Fresh & Fit aka ultra coons got demonetized. They begging for donations and the location where they shoot at want them gone. Let's rejoice fam!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah yall not getting it, these muthafuckin dudes are major corny simps wanting

LOVE, they want women to LOVE THEM.. they want to FEEL LOVED, but dont know

how to go about it... they are obsessed with beckys, but cant get one to love them for who they are,

they KNOW they only get chicks because of their lil fame and fortune, but they want LOVE,

but women aint stupid they KNOW when a dude is corny no matter how much money he has,

and that pisses dudes like these two weirdo simps and guys like akademics off...

and the reason that arab sudanese fraud with the fake American name Myron was crying

because he didnt realize that Kniggas still have power in this country, you see it, when we start to move

as one..

All it takes is for the majority of us, to get tired of yo shit.. and Watch what happens.

dude wasnt crying because he was demonitzed dude was crying because he miscalculated

the power of the True American gods, like some immigrants who think by shitting on the True

Americans, they will reap most of the rewards... sheeet cacs use dumb muthafuckas like that,

then discard them...

Lets see him put that kkk hood on again.. I bet his whole racial schtick is going to experience a slow

painful death..
You're not wrong. They have whole podcasts on telling men to find women who have burning desire for them. Then got exposed for being on Seeking Arrangements sugarbaby/sugar daddy sites. When the cameras are off, and the club is closed, and they're all alone in their apartments, they know they're lame. And that shit eats at them because they thought money and clout would change that feeling. Ain't no cheating the process. Either you do the inner work to fix that shit or you dont. But money can't unlame you. You'll just be a lame nigga with money.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In not gonna lie, I'm a bit conflicted on this whole "red pill" topic...

On one hand I feel these dudes is giving a bit of free game to fellas that's on THAT level... the ones without much game but came up and are now easy targets for that section of devious women that are out there and will financially dominate and drain a simp's checking account with no hesitation or remorse.

Then the other side of it is you KNOW these niggas only got this game because they got "got" by some chic and now they butt hurt... or, like mentioned earlier, they're dudes that want to break the types of chics they never could have when they were just regular ass dudes...

It's almost like they're a necessary evil... all play a part in the game

hey like LIFE there are LEVELS to everything... the only dudes that make sense in this "manosphere" are the ones that still

date sisters..

the ones that dont are using the manosphere to justify their undying love for pale chicks, I mean if you prefer pale chicks thats

your preference.. but you dont have to knock a whole race of sisters to justify it...

I find those are the ones that use this manosphere thingy to justify their racial insecurities are the frauds

fucking up the game...

Manosphere is about straight men who will not compromise their masculinity and join the sexual confusion

parade. They love and respect WOMEN who remain FEMININE while ignoring the delusional mind of the FEMINIST...

but the manosphere has allowed itself to be infected with the fresh and fit, nick feuentes or whatever that lil spanish faggots name is,

lots of closet faggots, like that shapiro and fuentes dude hiding behind the manosphere name,

Eventually Real Kniggas are going to break off and start their own movement which will bring back love and unity with our

FEMININE sisters..

Leave all the angry faggot simpy shit behind!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah yall not getting it, these muthafuckin dudes are major corny simps wanting

LOVE, they want women to LOVE THEM.. they want to FEEL LOVED, but dont know

how to go about it... they are obsessed with beckys, but cant get one to love them for who they are,

they KNOW they only get chicks because of their lil fame and fortune, but they want LOVE,

but women aint stupid they KNOW when a dude is corny no matter how much money he has,

and that pisses dudes like these two weirdo simps and guys like akademics off...

and the reason that arab sudanese fraud with the fake American name Myron was crying

because he didnt realize that Kniggas still have power in this country, you see it, when we start to move

as one..

All it takes is for the majority of us, to get tired of yo shit.. and Watch what happens.

dude wasnt crying because he was demonitzed dude was crying because he miscalculated

the power of the True American gods, like some immigrants who think by shitting on the True

Americans, they will reap most of the rewards... sheeet cacs use dumb muthafuckas like that,

then discard them...

