Fresh & Fit aka ultra coons got demonetized. They begging for donations and the location where they shoot at want them gone. Let's rejoice fam!


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Wait a minute...

Just wait a goddamned minute yall....

These coonballs were demonitized, not kicked off of youtube. They can still run their channel and direct traffic to wherever they want it to go. If you have a million fucking followers and can't make money without receiving checks from youtube, then yeah, you need to close up shop and run to rumble.

But whatever, let em be demonetized and cry like hoes.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Don't understand what the crying is about. Don't they have a rumble contract? They can't make money through direct donations/subscriptions,patreon, onlyfans?

And no I don't mean the traditional onlyfans route. Im guessing you can sell any type of content through onlyfans.

Fuck'em regardless though.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I see no point in rejoicing another's failure.

Don't watch that red pill content.

Wish them the best on their future endeavors
Congratulations. Now….

They made millions. FUCK EM! Typical immigrant black, “We are not black, didn’t know that was racist, “Well, in my country” ass ninjas. Only some immigrant coons would put on a klan hood and make monkey sounds on a livestream. Fuck them, their parents and little sister. I’m glad that shit happened to them. I hate a sellout almost as much as a racist. Bitch ninja even sounds white when he cries. Tommy Sotomayor-ass ninjas.
Fuck em. :raccoon:
Fuck they mommas for raisin em. :dance:
Fuck their accountant. :dance2:
Fu-uh-uhk em. :mike::bravo:
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Sucks to suck.

"He said the line!!!!"


4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Don't understand what the crying is about. Don't they have a rumble contract? They can't make money through direct donations/subscriptions,patreon, onlyfans?

And no I don't mean the traditional onlyfans route. Im guessing you can sell any type of content through onlyfans.

Fuck'em regardless though.

From my understanding, YouTube (besides Only Fans) pays the best when it comes to live stream revenue.

Most social media platforms will pays content creators once they reach a certain following. The payment can be based on many things such as ads, engagement (like, shares, comments), and number of views.

The payments are inconsistent in amount, but I’m certain they were making good money with that type of following and made the most live streaming YouTube.

I doubt they get a fraction of YouTube’s revenue from donations and subscriptions. They still get bread, but being demonetized from YouTube can be deflating. I seen it happen to a few channels.

Fuck them dudes though.

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The best explanation, I've heard of what got them kicked off and it didn't have shit to do with community strikes on Youtube.. Good listen. In a nutshell, just like when you work for a corporation, you can be fired for doing stupid shit outside of work that brings a bad light to the company.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just want to point out the significance of these motherfcukers getting got...EVERYBODY here is on ONE ACCORD!!!!! This NEVER happens here in these BGOL streets!! Hell even porn on the front board gets 4-5 people disagreeing on the broad in the video: "She's too fat!" "She ain't got no ass." "Tired of seeing these white girls on the main board!" This thread, we're all singing Kumbaya! And we can thank these sell out motherfcukers for that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just want to point out the significance of these motherfcukers getting got...EVERYBODY here is on ONE ACCORD!!!!! This NEVER happens here in these BGOL streets!! Hell even porn on the front board gets 4-5 people disagreeing on the broad in the video: "She's too fat!" "She ain't got no ass." "Tired of seeing these white girls on the main board!" This thread, we're all singing Kumbaya! And we can thank these sell out motherfcukers for that.


hey if you like beckys you like beckys, but only a weak no game having muthafucka, needs to put down a whole Nation/Race of

people to try to become an officially accepted kneegrow... but when you do too much, prepare for the backlash,

and he is just proving what a weak spineless bitch he is, crying like a child who dropped his ice cream cone....

I bet his tears taste like lemonade but I wont find out because I dont drink faggot water!! and his sidekick

is the worst... these are the types of bruhs, the feds and the cia use to infiltrate us and put monkey wrenchs

in our progress....

They are the perfect example of folks that look like us BUT AINT US!!!!

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
The best explanation, I've heard of what go them kicked off and it didn't have shit to do with community strikes on the Youtube.. Good listen. In a nutshell, just like when you work for a corporation, you can be fired for doing stupid shit outside of work that brings a bad light to the company.

The problem with these content creators is they truly believe this is their platform and they are doing the company a service by bring content to them. While the latter maybe true to a degree, the former isn’t. Therefore, you have to represent the platform you’re on.

