv said:
That is so sweet...no really! And this is probably less of an issue than we're making it out to be because usually people marry someone of similar economic status.

BUT in the case that there is a significant difference in income I would recommend you get one!

Look at it like this, you may trust your wife...but how much do you trust your EX-wife? :lol:

Good point, folx on the same level might look @ it differently that someone w/ real cake & someone w/ crumbs..

I would assume this post was about folx w/ huge disparities in income.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Legacyns said:
Good point, folx on the same level might look @ it differently that someone w/ real cake & someone w/ crumbs..

I would assume this post was about folx w/ huge disparities in income.

Yep. It was...specifically for men who have established a high net worth BEFORE they ever knew their soon to be wife existed.


Potential Star
We are just gonna go round and round with this. Like I said i'm not pro or con it's just not for me. I stand and fall on my word as a man to do whats right for my wife and children. I don't need the protection of a prenup for that. Neither my first wife nor my current can part their lips and say anything otherwise and in return I don't get the hell hath no fury like a woman scorned syndrome that you cats seem to be afraid of. Have at it brothers I'll walk with my head held high knowing I didn't need the white man's laws to protect me and that my ex and current wife still got my back. :yes:

Oh yes I did note that all the replies seem to come from the perpective of the man with the higher income disparity and not the other way around



Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
BigUnc said:
Have at it brothers I'll walk with my head held high knowing I didn't need the white man's laws to protect me and that my ex and current wife still got my back. :yes:

You have the right to your opinion. I understand where you are coming from. However, I do not fully agree with it. It is not your opinion I disagree with as much as you not understand the points that people are making here with opposing arguments.

However, I have a very serious question for you and I hope you answer honestly.

You have been divorced once. When you were divorced, did you really have much.. I mean 6 figures in up in assets, cash, etc for your ex-wife to take that you earned before you met her.

I do not know the answer to this question as I do not know your financial situation.. then or no.

However, if you really had or have not accumulated any wealth, I can completely understand your sentiment because you have nothing to lose in the first place...there is no downside so you do not have to worry about it. However, that is under the assumption that you had not at the point amassed any wealth.

It is very easy to say what you are saying IF you really do not have anything for another person to take because they argument by its very nature is not even remotely relevant to you.


Support BGOL
BigUnc said:
We are just gonna go round and round with this. Like I said i'm not pro or con it's just not for me.
I don't think ANY of the pro pre-nup crowd PERSONALIZED an attack against those that are anti. I think what was missing was an admission that these articles are needed in specific situations . . . particular to parties with wealth disparities.

BigUnc said:
Oh yes I did note that all the replies seem to come from the perspective of the man with the higher income disparity and not the other way around

Why do you think that is? Also, this isn't a gender issue. It applies to all those males whores that want to REPLACE Stedman :lol: :lol: :lol:

GET YOUR OWN :lol: :lol:


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
John_Gault said:
Why do you think that is? Also, this isn't a gender issue. It applies to all those males whores that want to REPLACE Stedman :lol: :lol: :lol:

GET YOUR OWN :lol: :lol:

Remember Dave Chappelles silly ass:

Stedman. if you fuck this up for me :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
eewwll said:
Remember Dave Chappelles silly ass:

Stedman. if you fuck this up for me :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hell yeah, you see Oprah ain't even married after all these years with Stedman

She didn't become a billionaire by being a dummy, she knows what's up

Best believe if she ever got married, she'd ask for a prenupt :lol:


Potential Star
This was my offer and it was agreed to

Sell all property including home. Pay off all debts accumalated during marriage . Any remaining proceeds to be split 50/50 or any remaining debt is split 50/50

She got the condo in Mrytle Beach
I got condo in Atlantic City

She keeps her stock portfolio
I keep mine

Child support was left to her discretion. If she requests support from court she gets whatever court determines not a penny more not a penny less

I make no claim against any future income or retirement benefits. She does the same

Neither party makes any claim except breakup was mutually agreed upon

I was the major breadwinner at the time with a full time job and side business. Told her flat out she make a noise about the business I'll shut it down and that money would be gone. Keep your mouth shut and i'll break off a piece if times get tough for her.

Result lawyer fees were kept to minimum. Basically making sure it was acceptable to the State. There was no long drawn out court proceedings with who said what to whom or who saw what,when and how many times to whom, and all the other bullshit.