Lets see him put that kkk hood on again.. I bet his whole racial schtick is going to experience a slow

painful death..
You're not wrong, but I think it goes beyond love for lame mfkrs like them....

You got an East African/ Saudia Arabia ass mfkr that's telling people his name is Myron Gaines....
That's strike #1

They're pushing "man-centric, manosphere, red pill" or whatever else they call it game in front of the camera, yet you're online tricking on box when you're not working.....
Strike #2

But they preach "burning desire" BS.....
They want women to worship, admire and damn near wait on them hand and foot.......

They seek praise, along with fame and supposed fortune.

Their woman better be making them sandwiches while they're on XBOX Live, sucking some dick during breaks, doing the nastiest freakish shit they can imagine at a moments notice......
And don't complain about a damn thing I do, because "I'm the King!"

It's a delusional existence they dream of because in their reality they know they don't deserve any of it. They're not Fresh nor Fit, them mfkrs are frauds and tricks

BTW strike #3 was the fucking klan hood and monkey noises......ain't no self respecting black person / person of color IN THIS COUNTRY gonna do no Sambo ass shit like that especially not talking about other black people......fuck them mfkrs!


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
I'm with you but these dudes are just fleecing incels. They don't have a single original thought. They just repeat and sell Kevin Samuels and Rollo Thomasi talking points. And KS and RT just rebranded Patrice O'neal and Tom Leykis game. They use the facade of helping men to shit on women. They book Miami onlyfans bimbos, get them drunk, then talk shit to them for three hours. And their audience of men who ain't had pussy since pussy had them, love it! Then these niggas take that money and buy pussy on sugarbaby sites while telling their crowd real niggas don't buy box.

I'm fortunate enough to have a dope ass Pop I can STILL get wisdom from. And I had some A1 OGs who clowned us but then gave us game. No superchats. No thousand dollar courses. Just game. And they didn't shit on women. If I came home from a night out and didn't bag any hoes, they'd crack jokes and then tell me what I did wrong. And what I need to do next time for a different result. Was I shooting out of my league? Was it my cologne or lack thereof? Confidence? Was my breath hummin or my clothes outdated? It was always self assessment and triage. It was always on us. Not that I need to tell you, fam. Youre oldschool too. You remember. These niggas ain't that.
That's just it though... you had people in your circle to guide you, as did I. It came from everywhere with me... grandfathers, uncles, sister, cousins... I had that support system in place from day 1 so I was always good

Then the group of guys I came up with, I've known all my life and those that still had their dads in their lives would give us the game also. We was fortunate bro, so when the "success" came and you get the broads that look and want only 1 thing from you weeding them out or playing them before they play you is easy.

We take that shit for granted, having the elders around us...

And another thing too, which my girlfriend brought up in discussion, is these dudes are an over-correction of the women empowerment/feminist movement.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She's getting rid of the baby:

I mean he called it, and I called it in another thread. Theres no way the modern mentally-ill Asian women has a baby with Fresh without the ability to have constant money coming in. Shes a hoe straight up, but Asians have a clear heirarchy. A mixed(black) baby from someone who isnt popular and rich does nothing for her. He was just an easy mark.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She's getting rid of the baby:

I mean he called it, and I called it in another thread. Theres no way the modern mentally-ill Asian women has a baby with Fresh without the ability to have constant money coming in. Shes a hoe straight up, but Asians have a clear heirarchy. A mixed(black) baby from someone who isnt popular and rich does nothing for her. He was just an easy mark.

IMO shit was all a lie to drum up attention


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Those cunts are the worst of the worst Sambos.

hey you heard the way Tariq SONNED that fool .. fit... BRUH it was a thing of beauty,

and fit AINT nevah been the same since...

