Flat Earthers Spend $20,000 Trying To Prove Earth Is Flat, Accidentally Prove It’s Round


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If the earth was really a circle you wouldn't be able to walk on it..
The Earth is a humongous foundation.
There's a lot in a square,it gives the ability to enter and exit..
There is no balance in a circle but in a square there is..
There's 4 parts to your feet..
2 heels and toes for balance
Remove 1 heel or toes and you can't walk due to balance ..
The Sun is the blueprint for the planets.
This is actually a 4 dimensional planet but due to cacs it's 3
This is why everything on this planet is unstable with a lot of chaos
We are operating in the 3rd dimension when it should be 4th


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I know your confused and believe the earth is round
Think on it cacs having you thinking the earth is round now look at your life ..
From generation to generation this circular movement has been passed down..
Same thinking same rituals..
Year after year,week after week,day after day life going in circles..
No change in this system they have you locked in,just constant circles
I already know your day tomorrow is planned and the rest of your week is also...
Sleep,work,eat,Jack off, movie,Jack off and then back to sleep....
Wake start back in the circle again til eventually you expire..
Completely locked in the matrix..
Pass the process to your offspring so they can begin the circular process of life..
The wise don't move in circles on a circular planet..
The wise move in a straight line


Rising Star
If the earth was really a circle you wouldn't be able to walk on it..
The Earth is a humongous foundation.
There's a lot in a square,it gives the ability to enter and exit..
There is no balance in a circle but in a square there is..
There's 4 parts to your feet..
2 heels and toes for balance
Remove 1 heel or toes and you can't walk due to balance ..
The Sun is the blueprint for the planets.
This is actually a 4 dimensional planet but due to cacs it's 3
This is why everything on this planet is unstable with a lot of chaos
We are operating in the 3rd dimension when it should be 4th

Very interesting. But how do people in South America and Africa not fall off the cube?


I may join the #CubeEarth4Life crew.
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Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Why doesn't someone start a "Flat Earther" bit coin ….. and fleece the shit out of all them ???




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My bad. I misinterpreted what you said. I like the idea of a cube though. It has 6 squares. Therefore you can measure each one in square miles.
Bingo sir...Then when you learn the sun's relationship to our cubic planet you see where we come from.


Support BGOL
You have nothing to offer but your love for cac women...You are a cancer to so called black people..
Can never trust your type


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Sammycaxx is upset I bring what is real..
So called black people you don't come Africa..
Sammycaxx wants you to refer to yourselves as black people when you truly aren't..
There's only one shade of black..
Black is black and isn't a color..
No such thing of light skin or dark skin black..
Black doesn't have different hues..
We have let sammycaxx people tell us what we are and where we come from..
They are the last group to the planet yet allowed to name everything..
The first here should be the one to place names to everything..
Fuck sammycaxx and anyone down with him.


Rising Star
Bingo sir...Then when you learn the sun's relationship to our cubic planet you see where we come from.
I like the train of thought. Those who think the Earth is round will keep going in circles and will never get anywhere. They're stuck in a never ending Matrix loop. Those who know the truth can walk in a straight line to go from point a to point b.


Support BGOL
I like the train of thought. Those who think the Earth is round will keep going in circles and will never get anywhere. They're stuck in a never ending Matrix loop. Those who know the truth can walk in a straight line to go from point a to point b.
You are one of the intelligent..
The rulers of this world are trying there hardest to prevent us from entering the 4th dimension...
They are only allowed up to the 3rd...The cacs who sit at the top of this world would give everything away to be allowed in the 4th..
The 4th dimension is where the best of us will retake the throne..
They know there time is up so they are pulling every trick out the bag to make us unfit to rule..
What they hid from is who we are and where we come from.
The so called negro in America isn't from Africa..That is a big lie that got us to believe..Even programmed us with the movie Roots in the 70's..
Majority of us was here when they arrived on the shores of America..
The original so called Indians were black..We had a government here before they arrived but lead most to believe we are a tribal people they brought from the jungles of Africa.
All races treat us different because we are different from them..
We aren't black people that is a term given to us by them...We are Bronze people who range from burnt to light...
As the Sun projects minerals and elements into the so did it do the Bronze Race..
All the humans were made in our image..They always made fun of our hair and that is how you spot them..
Our hair grows up toward the Sun while there's grow down towards the Earth...
I'm not asking anyone to believe this because when you apply logic you know