Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Bran never told them don’t deploy the unsullied and Dothraki though. Can’t ignore that.

Bran said put me by the tree. He will come for me and that’s how he will be lured out to be killed. Just follow instructions. Bran let people chose their own fates. Just like this episode. He could have told Sansa and Arya who John really was. What did he say? It’s your choice.

Hell he didn’t need Theon either. But Theon wanted/needed redemption so he let him come. That’s actually brilliant writing.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
When are them shitz going to lay some eggs

:lol: Aren't they all male?

Breanne's pussy doesnt grip like Cersei's


I thought it was supposed to bounce off it’s chest, then I remembered it dragon from lord of the rings that got the armored chest

Smaug was blinged out with gold.

Yo it's ON like Donkey Kong now.

Damn. I see now the writers were like lets get this Winter Zombie shit done so we can get to the shit we actually can handle.

I don't even care if they resolve the unanswered prophecy now.

Shit is gonna be nasty next week.

Yeah, it's clear they wanted to wrap up the Night King shit and get back to the real-world drama. Still, they practically threw a whole storyline in the trash in the process.

I thought euron was gonna pop

Up from behind Cersei, like how

This little mfer know bout 'our'

Child! :lol:

I doubt they'll even mention this.

Nah I think Bronn was actually saying fuck you to Cersei in that scene by negotiating with Tyrion and Jaime.

If it comes down to it he'd off both if he has to but would prefer to work with them and still come out on top.

He wouldn't pop Tyrion or Jaime.

They're just trying to hurry up and wrap up the show. But in doing so they've fucked up the show. Which has always been based on great writing and pacing.

It's still entertaining, but the artistry and character development are gone. It's more like a soap opera now.

If you’ve done taking any writing courses, you’ll see they’ve been setting John up to be king for years. You don’t bring a character back from the dead, make him the true heir, and make him the people’s choice for king to not have him at least get the throne even if he refuses it. Anything else would be terrible writing.

"If you've done taking ...." :roflmao:

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
:lol: Aren't they all male?


Smaug was blinged out with gold.

Yeah, it's clear they wanted to wrap up the Night King shit and get back to the real-world drama. Still, they practically threw a whole storyline in the trash in the process.

I doubt they'll even mention this.

He wouldn't pop Tyrion or Jaime.

It's still entertaining, but the artistry and character development are gone. It's more like a soap opera now.

"If you've done taking ...." :roflmao:

You ain’t shit :lol: I’m not even going to correct that shit either. Lol


Rising Star
Do you realize you just equated Dany to cersei? Yet you don’t get why people think Dany is mad? Both Cersei and Dany are not fit to be queen because they will say the end justifies the means and kill innocents. Dany no longer cares if she has to destroy king’s Landing and kill the very people she said she would protect from poor rule.

As for Arya and Sansa they admit they don’t know her like Jon does but what they have seen of her they realize she is not a good queen. They see the high possibility of future conflicts because of Dany.

I didnt equate them at all.

Im saying when people talk about Cersei, they dont say she is mad, they say she is willing to do anything.

Dany has already proven she is nothing like her, a bunch of times over.

Sansa and Arya hating her doesnt change that.


International Member
Bran said put me by the tree. He will come for me and that’s how he will be lured out to be killed. Just follow instructions. Bran let people chose their own fates. Just like this episode. He could have told Sansa and Arya who John really was. What did he say? It’s your choice.

Hell he didn’t need Theon either. But Theon wanted/needed redemption so he let him come. That’s actually brilliant writing.

Wishful thinking that bran is telling them do nothing but put me by the tree and that’s all that is needed. Nk shows up thinking this is too easy and senses Arya sneaking up on him even earlier. The battle plays its part. Anyone thinking there was no need for a battle are nitpicking in my opinion and naive/picking and choosing parts of the story they want to believe.


Rising Star
If you’ve done taking any writing courses, you’ll see they’ve been setting John up to be king for years. You don’t bring a character back from the dead, make him the true heir, and make him the people’s choice for king to not have him at least get the throne even if he refuses it. Anything else would be terrible writing.

Didn’t they bring Jon back from the dead to fight the knight king???


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
How they didn't show the reaction real time of Arya and Sansa finding out about Jon
is probably one of the greatest travesties of the show

They could have squeezed an extra 5 minutes in and basically have him transport them back to the tower of joy they could have had an emotional moment seeing their dad one last time and all that shit

But no
just cut to another scene like you have another season to show that part not just 2 episodes left in forever.

I'm not shocked by it,they been doing it for a long time.I would have been more surprised, if they did show their reaction.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Dany ain’t shit. As long as she is on the throne conflict will occur and it will be resolved only by fear and dragonfire. Game of thrones has to end. Cersei on the throne would rule only thru fear. People don’t actually like cersei (or Dany as episode 4 showed at the dinner).

Jon on the throne ends the game. Just ruler actually liked by the people. He would show some variations in conflict resolution that pleases and would avoid certain conflicts altogether. The realm would benefit so the likes of Varys wouldn’t have to intervene to remove him. No littlefinger type around either. The instability would pretty much stop with Jon on the throne.

Jon is TOO just though. He would get outsmarted and out-manipulated by any cunning lords trying to come up. There's always another Tywin laying in wait.


International Member
I didnt equate them at all.

Im saying when people talk about Cersei, they dont say she is mad, they say she is willing to do anything.

