french montana's artist chinx drugz killed

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
You were a fan, I get it. Still doesn't change my view on muthafuckas that promote death, drugs and violence. That shit is damaging to our youth and we don't NEED anymore fucking hurdles to jump when we're so far behind the curve as a people. I don't look at this as "just music" because it's not. Music is one of THEE most powerful weapons at our disposal because it can shape lives so cats gotta be responsible with the shit they put out there.

People want to buy it, so it will be put out. Remember, even when 'gansta rap' didn't get airplay, cats were still buying records. Demand made it mainstream.

Cats just putting out what people demanded no longer remain underground. The sad part is after some 'studio gangsters' in the late 80s and early 90s, people felt they have to keep it real. Keeping it real has been getting people bodied ever since.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Gene who are the studio gangsters in 80s and early 90s

Damn. NWA -- one of the biggest influences during that time -- were called out by each other. Ice Cube was the first. Then it went into that Easy E vs Dr. Dre shit.

The time period don't get bigger than NWA.

Boss. Don't know about elsewhere, but she got bumped heavily in Cleveland.

Pac wasn't about that life either. Pretending to be about that life got him killed. He is the poster boy for the bullshit.

The term started to get thrown around a lot in the early 90s. It wasn't just enough to witness it; you had to do it.


Superstar *****
Platinum Member
Damn. NWA -- one of the biggest influences during that time -- were called out by each other. Ice Cube was the first. Then it went into that Easy E vs Dr. Dre shit.

The time period don't get bigger than NWA.

Boss. Don't know about elsewhere, but she got bumped heavily in Cleveland.

Pac wasn't about that life either. Pretending to be about that life got him killed. He is the poster boy for the bullshit.

The term started to get thrown around a lot in the early 90s. It wasn't just enough to witness it; you had to do it.

PAC got killed because he was a fake gangster? Real gangsters don't get killed? Not saying he was but getting killed doesn't mean you're fake

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
PAC got killed because he was a fake gangster? Real gangsters don't get killed? Not saying he was but getting killed doesn't mean you're fake

My mistake. I shouldn't have said pretending. Switching to that lifestyle did play heavily in his demise. Had he remained the "x-clan" type cat, he probably isn't dead. Then again, he probably isn't the Pac we celebrate.

Pac was smart enough to knew what sold. Unfortunately, he underestimated those who really played for blood.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What fucks me up is how it's always somebody from their hometown murking these cats out.

Like how Doe B got killed by another Birmingham cat who was in one of his videos.

You would think the people from your own hood would want to see you make it the most, but they end up being the most hateful muthafuckas. They don't want to see you having shit. Straight crabs in a barrel.

Yeah that's how it usually is.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You were a fan, I get it. Still doesn't change my view on muthafuckas that promote death, drugs and violence. That shit is damaging to our youth and we don't NEED anymore fucking hurdles to jump when we're so far behind the curve as a people. I don't look at this as "just music" because it's not. Music is one of THEE most powerful weapons at our disposal because it can shape lives so cats gotta be responsible with the shit they put out there.

Music can change lives. I was around when rap also had a positive and uplifting message. They don't hear you though.

So there's cats in here who think a nigga deserve to die for rapping. Fuck y'all and the one bedroom dirty ass apt y'all share with y'all elderly moms.

Reading if Fundamental patna. No one has said that anyone deserves to die from rapping.

What they have said is that living a gangster life has no future. And the thing is, that isn't an earth shattering statement. Who in the fuck doesn't already know that?

These guys posting up like real gangsters, posing with real guns and going by names like Coke Boys. If they aren't real gangsters, then they have no business perpetrating a fraud, because that shit will get you killed. If they are real gangsters, that shit will get you killed too. It ain't about deserves. Fuck deserves. It is about the same shit that has been going down since Niki Barnes and Frank Lucas and every other gangster that has ever by the sword, die by the sword.

I'm sorry bruh, but that shit caught me off guard. The older I get the more I lose sympathy for guys that still push drug/street culture. Working with children allows you to see just how much of an impact these guys have on kids lives and it's beyond sad. I'm a counselor too fam not a teacher. :cool:

But it's just music. Don't let your kids listen to it. Blah, blah, blah. Some people won't see it until it affects them and theirs.


