Financial Pain & Disrespect Has Caused The Mass Exodus Of Black Voters Under 50 From Democrats


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Speak for yourself. Your not even good at Trolling this board.

I don't troll. It's a message board. I post messages. You don't have to like it.

What are you gonna do about it? Ignore me or stop crying about whatever I choose to post.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
It's not that they're gonna vote Republican. They're not gonna vote at all. And you've likely lost them forever.

We all lived through Trump, didn't like his policies. Workers kept working, what else you gonna do but get up and go to work for 4 years?

Democrats telling us it'll be the end of the country, end of democracy. Policies will change and policies will be reversed when a new administration takes over.

Unless it DIRECTLY affects you where you FEEL IT, most people aren't that invested in the political process. Black voter turnout might be historically low and many won't bother with it anymore./
When are the Supreme Court rulings going to be reversed?

And if you let Republicans replace Thomas and Alito, it's going to be 40-50 years before shit can ben done.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Concerning this alleged mass exodus of age 50 and under black voters from the Democratic Party I wonder if they believe things will be better under Republicans. I believe they'll be exponentially worse. They should read the MAGA manifesto known as Project 25 that lays out exactly what they intend to do from scrapping or gutting most social and affirmative action economic programs, to further suppressing the right of black people to vote, to putting the army on the streets to quell the sure to happen protests. All those black people who have those good government jobs, forget it. They'll be summarily removed and replaced by Trump loyalists who will be required to pledge allegiance to the Führer. Mass deportation of immigrants will happen with no recourse. Trump will be able to sick the Justice Department on his perceived enemies and women's reproductive rights will become even more restrictive.

Project 25 authored by the Heritage Foundation is no joke and these are just a few of the democracy killing fascist inspired laws and policies the ultra-right MAGA maniacs intend to implement if they gain control of the Executive and Legislative branches of government, they already have the Judicial. If many sit out the 2024 election or what's worse vote for Trump the devastating effect on the freedoms we have routinely taken for granted will be felt for decades or very possibly forever. :hmm:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I am a little bit worried, no lie. It ain't just black vs white. I cam tell a lot of black people won't have no problem voting for Trump. Then you have the anti abortion crowd, which is surprisingly a lot of black people. They're probably gonna vote Trump.

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Should you vote for a guy that has given nothing in relation to policies that benefited black people or should I vote for someone who associates with neo-nazis and racists

Logical thinking would say that you stay your ass at home on voting day
No. It's better statistically, scientifically, and democratically to vote for someone. It's true that not voting also counts as scientific data. It's just not as good as voting.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Should you vote for a guy that has given nothing in relation to policies that benefited black people or should I vote for someone who associates with neo-nazis and racists

Logical thinking would say that you stay your ass at home on voting day

Why are you always in here trying to police black American votes while your community lives in squalor?

In 2020, the Social Metrics Commission found that nearly half (46%, 900,000 people) of all people living in families where the household head was Black/African/Caribbean/Black British were in poverty, compared to just under one in five (19%) of those living in families where the head of household was White.

That Russian checked cleared for you again?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't fuck with him either. Fuck both of them for real.
I'll state again, I am a registered independent and have been one for 24 years. I have no allegiance to either party or candidate.
Oh yeah well let’s keep it even Steve since you don’t care about either and feel free to enter this thread and shit on Trump.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't fuck with him either. Fuck both of them for real.
I'll state again, I am a registered independent and have been one for 24 years. I have no allegiance to either party or candidate.

No sir. You aren't allowed to exist on here.

You're either a Biden Democrat or a Trump supporter. That's it.


Rising Star
Makes sense, why not vote MAGA where respect abounds? And who else solved financial pain than Trump? That stimulus check helped solve the pain.

And who understands and embraces your mistrust more than RFK Jr?

The smart ones know and will run away from the Democratic candidates as fast as they can.


AGAIN...this is the BIG LIE in effect. Google it. Goebbels did this for Hitler. This kind of bullshit is a prime example. Don't trust assholes like THIS.

Don't take my word for it. Google THE BIG LIE. THEY ARE HERE...on BGOL.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

AGAIN...this is the BIG LIE in effect. Google it. Goebbels did this for Hitler. This kind of bullshit is a prime example. Don't trust assholes like THIS.

Don't take my word for it. Google THE BIG LIE. THEY ARE HERE...on BGOL.
You sir are obviously not a Free thinker spouting those talking points of the plantation mentality.

Biden doesn't relate to the sneakerheads.

Biden doesn't relate to the black men with felony records who have been victimized by the justice system..

Biden has never cheated on his wife while she was giving birth to his seed but we as black men want someone who has.

Biden has done nothing to protect black jobs.

wake up sir and free your mind
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A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor

AGAIN...this is the BIG LIE in effect. Google it. Goebbels did this for Hitler. This kind of bullshit is a prime example. Don't trust assholes like THIS.

Don't take my word for it. Google THE BIG LIE. THEY ARE HERE...on BGOL.
Here's where a lot of us went wrong: We failed to realize how gullible a lot of our people are. Even though, historically, we've gone through what we've gone through, a lot of us still remain gullible, and quite frankly, fucking stupid. We rail against a government we know nothing about. Being that a lot of us are steeped in that ignorance, we don't know, as a whole, that it's Congress that controls the money, and not POTUS. So, when the orange baboon held up the stimulus check so that he could replace the Secretary of the Treasury's signature with his own, a lot of stupid motherfuckers thought that money came from Trump. Shit, some people thought it came out of his personal account! Divide & conquer used to take some doing, but now, not so much. We're like Dale in "King of the Hill". We're making it too easy for John Redcorn to fuck our wives now. We've devolved to the point to where we're using white supremacy buzzwords to describe other Black people. Some of us are just as bad and stupid as the MAGAts.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
It's in some random nigga's podcast so it must be true.