Dany has already proven she is nothing like her, a bunch of times over.

Sansa and Arya hating her doesnt change that.

Willing to do anything like say I dunno use wildfire and destroy all the people just to hold on to the throne? They don’t literally have to describe cersei as mad for the equating to hold true. Cersei would let innocents be slaughtered just to hold onto the throne. Dany would slaughter innocents to get the throne. She just hasn’t been given the opportunity to do that till now. Missandei didn’t say dracarys for nothing. Next episode will be fire in more ways than one.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Wishful thinking that bran is telling them do nothing but put me by the tree and that’s all that is needed. Nk shows up thinking this is too easy and senses Arya sneaking up on him even earlier. The battle plays its part. Anyone thinking there was no need for a battle are nitpicking in my opinion and naive/picking and choosing parts of the story they want to believe.

You’re the one reading into it. There’s still a battle. It’s just that the undead have to climb the wall and are met by Dothraki and Unsullied at the top. And just the fact that Bran is out by the tree and not in the castle seems like a trap anyway. The NK was undefeated and went anyway. His goal was in sight.

Bran knew the NK would come. You don’t think Bran sending ravens to show the NK where he was seemed like a trap either? In the end the battle the way they fought it did nothing. Except cost Danarys her army.


International Member
Jon is TOO just though. He would get outsmarted and out-manipulated by any cunning lords trying to come up. There's always another Tywin laying in wait.

Which is why he would use Tyrion as a hand. Have good advisors as well. Let’s not forget littlefinger had dirt to start all this off. Being ambitious wasn’t enough.


Rising Star
But the unsullied and dothraki didn’t need to die. Bran said put me by the tree. Everyone else except arya could have chilled inside the walls. All the unsullied and dothraki really did was give the NK a second army.

They didn’t really need danarys at all,

Yeah Bran should have told everyone to go home and let him and Arya handle the NK's army. Bran let everyone die for nothing.


International Member
You’re the one reading into it. There’s still a battle. It’s just that the undead have to climb the wall and are met by Dothraki and Unsullied at the top. And just the fact that Bran is out by the tree and not in the castle seems like a trap anyway. The NK was undefeated and went anyway. His goal was in sight.

Bran knew the NK would come. You don’t think Bran sending ravens to show the NK where he was seemed like a trap either? In the end the battle the way they fought it did nothing. Except cost Danarys her army.

Dothraki and unsullied at the top die inside the castle instead of outside. Same/similar outcome in my opinion.

Ravens looking for the NK versus no welcoming party....the latter to me seems more like a trap.


International Member
Somebody tell that nigga GRRM to finish the books. It’s late. Pick up with the debate later. It’s been interesting.


BGOL Legend
If Dany had sense she wouldn't bring the dragon to the fight

Or had been finding a way to make dragon fire or whatever that shit is to simulate it without using them

Jon Dragon dead

And the dragon would be alive if it were up to Jon

He literally said his dragon needs to heal

And in the next scene it's getting clapped up cause Dany has 0 fucks


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm interested to know how many of you think Jamie is going to betray the North forces or be the one to kill Cersei?


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
it was stupid absolutely no payoff

This episode should have been an hour and a half like last week..

Funny how Tryion and V see what I been saying for like at least a season and a half

She's been that way,since the first season.

Was Viserys an asshole to her..I agree,but she didnt try to save her only relative when Khal Drogo dump a pot of gold on his head....


BGOL Legend
This episode should have been an hour and a half like last week..

She's been that way,since the first season.

Was Viserys an asshole to her..I agree,but she didnt try to save her only relative when Khal Drogo dump a pot of gold on his head....

He wasn't an asshole he was telling her straight up like he said he would


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dany is the epitome of white priviledge. Bitch think she entitled and then when she learns the truth, she tryin to tell Jon to keep secrets and

Cersei and Dany the same...both feel entitled and will do ANYTHING to get the throne.

That's why I think Jon or Sansa gonna wind up with the throne.


BGOL Legend
I'm interested to know how many of you think Jamie is going to betray the North forces or be the one to kill Cersei?

I think Jamie just gonna get clapped up
I think probably by euron

Sansa coming for cersei
Hound coming for mountain

Tyrion won't be near him again

He actually won't even be welcomed back in kings landing euron ain't having it


BGOL Legend
Dany is the epitome of white priviledge. Bitch think she entitled and then when she learns the truth, she tryin to tell Jon to keep secrets and

Cersei and Dany the same...both feel entitled and will do ANYTHING to get the throne.

That's why I think Jon or Sansa gonna wind up with the throne.

It's gonna be Jon
He's not gonna want it
It's gonna end like Riddick
He's gonna sit on the throne to rest then Davos gonna be like all hail king Jon


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Everyone is forgetting the only reason the mad king went mad was because of the three eyed raven trying to get in his mind and have him build wild fire for the coming war with the dead. That's why his motto was "burn them all". The three eyed raven had a history of fucking peoples minds up when he got into them. Look at Hodor.

I think Dany is entitled and short sighted and doesn't listen to her advisors when she should but I don't exactly see her as being mad in the same sense as the mad king was. She just a very poor leader with unchecked power (dragons) and now she only has one of those.


BGOL Legend
I apologize to everyone sincerely
They have mailed it in. They give zero fucks about this season
Look what was left in the fucking show.
