Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Sam was fighting like
I got the best lookin wildling tho


BGOL Legend
Dragons got beat up but they good

Hound got ptsd like a mug, he still gonna take out his bro

I told my gal dany ain’t leadin that dragon to save Jon so many times, top dragon and top Targaryen are linked.
He feels when Jon needs help and is always there.

Lady bear, who the fuck trained that girl? They a mvp.

Nk got hit with the Marlo

No one, my name is my name!

My fuckin god, this was the best shit I’ve seen on tv

I still got avengers to watch wtf

Man this was must see
I'm going to watch it again right now


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Dothraki were hyped and ready
They were literally lit


I thought is was the stupidest thing to do

Run up on some zombies

Lady bear didn’t have to die to just one arrow to the face and the giant is gone

Fog of war tho

People talk shit about Sam but never been in the shit, fog of war is not to be fucked with

Even the most trained lose it


BGOL Legend
I thought is was the stupidest thing to do

Run up on some zombies

Lady bear didn’t have to die to just one arrow to the face and the giant is gone

Fog of war tho

People talk shit about Sam but never been in the shit, fog of war is not to be fucked with

Even the most trained lose it

Sam fought

Not the most skilled fighter but he fought
He cried but he fought

Lady had no arrows
She saw something needed to be done and did it


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Crazy how the blade that was meant to kill bran saves the north and whole world

Bran the mvp!

Where the fuck is ghost? Lol


BGOL Legend
i watched it twice before i even came in here

best hour and 22 mins of tv i have ever seen

i literally had tears in my eyes the whole time

I was just stunned
I enjoy the call before the storm
But what I appreciate with thrones is there's no time to be cheesy on the battle field

Nobody had time to say cute things like shows and movies do

I love that on this show if you fighting for your life you keep fighting until there is a winner or loser

Ain't no halftime


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Sam fought

Not the most skilled fighter but he fought
He cried but he fought

Lady had no arrows
She saw something needed to be done and did it
No I mean someone could have hit that nigga in his face before hand

Lil girl tho, she got bitch slapped by a giant

Then crushed and still took that nigga out


Rising Star
That nigga Gendry really walked up to the front in the beginning next to Hound but i didn't really see him put in work like that during the battle

Bran told Theon he was a good man in the most ungrateful voice ever and showed no emotion to Arya at the end


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The dagger that killed the night king been passed around alot, didnt Tyrion first lose it in a crap game to Little Finger?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Battle was well done but I don't get the plan at the beginning. Why not hit them with the ballistas and catapults from the start and then have the Dothraki charge once their line is broke.

I guess Ghost is dead? off screen at that He could have really helped out in the crypt.

Good deaths for everyone except Ed . Samwell shoulda been in the crypts. He serves no purpose now that the NK is dead.

Plot armor saved EVERYONE in the crypts. They didnt even attempt to fight. That was low point of episode.

I was confused by Brans actions initially but on second watch its clear he sent the ravens directly to where the NK was "hiding". So he effectively drew him out so Dany and Jon could engage him.

I think the darkness and fog was way for them to turn the detail level way down for all the dragon CGI and white walker makeup.

I am a little disappointed that NK resolution was so tidy. Given the background on his creation I would have hoped for something more clever to lead to his demise.

Dealing with Cersei's BS seems like small potatoes now. I mean just fly Arya in on a dragon and drop her off at Red Keep and it would be handled.


BGOL Legend
man i have never in my damn life been on the edge of my seat for an ENTIRE FUCKING 90 MINUTES.

I loved the subtle shots of the entire battle so you got a view of the scope of the battle followed by up close and personal action

They're fighting and then dragons are breathing fire to help and it's the first time they've seen dragons in action and it showed