Sansa didn't tell Tyrion. They had a conversation and we're supposed to believe from the conversation Tyrion inferred that Jon Snow is really the rightful King of the 7? WTF?
Its because of all the stupid cut scene, They cut the scene where Bran told Arya and Sansa, and when Sansa told Tyrion. Why the fuck would we not want to see Sansa's Grinch smile when she finds out Jon the the true heir to the Thrown?I’m shocked that some watched this episode and don’t realize Sansa told Tyrion...if you don’t understand that how can you really understand and criticize this show?
Sansa didn't tell Tyrion. They had a conversation and we're supposed to believe from the conversation Tyrion inferred that Jon Snow is really the rightful King of the 7? WTF?
Watch over the episode. Take notes. You’ll be surprised at what you’re missing out.
He literally said to Varys that she told him about Jon lineage.
Give me the time stamp. I watched the scene over and i didn't hear it at all. He didn't say that!
I just did and they seem to suggest off-screen that Sansa told Tyrion.
Eitherway, Sansa ain't shit!
Swearing to keep secrets is supposed to be a big deal amongst their peopel and especially those that carry the name "Stark"
I honestly still don't get why she keeps on trying to shit on Dani.
It's only like she's intentionally trying to keep Cersei in charge.
Start at the 52 minute mark. Tyrion and Varys is discussing, in passing Roberts rebbellion about the lie. Then transition about how many people will know about Jon's lineage. Then they discuss, who would rather follow Jon.
So where in that conversation did Tyrion say "Sansa told me..."?
BTW, I'm not disputing that she told him..It seems obvious that she did.
I'm just point out he didn't flat out say "Sansa told me..."
Take Dany pussy out your mouth and maybe you’ll understand.
She told him and it was obvious. They just didn't want to have to tell the story all over again, which is why when Bran was about to tell it, they cut the scene. It's obvious.So where in that conversation did Tyrion say "Sansa told me..."?
BTW, I'm not disputing that she told him..It seems obvious that she did.
I'm just point out he didn't flat out say "Sansa told me..."
She's a woman. She feels threatened and jealous.Lol please spell it out for everyone cause its a debate on all GoT online forums.
Why has Sansa decided that Dany was her enemy from jump?
Why is she betraying Jon?
Did he say Sansa explicitly told him no. He didn't have to. It was all in the information he relayed to Varys.
She told him and it was obvious. They just didn't want to have to tell the story all over again, which is why when Bran was about to tell it, they cut the scene. It's obvious.
Lol please spell it out for everyone cause its a debate on all GoT online forums.
Why has Sansa decided that Dany was her enemy from jump?
Why is she betraying Jon?
Lol please spell it out for everyone cause its a debate on all GoT online forums.
Why has Sansa decided that Dany was her enemy from jump?
Why is she betraying Jon?
Why has Sansa decided that Dany was her enemy from jump?
Why is she betraying Jon?
product placement...starbucks paid big money 4 that...
They've made the ballistas too powerful and the dragons too weak.I been asking myself this question since S7......When is the dumb bitch going to put armor on those dragons???? They should be able to make some sort of light weight armor for them. In the long night, Drogon took off with about 1000 zombies hanging off his ass. So weight shouldn't be a real issue for him.
Sansa trusts no new person at this point. Trust must be earned. Before the battle of winterfell Dany comes to speak to Sansa to defuse tensions and Sansa tells her about the north’s ways and you see Dany recoils. Dany is not serious about defusing. She sees any resolve against her as non negotiable. She literally pulls her hand away from Sansa at that point. That’s one clue the show gave you. At the tactics table she ignores Sansa and speaks as if Sansa is ungrateful. Later we see that Sansa was right about resting. There are other clues about Dany’s true ways. She is not the change in leadership the 7 kingdoms need. She is more of the same. Sansa sees that Dany is more of the same bullshit.
Just goes to the point that they've rushed everything about this season. I don't even get that considering they took a full year off from season 7 to season 8 and it's the least amount of episodes in the entire series. Starbucks cup on the table? Quality has gone to shit!
I honestly still don't get why she keeps on trying to shit on Dani.
It's only like she's intentionally trying to keep Cersei in charge.
She is helping Jon. Same way Varys will do things against Dany now for the realm. Jon is the better option for the 7 kingdoms. Where you see betrayal Sansa sees the benefit of telling Tyrion about jon’s true lineage.
@Camille I'm not gonna tell you I told you so I'm just gonna say hi
Sansa: "What if there is someone else, someone better?"
*off-screen revelation to Tyrion*
Later, Tyrion to Varys: "Ain't that some shit?"
I think some of you dudes be all in your phone while watching and just miss these super simple cues.
Varys is not loyal to Dany.
Sansa was supposed to be loyal to Jon.
I dont know if you read the books, but listen, for the Starks swearing under the weirwood trees (spelling), means everything to them. Thats like swearing in front of God to them.
Me saying Sansa betrayed Jon is a matter of fact.
You say she is helping Jon but all this has been about herself and her feelings towards Dany. She doesnt have Jon's interest in mind at all.
Thank you!!!
That's why i didn't automatically assume it was Sansa that told Tyrion.
My understanding is their word(see Ned Stark) is bond.
It's one of the things that really define their name and family.
Hell even Cersei knew that when she said something to the effect "I know Ned Starks son will keep his word..."
Yeah Bran should have told everyone to go home and let him and Arya handle the NK's army. Bran let everyone die for nothing.
If Cersei doesn't get the worst death possible on the show by the time it's done then you know the show is officially trash!
That's a nasty ass white woman! She doesn't even have to act just let it naturally come out.
I apologize to everyone sincerely
They have mailed it in. They give zero fucks about this season
Look what was left in the fucking show.
1. Sansa doesnt speak for the North. Jon did, because he was king. The fact that Sansa doesnt agree with Jon doesnt give her any authority in the matter. Sansa cannot make demands for the North.
2. Sansa hated Dany the moment she saw her. Before all that stuff you wrote. Literally the first meeting they had in front of all the Northern Lords, Sansa was talking shit about Dany and her armies. At that point Im not sure what Dany had done to deserve that. Can you tell me?
3. Yes Sansa is ungrateful. She tells Tyrion she couldnt be with him cause he is loyal to Dany. Literally while Dany is up there putting her life on the line for the North. Thats not the show giving you a clue, thats the show blatantly telling you she is nothing but ungrateful.
4. You mentioned that Dany went to Sansa to defuse tensions. You see thats the difference here, Sansa made no such move. In fact she did the opposite.
i think they are saving that for somethingDid anyone figure out how the fuck Tyrion and Varies figured out Jon Snow's true heritage? Especially, When you considered the only people that knew his secret at that time?
Also, Fuck them for not showing the conversation in the Garden when Bran told the sister's who Jon really is!