You're explaining the obvious and it's supporting my point. The Night King and his generals never had to engage in "The Great Battle". We all know why they didn't. We all watched the obvious. What I'm saying is that by devising a way to have them engage both allows their power to be displayed in a more compelling way + gives a bigger payoff when the force is matched. It elevates both the protagonist and the antogonist. They walk through and then eliminate the most powerful antagonists without a real physical or psychological battle. He's taken out by a quick dagger from a surprise attack in the most improbable of circumstances without ever once engaging in face to face battle. All I'm saying is that this could have, for me, taken a 9.999999999 to a 10... that's it...
He's ALREADY 'displaying his power in a compelling way', bruh.
You want him to be able to Raise the Dead... AND... be as good as Sir Arthur Dayne with a Sword also?

C'mon man.
You want hand-to-hand combat.... so the guy raised THOUSANDS of people from the dead who literally 'gave you hand-to-hand combat' action scenes.
That's the part you're missing.
Jon Snow just got his driver's permit last week man. He's the fucking Night King on a fucking Ice Dragon in the fucking heavy ass cover against someone (1/2 the opponents) who just stopped on a dragon for the first time a minute ago.. of course he survived that. He "survived" something that couldn't hurt him. He wasn't challenged...he was immune. That just revealed he was immune. That was a reveal for us as to how powerful he was...not a challenge for him.
Still the greatest episode I've seen on tv.... yall are acting like it's beyond saying "damn..i would have liked to see more of this"
Jon Snow rode a Dragon for the first time.... exactly ONE episode after the Night King rode a Dragon for the first time.

The Nigt King didn't have any Dragons laying around for the last few Centuries.... so he just got his driver's permit also.
Nobody knew the Night King was 'completely immune' to Dragonfire before tonight's episode.

So you can't just automatically dismiss the use of Dragonfire as though... he wasn't challenged.
He WAS challenged. But we ALL learned that it did not work.
Ssshhhheeeeiiiiitttt.. the Night King himself probably didn't even know he was immune to Dragonfire.

He was like Shazam.. learning he has a new immunity / power. ("Ahhh sheeitt.... Y'all mofos are in trouble now. That shit aint work. Im the mofucking Night King. You want beef?? Talk to my guys, about it. They handle all my lightwork, Wait lemme raise them back up for you... I got some other business to tend to with the cripple kid, over by those trees.")
But at this point, you wanted to see the Night King turn into a Mortal Kombat Character... and get busy with fisticuffs.

That's all.