For the first time in over 17 years, André 3000 is releasing an album of new music “New Blue Sun” set to be released this Friday, Nov. 17


Mr. Pool
This is why many can’t ever make money. My background is marketing and this is a common theme.

People think that you have to be “Great or the best” to make money. Andre and many other prove over and over again that you don’t have to be great or the best to make money.

Your potential audience hardly ever requires greatness or perfection.
I don't give a fuck about sales, I'm talking quality... Which this is not.

You don't have to tell me that shit sells these days, look no further than modern day rap and well, damn near modern day anything.

Most adults spend hours debating movies based on children's comics like it's the bible or the Koran, We live in a world full of dumb. Lol


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yeah, that's exactly what people want from Andre 3000 lmao or maybe it's that people don't want a guy who can't play the flute fucking around for an hour plus while tripping balls and thinking he can play flute. :giggle:
If I can be allowed to be honest. I think once white people give it the co-sign, the dick riders will come around. These are the same people that felt richer under the former administration and bemoans Biden’s mental health.

Most of these people wouldn’t know an Andre verse if recited to them. I would even argue these Mothafuckas don’t even know rap or hip hop. Coons cosplaying as coloreds.

The man is the middle of Tokyo with a flute and not a gensu in tote. How fucking hip hop is that? We ain’t packing gats in the back of the Acs. Thats a free brother right there. How counter culture is that? He ain’t using his passport to avoid paying the local wage for pussy. The mothafucka is traveling in pursuit of his art.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Anyone giving this a good review is full of shit, I love meditation music, love weird shit but this is just trash. The man can NOT play the flute in any way shape or form. There's much better music(not that this trash is music) out there if you mother fuckers need to zone out or get deep, Anyone making up think pieces over this trash is a hipster dumb ass.

The best part is that people are going to lie to themselves and others and call this genius just because it's Andre.

From 1:53 mark.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I don't give a fuck about sales, I'm talking quality... Which this is not.

You don't have to tell me that shit sells these days, look no further than modern day rap and well, damn near modern day anything.

Most adults spend hours debating movies based on children's comics like it's the bible or the Koran, We live in a world full of dumb. Lol

Imma just leave this right here.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I don't listen to flute solos much so I cannot critique

If I didn't know 3 stacks was playing I would have NEVER even sampled this.

it was "Fine"? I guess? I fell asleep so I think I can still give it something of a slight positive.

If Andre happy? Then I'm happy for him. I will probably never listen to this again.

It's okay if he doesn't want to rap anymore and chose to dedicate himself to the flute. And it's equally okay for me to not want to hear anything BUT rap from him.

I don't like amateur rap and apparently I don't like amateur flutists either.


BGOL Patreon Investor
Yeah, that's exactly what people want from Andre 3000 lmao or maybe it's that people don't want a guy who can't play the flute fucking around for an hour plus while tripping balls and thinking he can play flute. :giggle:
Nah. He can play a bit. Not a virtuoso, but he’s pretty far beyond the equivalent of Lil Wayne on a guitar.

The album is good trippy, vibe out music to me.


BGOL Patreon Investor
Listened to all of it.

Love it. Beautiful music. Not for everyone, though.

But among the music that I enjoy, I like good instrumental music and I love atmospheric stuff like this. I enjoy sound design and interweaving textures, soundscapes and score music and ambient music. I'm a fan of John Cage, Yusef Lateef, Phil Cohran, Alice Coltrane and

Nicholas Britell

...Music that breathes and develops...that occurs to you. It inspires me to create. This is good well-produced and engineered stuff. Tracks 4 and 5 reminded me of Offramp era Pat Metheny Group.

It is not categorically a flute album. It's a collaboration of musicians blending. It is difficult to tell when Andre is playing flute or someone else is. This was clearly intentional. He fits what he does within the song, as do the other musicians. They vibed together, creating as they went along. Each doing a small thing, listening and playing off of each other. They rise, fall and fluctuate together. Good intricate soundscapes going on.

Yeah, when I heard he was releasing an album I was anticipating some bars too. Disappointed? No.

I understand that great artists have big eyes and ears. They live their lives, experience life and explore artistically. For someone whose lyrical gifts are as unique and defined as his are, this album doesn't surprise me. I would expect him to step out and look for other ways to tell stories. Art cannot progress if it fears breaking barriers.

The vibes I get from New Blue Sun are peace and healing.

In this chaotic world, I welcome that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I gotta listen again. I thought it would be like 70s funk flute solos. It’s cool he is expanding horizons, but Hip-Hop is terrible right now.