Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Dragon Glass is just obsidian and is too brittle to use as armor.
Never said he was gonna make Dragon armor out of Dragonglass. :rolleyes:

All I said was that Gendry is ‘no joke’ when it comes to FORGING armor & weapons... because he led a bunch of civilians in crafting thousands of weapons in a very short time. :yes:

The man knows how to work.... at scale... and make thousands of pieces quickly.

Not one at a time.

And dragon armor would be made of lots of ‘small pieces’ of armor to form scales. So I’m pretty sure Gendry could pull it off. :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When I mentioned Arya killing the NK was a mistake by the writers everyone roasted me.


Rising Star
OG Investor
The Scorpions can spin a full 360 degrees... and they tilt up & down. So it wouldn’t matter if she did a power dive from behind, they can still rotate & fire at her.

Actually, they best angle of attack is to come at Euron’s Ships very low & very fast. :yes: Like Dany does here at the 1:08 mark...

If the Dragon is high up.... they can all fire at it very easily, but they all won’t be able to get off a ‘clean shot’ at the dragon, if it comes in real low. Because the ships would have to fire through one another to try to hit Drogon.

Dany can get them to create a crossfire if she flies in real low & real fast. :yes:

Also if she came down off the rip raining fire who the hell is gonna try to let a scorpion rip while dodging flames


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Since season 7 I think it's fair to point out anything that has to do with realistic time-frames has been thrown out the window. Trips that should have taken these characters weeks to months to accomplish( ala earlier seasons) are now happening damn near instantly.

I don't know if the Drogon will get armour...probably not. But to be going back and forth about the time frame it would take to make that armour as being the deal breaker is crazy! The show left out time logic a long time ago.

Shit wouldn't surprise me if Bran rolled his wheel chair from Winterfall and made it to the steps of Kings landing by the next morning.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When you start telling family secrets that you swore to uphold STRICTLY for political maneuvering...that's playing dirty! That's dropping bombs and not really quite sure where it will land and what kind of damage it may do.

That chick isn't looking out for the best interest of the North.

Man Sansa was minding her own business when Tyrion came up there talking that "She is a good woman" bullshit....

Sansa and Arya both said that they don t trust this broad......they are all about protecting their family...Dany is the selfish one.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Man Sansa was minding her own business when Tyrion came up there talking that "She is a good woman" bullshit....

Sansa and Arya both said that they don t trust this broad......they are all about protecting their family...Dany is the selfish one.

Tyrion is just thirsty, he keeps finding like he is hoping she will give him a chance. He missed his chance to break her in in Kings Landing.


International Member
Since season 7 I think it's fair to point out anything that has to do with realistic time-frames has been thrown out the window. Trips that should have taken these characters weeks to months to accomplish( ala earlier seasons) are now happening damn near instantly.

I don't know if the Drogon will get armour...probably not. But to be going back and forth about the time frame it would take to make that armour as being the deal breaker is crazy! The show left out time logic a long time ago.

Shit wouldn't surprise me if Bran rolled his wheel chair from Winterfall and made it to the steps of Kings landing by the next morning.

Can you give an example of what took weeks and months in previous seasons?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Since season 7 I think it's fair to point out anything that has to do with realistic time-frames has been thrown out the window. Trips that should have taken these characters weeks to months to accomplish( ala earlier seasons) are now happening damn near instantly.

I don't know if the Drogon will get armour...probably not. But to be going back and forth about the time frame it would take to make that armour as being the deal breaker is crazy! The show left out time logic a long time ago.

Shit wouldn't surprise me if Bran rolled his wheel chair from Winterfall and made it to the steps of Kings landing by the next morning.
True. And remember GRRM himself said a long time ago... “The characters always move at the speed which the plot requires.” :yes:

Because too many people were getting hung up on ‘how long it takes to do (a, b, or c).”

Traveling from the Wall to the Red Keep might take over a month. But they don’t have a whole month to tell the story & watch the plot unfold on tv. That’s why they cut many scenes out that would otherwise be shots of people getting on boats, or riding horses through the Forest.... or walking from sun up / til sun down.

So if the action climaxes in Kings Landing... they may show a different scene in a different location, somewhere else ...then they cut back to the relevant characters entering through the gates of Kings Landing.

So they don’t teleport.

On tv, they just cut out the middle parts (like long journeys back-n forth) which don’t move the plot forward.
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Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
George R Martin really fucked up not finishing things.

I don't understand why this season is so short or why this is the last season. Everything seems rushed. The battle with the Night King should have happened over several episodes.

So hurry up and cram everything in one season, just to turn around and do a prequel. Just finish this correctly.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
George R Martin really fucked up not finishing things.

I don't understand why this season is so short or why this is the last season. Everything seems rushed. The battle with the Night King should have happened over several episodes.

So hurry up and cram everything in one season, just to turn around and do a prequel. Just finish this correctly.
After season 5, the directors and actors we're ready to move on from the show. Also the budget for the show started to climb dramatically. So HBO started making plans to end the show. By the beginning of season 6. It was planned that the show would get 13 more episodes after season 6. 7 episodes for season 7, and 6 episodes for season 8.
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Flawless One
BGOL Investor
After season 5, the directors and actors we're ready to move on from the show. Also the budget for the show started to climb dramatically. So HBO started making plans to end the show. By the beginning of season 6. It was planned that the show would get 13 more episodes after season 6. 7 episodes for season 7, and 6 episodes for season 8.