Tariq came back lovely from his failed debate with that fool jesse lee patterson,

the way he verbally slapped the shit out of FIT, there is NO coming back from!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I kNOW Myron is STILL crying in the CAR

after hearing that shit. but his weak spineless ass

will only try to come back a harder racist later,

he is obsessed with pale face acceptance.. thats some

pathetic existing right there, needing acceptance from lessor beings..

gatdamn!! but not for nothin...

why is pale face so obsessed with "IQ's"

and LEAVE out EQ's which is just as if NOT more IMPORTANT...

a HIGH IQ just means you have a good to great MEMORY, thats IT,

a fuckin PARROT brain can accomplish that...

but a high EQ.... in combination with a HIGH IQ

creates GODS...

most RACIST pale faces have low EQ's.... you can tell by their suicide and

depression rates...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
These dudes stay losing!!..Oh well

again I have to say, fools like him and andrew tate think

pale face created fiat notes, is the only way you have power,

they underestimated the gods of the earth aka THE BRUHS

I remember a few months ago both these dudes were sitting high,

and for some reason, they thought it was cool to go around saying

knigga with the hard r, and repeating pale face talkin points, about

bruh men being the most violent, blah blah blah.. well

first tate got played like a big sucker, they told that tragic mulatto,

he will be able to leave romania and travel freely...

this fool always talkin about family and children... blah blah blah,

the minute the thought he was going to be released he got geeky

as fuck, and started talkin bout, going to the italian alps, or hittin

up Miami... nothing about being with family or his children.. He hates

family life... lol... then after he got all geeked they told him, nah you cant leave..

then all of a sudden he started talkin about staying home and being around his brother and friends is all he

I KNOW he was pissed... and thats the universe lettin him know,

Keep thinkin yo life will be sweet fuckin with the gods..

and this fool myron went extra Hard at bruhs... then he got the

SONNING of his LIFE...

TARIQ NASHEED verbally smacked him into a grave... raised him up

and smacked him down again... He fucked Myrons head up so bad,

he was never the same since... now everytime he tries to come at

the Gods of America.. aka kniggas... pale face the FOLKS HE TRYING TO IMPRESS

REMINDS HIM WHERE HE IS FROM..... in other words they are saying

despite what we may say, we more aligned with Tariq's logic then

your ass kissing...

the Only one who used to go hard at bruh Candace Owens

saved herself, by going extra hard at the demonic zionist jews,

she going so hard exposing them.. a knigga Almost wants to

forgive her for what she said about bruh George Floyd RIPower...

ALMOST... but bruh the way she going at the elitist zionist jews....

bruh shit is truly living up to her name Candace.... Warrior....

the way she sonned RABBId shumuley on piers morgan

was a thing of fuckin BEAUTY... they shut her channel down after that..

just confirming that elitist parasitic satanic jews took over this country...

and will use the banking system and media they control to shut you down.

but they are running out of power and Kniggas ARE GAINING power in


all them fools who joined the Other team at our expense..

are ALL GOING DOWN looking stupid as fuck...

myron and andrew tate leading the pack, that lil weirdo,

nick fuentes should be next, but he is such a little beta male faggot,

its like .. ah fuck that lil flea... that fuckin gnat... he is just so small and

insignificant like ben shapiro... you will feel bad smackin them up,

verbally or physically..

Myron is going out sad as fuck......At least andrew tate actually has his bruh and a few people he can roll with in his circle..

myron wants to be accepted around pale faces only.. and they leaving him behind in droves...

he going out sad and pathetic....tate is just going out lookin stupid..

let them keep thinkin the gods of this earth dont have power..

after tate said knigga with the hard r.. about a week later, some

muslim arab alledgedly stabbed some lil whyte girls to death in england..

and them english pale faces ended up calling him knigga with

the hard R and worse..


spiritual power is greater than physical power..


