Financial Pain & Disrespect Has Caused The Mass Exodus Of Black Voters Under 50 From Democrats


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Sounds about right. All of my family and friends have soured on this election. I'm sure most will cast an anti trump vote but the people I know are not embracing the democratic party. My girl used to be one of the state delegates. She's registered independent now.


Rising Star
It's in some random nigga's podcast so it must be true.

These undercover nazi sympathizers and the media have been trying to undermine those of us who, although we know the system is FAR from perfect, recognize THE THREAT OF NAZIS TAKING OVER THE GOVERMENT IS FAR WORSE!!

Ever wonder why they don't talk about how tRump BABBLES INCOHERENTLY AT EVERY RALLY, LIES EVERY TIME HE OPENS HIS MOUTH, and IS PART OF THE 2025 PLAN? They NEVER talk about women (this is a PORN forum, remember?), sports, the paranormal, fishing...nothing else but some bullshit supported by a link to some OTHER bullshit. Don't you find that a bit odd?

Now, let's just pretend that both sides (their postion vs. mine) have validity. WHICH does ANY rational human being think is MORE IMPORTANT TO TALK ABOUT:

A. BULLSHIT pain exaggerated and made up by some dollar store, right wing funded "media" outlet,


B. The guy who worships hitler, quotes hitler, stages photo ops to mimic hilter, has the support of neo-nazis, and PROMISES TO BE A DICTATOR on DAY 1 if elected?

The above should let a reasonably intelligent person know these people mean us NO GOOD. WHY IN THE HOLY FUCK would ANYBODY stand around complaining about how we need more fire extinguishers INSTEAD of trying to put the goddamned fire out when the damn house is on fire? It is because they have an agenda. That agenda is to pick off potential democratic voters stupid enough to swallow this horse shit. They KNOW Black folks tend to lean democratic. THAT is why they are here. THAT is why they continually post, never offering anything other than BULLSHIT to support their lying ass convictions.

Finally, if you are unfamiliar. Google these two things:

1. Project 2025

2. Goebbels- The Big Lie. Nazis used this tactic in Germany preceding WWII. The objective is to keep pushing outlandish lies. mixing lies with truth, and repeating them until people begin to accept them as reality. Magats are doing this HERE and NOW.
THIS is what the OP, and that other asshole 850credit are doing.

It is inexcusable, and down right treacherous that whomever owns this board, assumed to be Black, is allowing this.
He/she/they are essentially providing a forum for the spewing of right wing lies.

Sad. And very, very dangerous, because there are some stupid people that frequent this forum.
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Rising Star
Sounds about right. All of my family and friends have soured on this election. I'm sure most will cast an anti trump vote but the people I know are not embracing the democratic party. My girl used to be one of the state delegates. She's registered independent now.
I have ZERO arguments with anyone who does not associate with a party. I am NOT a Democrat, have NEVER been one, and NEVER will be one.

I DO however, have more than three brain cells to rub together to make a thought, and am FULLY aware that the ONLY reasonable recourse is to support the OPPONENT OF THE NAZIS.

This ain't rocket science, folks.

Maybe it's because I am from the D. Raised in a town full of hustlers, you learn to spot bullshit 500 miles away.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I have ZERO arguments with anyone who does not associate with a party. I am NOT a Democrat, have NEVER been one, and NEVER will be one.

I DO however, have more than three brain cells to rub together to make a thought, and am FULLY aware that the ONLY reasonable recourse is to support the OPPONENT OF THE NAZIS.

This ain't rocket science, folks.

Maybe it's because I am from the D. Raised in a town full of hustlers, you learn to spot bullshit 500 miles away.
Agreed. Even though I position myself to survive regardless of who's in the White House, I hope that asshole trump never sees the oval office again. I think the bigger problem we have is the fact that there are so many evil imbeciles in this country that believe in trump's vision for this country. I would not have guessed 10 years ago that this is a country with so many people willing to bow down to an inept clown like trump and in the process forfeit the freedoms he's trying to take. There used to be a time that I would not take people seriously that warned about the collapse of the US. I can absolutely see it now. There are an alarming number of dumbasses that are willing to cut off their noses to spite their faces.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Should you vote for a guy that has given nothing in relation to policies that benefited black people or should I vote for someone who associates with neo-nazis and racists

Logical thinking would say that you stay your ass at home on voting day
Should you keep repeating the same disproved tired line that Black people have not benefited from any Biden polices or just keep repeating it anyway.

Logical thinking is that bots and agents will do what they do.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:lol: :roflmao: :lol:If it were a reasonably sane, and difficult to prove racist white Republican Party, I could see it. Only coon ass blacks and morons would ever vote republican in THIS election. You’d have to dumb as rocks to walk toward Donald Trump and those fuckers.

It's not that they're gonna vote Republican. They're not gonna vote at all. And you've likely lost them forever.

We all lived through Trump, didn't like his policies. Workers kept working, what else you gonna do but get up and go to work for 4 years?

Democrats telling us it'll be the end of the country, end of democracy. Policies will change and policies will be reversed when a new administration takes over.

Unless it DIRECTLY affects you where you FEEL IT, most people aren't that invested in the political process. Black voter turnout might be historically low and many won't bother with it anymore.


International Member
Should you keep repeating the same disproved tired line that Black people have not benefited from any Biden polices or just keep repeating it anyway.

Logical thinking is that bots and agents will do what they do.
Please enlighten me on what policies that black people have benefited from under Biden??

Have a good read.


NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
Should you vote for a guy that has given nothing in relation to policies that benefited black people or should I vote for someone who associates with neo-nazis and racists

Logical thinking would say that you stay your ass at home on voting day
Are you even eligible to vote "international member"?

Edit: nah you're not because nobody calls it "Voting Day"...
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You'll probably be the only one. Good for you.

Yes. The numbers will show that only one voter eligible person in a nation of 400 million people decided to sit out.

Man, you're smart.

And learn to comprehend what you read. I didn't say what I will do. I made an argument as to what I think will happen with some Black voters in this election and beyond.
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Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Please enlighten me on what policies that black people have benefited from under Biden??

Have a good read.

Millions of Black people have benefitted from insulin being capped at $35. Black unemployment and Black poverty are at their lowest rates ever under Biden. Black people (even some on this forum) have gotten student loan relief.

That's just off the top of my head.


Rising Star
Yes. The numbers will show that only one voter eligible person in a nation of 400 million people decided to sit out.

Man, you're smart.

And try to comprehend what you read. I didn't say what I will do. I made an argument as to what I think will happen with some Black voters in this election and beyond.
Then you need to do as you say. Your vote wont be missed. The rest us will all show up.