Idiots like that also predicted a "RED WAVE" for the 2022 mid-terms that never happened and was more like a trickle. For example, most of the Trump-backed candidates were unsuccessful. These pundits and wanna-be pundits, like this random YouTuber posted, have been predicting a "mass exodus" of the Black Vote since 2006. When in reality the Black Vote has been steadily increasing from election to election. Reality is not sensational enough for these fly-by-night political "experts".

Are you even eligible to vote "international member"?

Yea, that bloke needs to worry about his own Prime Minister
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Rising Star
Concerning this alleged mass exodus of 50 and under somethings from the Democratic Party I wonder if they believe things will be better under Republicans. I believe they'll be exponentially worse. They should read the MAGA manifesto known as Project 25 that lays out exactly what they intend to do from scrapping or gutting most social and affirmative action economic programs, to further suppressing the right of black people to vote, to putting the army on the streets to quell the sure to happen protests. All those black people who have those good government jobs, forget it. They'll be summarily removed and replaced by Trump loyalists who will be required to pledge allegiance to the Führer. Mass deportation of immigrants will happen with no recourse. Trump will be able to sick the Justice Department on his perceived enemies and women's reproductive rights will become even more restrictive.

Project 25 authored by the Heritage Foundation is no joke and these are just a few of the democracy killing fascist inspired laws and policies the ultra-right MAGA maniacs intend to implement if they gain control of the Executive and Legislative branches of government, they already have the Judicial. If many sit out the 2024 election or what's worse vote for Trump the devastating effect on the freedoms we have routinely taken for granted will be felt for decades or very possibly forever. :hmm:
It's all about what effects you so 850credit was correct and Jason black is correct, old nikkas got there's, a lot of you guys are homeowners so you will vote but some of us are in rentals, not living like that so most of the trump fear doesn't affect them.

People focus on themselves first period, philanthropy thinking isn't hitting like it did back then, people are seeing it more and more as a hustle and grift. Here in Miami a lot of Hispanics driving for Amazon in the burning sun for 18 a hour they voting trump or staying home.

We can fear monger all we want but the GOP doesn't really care about low wage workers like that, it's somewhat of a net and Amazon can't strip too much rights since people will just quit and no one gets packages, look at the warehouses? tons of complaints and Amazon can't do really much, they do something they have to roll it back, the voice gets too loud.

Most this democratic pandering is really fear of upper income minorities losing they stuff which is what IMO is exactly what Trump and the GOP wants, they don't care about broke cats like that you already broke...

Too much fear mongering honestly, what about the baby momma issue? You know family is a huge get out of poverty reliever right? Never talk about that on BGOL, look at pussy and bash GOP, all yall do.


Rising Star
You know what's funny?

When he spoke on insurance rates, Florida has been losing quite a few people due to rising insurance costs, mostly white families with a man and woman in the house.

Single mothers are kinda stuck they can't go anywhere, just something to think about.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Should you vote for a guy that has given nothing in relation to policies that benefited black people or should I vote for someone who associates with neo-nazis and racists

Logical thinking would say that you stay your ass at home on voting day
Most of blueGOL supports Biden so his association with neo-nazis and racists doesn’t mean much on this forum.


Rising Star
Most of blueGOL supports Biden so his association with neo-nazis and racists doesn’t mean much on this forum.
They live among class so Trump is a huge risk to them and that's understandable. You probably live like a boss too but some of yall don't live in fear like that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's not that they're gonna vote Republican. They're not gonna vote at all. And you've likely lost them forever.

We all lived through Trump, didn't like his policies. Workers kept working, what else you gonna do but get up and go to work for 4 years?

Democrats telling us it'll be the end of the country, end of democracy. Policies will change and policies will be reversed when a new administration takes over.

Unless it DIRECTLY affects you where you FEEL IT, most people aren't that invested in the political process. Black voter turnout might be historically low and many won't bother with it anymore.
I am sure you already know that not voting is voting, right? This isn’t directed toward you, but one must be the dumbest motherfucker to believe not voting for either doesn’t elect the enemy. I’m the youngest of 3. If my mother said “Pizza tonight or hot dogs?” and I said neither, I’m getting one of them, like it or not. Humans are either dumb or with it. No middle ground. I don’t think I could respect a person who looks me in the eyes in 2024 and says they hate both so they ain’t votin! Man! If any blacks person today says they are sitting THIS election out, they are our enemy.

CPT Callamity

Titty Feelin Villain
BGOL Investor
Oh yeah well let’s keep it even Steve since you don’t care about either and feel free to enter this thread and shit on Trump.

I'm good. Both of them suck equally.

No sir. You aren't allowed to exist on here.

You're either a Biden Democrat or a Trump supporter. That's it.

Right. Been hearing this shit for 2 decades now. When I have local elections (County Exec, Governer, Council Member, Mayor , etc) I vote. Those concern me a lot more than presidents. Whatever happens I just make sure I've got my ducks in a row.


The Legend
BGOL Investor


Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
I'm good. Both of them suck equally.

Right. Been hearing this shit for 2 decades now. When I have local elections (County Exec, Governer, Council Member, Mayor , etc) I vote. Those concern me a lot more than presidents. Whatever happens I just make sure I've got my ducks in a row.

List the equally "sucky" Dem policies to the Republican party's goal of eliminating the Voting Rights Act, Affirmative Action, the Civil Rights Act, overturning all Federal prosecutions of police brutality of Black people, and instituting voter supression on Black votes, removing the teaching off Black history in schools, eliminating programs that offer government contracts to Black owned businesses.

Remember "YOU " are the one that said the "suck equally" so YOU are the one that needs to back up your claim.