On my page, I always censor the N-Word. Even if there is educational value in it. I don’t use that or any other derogatory words on my page. I immediately hide and delete comments that does. The reason is because that social media platform isn’t mine and at any point, they can stop paying me

However, F&F exist because controversy pays. Just like sex sells. In a content creators world, engagement and views matters most.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So,it's basically a bunch of guys with no game and blame women for everything....gotcha.

It's weird af. Niggas I knew had come ups, started getting hoes, and just enjoyed the fruits of their labor. These niggas got bread and instead of just fucking bad bitches and being happy as protocol dictates, they're on a crusade to break the bitches they've always wanted to fuck.


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
In not gonna lie, I'm a bit conflicted on this whole "red pill" topic...

On one hand I feel these dudes is giving a bit of free game to fellas that's on THAT level... the ones without much game but came up and are now easy targets for that section of devious women that are out there and will financially dominate and drain a simp's checking account with no hesitation or remorse.

Then the other side of it is you KNOW these niggas only got this game because they got "got" by some chic and now they butt hurt... or, like mentioned earlier, they're dudes that want to break the types of chics they never could have when they were just regular ass dudes...

It's almost like they're a necessary evil... all play a part in the game


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's weird af. Niggas I knew had come ups, started getting hoes, and just enjoyed the fruits of their labor. These niggas got bread and instead of just fucking bad bitches and being happy as protocol dictates, they're on a crusade to break the bitches they've always wanted to fuck.

Nah yall not getting it, these muthafuckin dudes are major corny simps wanting

LOVE, they want women to LOVE THEM.. they want to FEEL LOVED, but dont know

how to go about it... they are obsessed with beckys, but cant get one to love them for who they are,

they KNOW they only get chicks because of their lil fame and fortune, but they want LOVE,

but women aint stupid they KNOW when a dude is corny no matter how much money he has,

and that pisses dudes like these two weirdo simps and guys like akademics off...

and the reason that arab sudanese fraud with the fake American name Myron was crying

because he didnt realize that Kniggas still have power in this country, you see it, when we start to move

as one..

All it takes is for the majority of us, to get tired of yo shit.. and Watch what happens.

dude wasnt crying because he was demonitzed dude was crying because he miscalculated

the power of the True American gods, like some immigrants who think by shitting on the True

Americans, they will reap most of the rewards... sheeet cacs use dumb muthafuckas like that,

then discard them...

Lets see him put that kkk hood on again.. I bet his whole racial schtick is going to experience a slow

painful death..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In not gonna lie, I'm a bit conflicted on this whole "red pill" topic...

On one hand I feel these dudes is giving a bit of free game to fellas that's on THAT level... the ones without much game but came up and are now easy targets for that section of devious women that are out there and will financially dominate and drain a simp's checking account with no hesitation or remorse.

Then the other side of it is you KNOW these niggas only got this game because they got "got" by some chic and now they butt hurt... or, like mentioned earlier, they're dudes that want to break the types of chics they never could have when they were just regular ass dudes...

It's almost like they're a necessary evil... all play a part in the game
I'm with you but these dudes are just fleecing incels. They don't have a single original thought. They just repeat and sell Kevin Samuels and Rollo Thomasi talking points. And KS and RT just rebranded Patrice O'neal and Tom Leykis game. They use the facade of helping men to shit on women. They book Miami onlyfans bimbos, get them drunk, then talk shit to them for three hours. And their audience of men who ain't had pussy since pussy had them, love it! Then these niggas take that money and buy pussy on sugarbaby sites while telling their crowd real niggas don't buy box.

I'm fortunate enough to have a dope ass Pop I can STILL get wisdom from. And I had some A1 OGs who clowned us but then gave us game. No superchats. No thousand dollar courses. Just game. And they didn't shit on women. If I came home from a night out and didn't bag any hoes, they'd crack jokes and then tell me what I did wrong. And what I need to do next time for a different result. Was I shooting out of my league? Was it my cologne or lack thereof? Confidence? Was my breath hummin or my clothes outdated? It was always self assessment and triage. It was always on us. Not that I need to tell you, fam. Youre oldschool too. You remember. These niggas ain't that.