If only the budget wasn't so much maybe they could have profited from one of the most popular series on tv.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Jamie told his bro Cersei was preg right

I wonder if Cersei made it public info

If not, Enron should have thought when Tyrion mentioned it “ how tf does he know” lol
Tyrion found out Cersei was pregnant when he had that meeting with her in Kings Landing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Episode 1 Day 1 - Gendry arrives at Winterfell in season 8 episode 1.

Arya watches him ride in.

Bran tells Jon there’s no time for any ‘greetings’ because the Night King has Dany’s dragon.

Later that night, Tormund, Beric Dondarrion & Dolores Edd meet up at The Last Hearth & discover that the Army of the Dead has slaughtered everyone there. So they make a plan to ‘ride around’ the Army (who is marching slowly on foot) to get to Winterfell to warn Jon.

Meanwhile at the same time... Sam reveals the truth to Jon about his real parents.... while Bran sits outside “waiting for an old friend”.... who happens to be Jaime.

And Jaime arrives the very next morning & sees Bran STILL sitting in the very same spot that Sam saw him.:rolleyes:

Episode 2 Day 2 - They bring Jaime in front of Dany & Sansa for quick trial. Lady Brienne vouches for Jaime and he is spared.

Tormund, Beric & Dolores Edd arrive at Winterfell and tell Jon the White Walkers will be here before dawn.

Yup, that’s 2 days. :yes:

Bro, I’m sorry. But your timeline is all fucked up. If you are being facetious, then forgive me.

In your timeline. Everyone rides into Winterfel, including Gendry. Somehow that same day, everyone hops off their horses and goes straight into the meeting. Lord Umber tells John he needs more wagons and supplies to get his people from The Last Hearth to Winterfel. John sends him with some help to get his people. They bounce. Lord Umber travels to the Last Hearth makes it there in a few hours. Gets diced up into origami by the night king. The knight kings whole crew then leaves without a trace. Tourmand and the Nights Watch finds Origami Umber. They then take the LONG way to Winterfel to avoid the night kings vast army. Which according to you takes one night to travel.

It took Jon, Benjen and Tyrion 2-3 weeks easy to go from Winterfel to the Wall. But the Night King and his crew took a few days???


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
I would love to hear how Daenerys marched that big ass army from Dragonstone to Winterfell before the Nightking could get there.


International Member
Nowhere in GoT have I seen a clock or calendar. I’m really interested to know how you guys know how long things take to do if characters don’t say it took x days.


Rising Star


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Nowhere in GoT have I seen a clock or calendar. I’m really interested to know how you guys know how long things take to do if characters don’t say it took x days.
Nigga they count nights

Fort night or some shit


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nigga they count nights

Fort night or some shit


A Fortnight is two weeks...old english term

Crazy that people actually still use the term..i have an old guyanese employee who had requested his pay stub from the last fort night, bugged me out for a second and made me remember they were colonized by the british
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
True. And remember GRRM himself said a long time ago... “The characters always move at the speed which the plot requires.” :yes:

Because too many people were getting hung up on ‘how long it takes to do (a, b, or c).”

Traveling from the Wall to the Red Keep might take over a month. But they don’t have a whole month to tell the story & watch the plot unfold on tv. That’s why they cut many scenes out that would otherwise be shots of people getting on boats, or riding horses through the Forest.... or walking from sun up / til sun down.

So if the action climaxes in Kings Landing... they may show a different scene in a different location, somewhere else ...then they cut back to the relevant characters entering through the gates of Kings Landing.

So they don’t teleport.

On tv, they just cut out the middle parts (like long journeys back-n forth) which don’t move the plot forward.

Soap operas have done it for years yet it’s an issue on GOT


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When I mentioned Arya killing the NK was a mistake by the writers everyone roasted me.
The show runners made a choice to serve the characters (and fans) instead of the story. So you can't really call it a mistake. Its just a choice that many people would not have made.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nowhere in GoT have I seen a clock or calendar. I’m really interested to know how you guys know how long things take to do if characters don’t say it took x days.

I’ve only read the first book. But Tyrion said the trip from Winterfel to the wall was about 3 weeks.

That’s where I got my numbers from. I don’t know how homeboy legit thought Gendry got to Winterfel. Forged thousands of weapons, made a specific weapon for Arya, and got some pussy in 48 hours.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:rolleyes: I guess you imagine that soap operas are talked about as bastions of great writing and storytelling excellence

I have enough common sense to know you can't fit everything in the book into a hour show. Its a fucking fantasy book use some fantasy thinking when it comes to the timeline. We got fucking dragons in the show and people critiquing the timeline.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have enough common sense to know you can't fit everything in the book into a hour show. Its a fucking fantasy book use some fantasy thinking when it comes to the timeline. We got fucking dragons in the show and people critiquing the timeline.

its called suspension of disbelief. You can tell me Dragons exist and not explain it as they are a totally fictitious beast, time on the other hand is very real. So unless it's explained that time works differently in Westeros then it's just bad writing.

Lets make an example, if in an episode of Game of Thrones started with everybody removing their boots and having bird talons, it would be bad writing because we were lead to believe these are traditional humans, and up to that point no one showed signs of having bird feet!
This is why the time thing gets on people's nerves, it breaks your immersion in the show..