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
again I have to say, fools like him and andrew tate think

pale face created fiat notes, is the only way you have power,

they underestimated the gods of the earth aka THE BRUHS

I remember a few months ago both these dudes were sitting high,

and for some reason, they thought it was cool to go around saying

knigga with the hard r, and repeating pale face talkin points, about

bruh men being the most violent, blah blah blah.. well

first tate got played like a big sucker, they told that tragic mulatto,

he will be able to leave romania and travel freely...

this fool always talkin about family and children... blah blah blah,

the minute the thought he was going to be released he got geeky

as fuck, and started talkin bout, going to the italian alps, or hittin

up Miami... nothing about being with family or his children.. He hates

family life... lol... then after he got all geeked they told him, nah you cant leave..

then all of a sudden he started talkin about staying home and being around his brother and friends is all he

I KNOW he was pissed... and thats the universe lettin him know,

Keep thinkin yo life will be sweet fuckin with the gods..

and this fool myron went extra Hard at bruhs... then he got the

SONNING of his LIFE...

TARIQ NASHEED verbally smacked him into a grave... raised him up

and smacked him down again... He fucked Myrons head up so bad,

he was never the same since... now everytime he tries to come at

the Gods of America.. aka kniggas... pale face the FOLKS HE TRYING TO IMPRESS

REMINDS HIM WHERE HE IS FROM..... in other words they are saying

despite what we may say, we more aligned with Tariq's logic then

your ass kissing...

the Only one who used to go hard at bruh Candace Owens

saved herself, by going extra hard at the demonic zionist jews,

she going so hard exposing them.. a knigga Almost wants to

forgive her for what she said about bruh George Floyd RIPower...

ALMOST... but bruh the way she going at the elitist zionist jews....

bruh shit is truly living up to her name Candace.... Warrior....

the way she sonned RABBId shumuley on piers morgan

was a thing of fuckin BEAUTY... they shut her channel down after that..

just confirming that elitist parasitic satanic jews took over this country...

and will use the banking system and media they control to shut you down.

but they are running out of power and Kniggas ARE GAINING power in


all them fools who joined the Other team at our expense..

are ALL GOING DOWN looking stupid as fuck...

myron and andrew tate leading the pack, that lil weirdo,

nick fuentes should be next, but he is such a little beta male faggot,

its like .. ah fuck that lil flea... that fuckin gnat... he is just so small and

insignificant like ben shapiro... you will feel bad smackin them up,

verbally or physically..

Myron is going out sad as fuck......At least andrew tate actually has his bruh and a few people he can roll with in his circle..

myron wants to be accepted around pale faces only.. and they leaving him behind in droves...

he going out sad and pathetic....tate is just going out lookin stupid..

let them keep thinkin the gods of this earth dont have power..

after tate said knigga with the hard r.. about a week later, some

muslim arab alledgedly stabbed some lil whyte girls to death in england..

and them english pale faces ended up calling him knigga with

the hard R and worse..


spiritual power is greater than physical power..
Nigga this shit was 5 thumb swipes you gotta tighten this up...


Rising Star
hey you heard the way Tariq SONNED that fool .. fit... BRUH it was a thing of beauty,

and fit AINT nevah been the same since...

Tariq came back lovely from his failed debate with that fool jesse lee patterson,

the way he verbally slapped the shit out of FIT, there is NO coming back from!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shit is wild. Channel was making 275k/month on Youtube with no brand deals or sponsorships. Just ad revenue and superchats. They fucked that bag up something serious.

Too stupid to stay in between the lines. The beginning of the end was when they started copy right striking other youtubers. They were dumb enough to send a copy right strike to that Attorney on there. Idiots


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Was that before or after YouTube's cut?

From what I heard, that's what they were clearing. And 70 of that was going to overhead (studio and paying their staff). So they were basically clearing 100k a piece per month.

I'm in the Youtube Partner program and they give you a lot of analytics but I've never seen one with their take. They just give us estimates on what we've made per video.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Too stupid to stay in between the lines. The beginning of the end was when they started copy right striking other youtubers. They were dumb enough to send a copy right strike to that Attorney on there. Idiots

Seriously, all they had to do was keep doing their goofy show bashing the OF models. They got in their feelings from the critiques. That's part of the game, and quite frankly it's putting more eyes on your channel.