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Rising Star
So there's cats in here who think a nigga deserve to die for rapping. Fuck y'all and the one bedroom dirty ass apt y'all share with y'all elderly moms.

nobody in here thinks that he deserved to be killed....


what does any logical man think is gonna happen when he glorifies murder and destruction? logic tells me that there will be nikkas that really live like that that will see if im about what i say im about....

bottomline: you attract the energy you put out


International Member
Police Investigating Possible Connection Between Chinx & Stack Bundles' Murders
<img src="*OXqSZ6MCfJeX*f6WV1t42ABOfnyPM4Qo1PxcD*Vl64x71pvtLM/390driveby0520.jpg" width="635"></a></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 12pt;">There may be a connection between</span> <strong style="font-size: 12pt;">Stack Bundles'</strong> <span style="font-size: 12pt;">2007 murder and</span> <strong style="font-size: 12pt;">Chinx's</strong> <span style="font-size: 12pt;">shooting death Sunday, May 17.</span></p>
<p><span class="font-size-3">Bundles, real name,&nbsp;<strong>Rayquon Elliott</strong>, was the leader of the <strong>Riot Squad</strong>, which included Chinx, <strong>Bynoe</strong> and <strong>Cau2G$</strong>.</span></p>
<blockquote><p><span class="font-size-3">"I really think they could be related," Elliott's older brother <strong>Ronald Ulmer</strong>, 48, told the <a sl-processed="1" rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank">New York Daily News</a>. "They were tight. They were a crew. And I just think if a person commits a crime as harsh as killing, and they think they got away with it, they will surface and do it again."</span></p>
<p><a sl-processed="1" href="*5c1*YD504FTfn75-tt05d0Q0GgIQaW-UDMmalGpCtFyCZcInurCY2/stackbundles.jpg" target="_self"><img src="*5c1*YD504FTfn75-tt05d0Q0GgIQaW-UDMmalGpCtFyCZcInurCY2/stackbundles.jpg" width="691"></a></p>
<p>Stack Bundles died at age 24 in 2007, after being shot in the head at the&nbsp;Redfern Houses in Far Rockaway</p>
<p><span class="font-size-3">Bundles' sister <strong>Geannie Ulmer</strong> spoke at Jamaica Medical Center Sunday after Chinx, real name <strong>Lionel Pickens</strong>, was rushed there and pronounced dead.</span></p>
<blockquote><p><span class="font-size-3">"(He) is laying in the same place my brother did. For what? For rapping? For what he believed in?" she said. "You got to look at that. Somebody's out there aiming for us."</span></p>
<p><a sl-processed="1" href="*QNUcpSut494n2FOXTURm1s90BN0RyrLhqYiWJQjRQ0PCnbvFvprfu04LVPig-7UM*CX4/screenshot_872.jpg" target="_self"><img src="*QNUcpSut494n2FOXTURm1s90BN0RyrLhqYiWJQjRQ0PCnbvFvprfu04LVPig-7UM*CX4/screenshot_872.jpg" width="560"></a></p>
<p>Chinx a.k.a. Lionel Pickens</p>
<p><span class="font-size-3">The similarities between both tragedies have piqued the interest of police.</span></p>
<p><span class="font-size-3">Both rappers owned brand new Porches. Chinx also grew up in the Redfern Houses.</span></p>
<blockquote><p><span class="font-size-3">"They were friends, Stack Bundles and Chinx. They were friends, so we're looking at all hip-hop angles," NYPD Chief of Detectives <strong>Robert Boyce</strong> said Tuesday.&nbsp;"We've been getting a lot of information from the hip-hop community, from social media sites, any contacts this individual (Pickens) may have had. I do not have an eyeball witness right now to that scene."</span></p>
<p><span class="font-size-3">Police believe the investigation may take some time.</span></p>
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hate when ppl take pix at funerals

That's why i don't go to any

i thought i was the only one.................seems weird as fuck to me then people be posting them on social media

IDK whatever helps you get through it i guess

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
RIP to that man.

The conversation has legs yet it is not right gut to state he died because of what he rapped.
indirectly he did bro...Yes brothers get killed everyday but when you rap and give out a certain image you are targeted by that life style. Its brothers out here that have never heard a gunshot in their life because they live in a totally different world. Fam got killed because he chose to dabble in this gangsta shit. Gangsta shit is real fam it is not a movie. Niggas like Rick Ross are insulated because they have the means to do so. Chinx didn't have paper like that so it was harder for him to pretend.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