Clean break

I never lied to her or disrespected her. Even when I wanted to choke her ass, I didn't. She was the one that stepped outside the bounderies and in my opinion I stayed within the bounderies that we both agreed to. I may have.... just may have pushed against those boundaries :D but go over?? nawwww

It wasn't alot of money,little less than $400,000 total assets in 1994 dollars but enough that most mofo's would have said fuck that I aint giving that bitch shit and went through the whole divorce drama. Not me 12 years later new wife of 10 years and closing in on million dollar net personal wealth. If I have to cut this shit in half and start again from half mill. I'll do it. I can get it back as long as i'm here.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
BigUnc said:
Clean break

Seems to be. Thanks for the detailed response as well... Fortunately, you seemingly had some control over the situation or her... or she did not feel emotionally scorned... because I have heard some horror stories of women doing everything they could to get every possible penny that they could get... not so much that they just wanted the money.. but they justed wanted to fuck over the man as much as they could.. nothing worse than an emotionally out of control women with vengeance guiding her and the court of law at her back.


knowledge alone ≠ power
OG Investor
BigUnc said:
This was my offer and it was agreed to

Sell all property including home. Pay off all debts accumalated during marriage . Any remaining proceeds to be split 50/50 or any remaining debt is split 50/50

She got the condo in Mrytle Beach
I got condo in Atlantic City

She keeps her stock portfolio
I keep mine

Child support was left to her discretion. If she requests support from court she gets whatever court determines not a penny more not a penny less

I make no claim against any future income or retirement benefits. She does the same

Neither party makes any claim except breakup was mutually agreed upon

I was the major breadwinner at the time with a full time job and side business. Told her flat out she make a noise about the business I'll shut it down and that money would be gone. Keep your mouth shut and i'll break off a piece if times get tough for her.

Result lawyer fees were kept to minimum. Basically making sure it was acceptable to the State. There was no long drawn out court proceedings with who said what to whom or who saw what,when and how many times to whom, and all the other bullshit.

Clean break

I never lied to her or disrespected her. Even when I wanted to choke her ass, I didn't. She was the one that stepped outside the bounderies and in my opinion I stayed within the bounderies that we both agreed to. I may have.... just may have pushed against those boundaries :D but go over?? nawwww

It wasn't alot of money,little less than $400,000 total assets in 1994 dollars but enough that most mofo's would have said fuck that I aint giving that bitch shit and went through the whole divorce drama. Not me 12 years later new wife of 10 years and closing in on million dollar net personal wealth. If I have to cut this shit in half and start again from half mill. I'll do it. I can get it back as long as i'm here.

u sound like an older brotha....a voice of rational reason

if i had never been married before, would have said 'pre-nups are probably overkill' now?...life teaches those who are willing to listen :yes:


Potential Star
John_Gault said:

Please DEFINE "help him get"?

If after we are married we begin any joint ventures, then we should split the profits from those business transactions. In my situation I make more than my man. I don't feel that I need a pre nup though. Personally, I am going to stand on faith in my own situation. (But back to defining "help him get")After we get married if he or I put in money on any investiments or small business stuff then we should both get 1/2 if we were ever to separate. When couples improve their wealth after marriage both sides should reap the benefits of the hard work for however long they are making money from the project.


Support BGOL
jjUSTAZZ said:
If after we are married we begin any joint ventures, then we should split the profits from those business transactions.

Cool. But that's expected out of any 50/50 business partnership, with equivalent distribution of responsibility. Anybody trying to deny that under any circumstance matrimonial or not is trying to play you.

jjUSTAZZ said:
Personally, I am going to stand on faith in my own situation. (But back to defining "help him get")
Would you feel that way IF you had a 3 million net worth before you got married?

jjUSTAZZ said:
After we get married if he or I put in money on any investiments or small business stuff then we should both get 1/2 if we were ever to separate.
Interesting . . . "he or I" Does this mean that if you do the investing and are very successful at it, and he contributed Zero to that effort, you would break him off 1/2 if he decided to bounce for say . . irreconcilable differences?

jjUSTAZZ said:
When couples improve their wealth after marriage both sides should reap the benefits of the hard work for however long they are making money from the project.
Again, if it's a joint project it is certainly the fair thing to do.
