Flat Earthers Spend $20,000 Trying To Prove Earth Is Flat, Accidentally Prove It’s Round


Rising Star
This picture is a view of the Earth that was taken from the Cassini mission to Saturn. As you can clearly see, this picture proves that the Earth is flat. You don't see a sphere. You see a flat point.


So there you have it. The Earth is flat.

Backshot Bully

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This picture is a view of the Earth that was taken from the Cassini mission to Saturn. As you can clearly see, this picture proves that the Earth is flat. You don't see a sphere. You see a flat point.


So there you have it. The Earth is flat.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
It's unbelievable that people still think the earth is flat. It's like it's like they are living in 1867.

There is an MMA fighter in the UFC that thinks the earth is flat. I forget his name. He said until I get up in a rocket to see otherwise, the earth is flat.

I was like, A BUNCH of others have already done that retard!!!
He’s tryna hustle his way into orbit.

Nah, playa. You pay you $25 million like the rest of us.


Support BGOL
The shape of the Sun is the shape of the planet...The Sun projects its image on every planet in this solar system..
But you nighas don't know shit but what your white daddy tells you


Support BGOL
Actually the planet
is a shifting vessel..
This is why we have earthquakes and tsunamis...
Land masses break off on the planet due to the shifting..
All goes directly back to the Sun..
All the elements and minerals in and on the planet are projected there by the Sun.
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Support BGOL
Google is my friend?

So you always trust google... except when google tells you the earth is round?
Google is the most popular search engine today that's why I said it's your friend..
But you are more than welcome to use Yahoo or any other to obtain the information you need


Rising Star
Google is the most popular search engine today that's why I said it's your friend..
But you are more than welcome to use Yahoo or any other to obtain the information you need

Yeah dude Im pretty sure Yahoo will also tell you the earth is round if you ask it. Go ahead, give it a shot and let me know how that goes.


Support BGOL
I get people saying the planet is round and it could be sometimes.
But people must remember the earth is a living vessel and inside the planet it's hot beyond imagine..
Heat expands so when the Sun rays hit the planet also shit is really happening..
The planet expands during the day and retracts and night..
Land masses are always going under and new ones popping up.
The higher ranking cacs know the planet is about to go through another big shift with a major warming from solar rays .
Bill Gates wants to put a shade around the planet.
In this universe the Sun is the dick...The planets are the pussies and sun rays are the semen/sperm
Sun rays are coded with information not only for the planet but for us as well..Info Information comes into us not from inside of us out..