Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
OG Investor
I like that but Q is loyal to her
Bro loyalty in Westeros is about as secure as a chain made out of paper. Seeing that they gonna lose the war Qyburn May do it to try to gain Dany trust. Long shot but I damn sure don’t put it out of the question.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
You think the Mountain is still giving that Sister the work?



Rising Star
OG Investor
Honestly I don’t think Sansa is so much smarter, cunning or wise. I think she benefits from the fact that most of the smarter characters are gone now.

Dany was never smart. She always been powerful(dragons) with good advisors. Now Tyrion has done dumb(family) and Miss is dead.

Varys is still the smartest person because he doesn’t have a loyalty to any particular faction.

Jon is naive as hell and it clouds his judgement.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She s not playing dirty......almost everyone but a very small few see that Dany is not right for the throne.....

Varys is probably going to die because he is done with Dany.....and he knows that Jon Snow would be a much better King for the entire westeros

When you start telling family secrets that you swore to uphold STRICTLY for political maneuvering...that's playing dirty! That's dropping bombs and not really quite sure where it will land and what kind of damage it may do.

That chick isn't looking out for the best interest of the North.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
I think her and The Hound team up to take down The Mountain.
Nah The Hound vs The Mountain will be a fair one.
^^^ This. The Hound and The Mountain gonna be 1v1.... I think the Hound finally gets over his ‘fear of fire’ during this fight.... and he kills the Mountain, but is mortally wounded in the fight. They both lose.

I also think Cersie has an ‘Inside Man’ in the Stark camp. Pretty sure it’s Sansa. She gonna betray Jon / Dany in the end. Because she will make some sort of deal that allows her to rule the North. But it’s gonna backfire.

Sansa wants an Independent North... but neither Cersei nor Dany will give it to her in the long run... and she’s gonna make the wrong choice in the short run.

Dany would be ‘more likely’ to let Jon & Sansa Rule the North, independently.... but I’m pretty sure that Sansa and Arya have hatched a plan to pull Night’s Watch move on whoever is the winner between Cersei & Dany. (ie Arya gonna come out the shadows saying: “For the Watch North!!”.... and Stab somebody. :smh:)

Then Qyburn... who will be in exile... who was soo infatuated with the Dismembered Arm of the Wight they brought to KL... after having successfully brought the Mountain back from the brink of death once... will try to recreate the spell that the Children of the Forest used + combined with his own bit of ‘alchemy’ that the Citadel banned... and bring back a version of the night King (or create a new one). :smh:

It’s gonna be a shitstorm in the final episode. :smh:

The fans WILL get to see Jon fight 1v1 vs The New Night King... and lose... and get killed... and without any more dragons, nor any unity among houses (which Sansa will destroy)... the Night King is gonna end up on the Iron Throne. :smh: and everyone will serve him. In An Endless Night of the Undead Empire. :smh:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
^^^ This. The Hound and The Mountain gonna be 1v1.... I think the Hound finally gets over his ‘fear of fire’ during this fight.... and he kills the Mountain, but is mortally wounded in the fight. They both lose.

I also think Cersie has an ‘Inside Man’ in the Stark camp. Pretty sure it’s Sansa. She gonna betray Jon / Dany in the end. Because she will make some sort of deal that allows her to rule the North. But it’s gonna backfire.

Sansa wants an Independent North... but neither Cersei nor Dany will give it to her in the long run... and she’s gonna make the wrong choice in the short run.

Dany would be ‘more likely’ to let Jon & Sansa Rule the North, independently.... but I’m pretty sure that Sansa and Arya have hatched a plan to pull Night’s Watch move on whoever is the winner between Cersei & Dany. (ie Arya gonna come out the shadows saying: “For the Watch North!!”.... and Stab somebody. :smh:)

What? This is a wild ass theory!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I DO think that no matter ‘who’ wins between Cersei & Dany tho.... it’s all going to fall to shit, in the very end.

It will get ruined by someone who thinks ‘they are doing the right thing’. (And people will have valid arguments either ‘supporting’ or ‘against’ their actions / words / decisions. :rolleyes:)

Whether it is done by Varys, Arya, Euron, Sansa, Bronn, Dany, Qyburn, or whoever...

Just a matter of ‘how’ it happens. :dunno:

Everyone will have ‘something’ they are not satisfied with. At all. :smh: And it’s going to be their undoing.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know. It’s just a theory. :D

Most of my theories have been wrong.... but it’s fun to post them anyway. :D


I did read or see somewhere a theory related to the Golden Company. Essentially saying they owed a debt to Rhaegar Targaryen aka Jon Snows father and once they learn who he is they will essentially become his allies and turn on Cersei.

Something has to give because between the Lannister forces and others of the 7 games, Euron's fleet, and the Golden Company Dany and the few Northern groups are badly outmatched


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I didn't read or see somewhere a theory related to the Golden Company saying essentially they owed a debt to Rhaegar Targaryen aka Jon Snows father and once they learn who he is they will essentially become his allies and turn on Cersei.

Something has to give because between the Lannister forces and others of the 7 games, Euron's fleet, and the Golden Company Dany and the few Northern groups are badly outmatched
Oh yeah, I definitely agree... some faction is gonna pull a Night’s Watch / Sir Alliser Thorne move... and betray someone. (When they least expect it. :yes:)

I just don’t know who it is... or will be... yet. :dunno:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh yeah, I definitely agree... some faction is gonna pull a Night’s Watch / Sir Alliser Thorne move... and betray someone. (When they least expect it. :yes:)

I just don’t know who it is... or will be... yet. :dunno:

Even with her full army(Unsullied and Dothraki) she still was a little out match numbers wise. The two dragons helped to tip the scale. But now she's really outmatched.

Trying to play fair and not fuck up Kings landing and hurt those sorry ass people is really limiting her options. I would be vollying fire balls at those towers with the scorpion weapons. As soon as I destroyed them I coming with the Dragon and bring that serious heat!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Even with her full army(Unsullied and Dothraki) she still was a little out match numbers wise. The two dragons helped to tip the scale. But now she's really outmatched.

Trying to play fair and not fuck up Kings landing and hurt those sorry ass people is really limiting her options. I would be vollying fire balls at those towers with the scorpion weapons. As soon as I destroyed them I coming with the Dragon and bring that serious heat!
I think Dany gonna come back swinging. And Gendry will put some armor on that last dragon.:yes: That’s gonna be the ‘dragon shadow’ flying over King’s Landing. And Euron won’t know what to do when all them Scorpion Arrows bounce off Drogon’s chest. :rolleyes:


Rising Star
^^^ This. The Hound and The Mountain gonna be 1v1.... I think the Hound finally gets over his ‘fear of fire’ during this fight.... and he kills the Mountain, but is mortally wounded in the fight. They both lose.

I also think Cersie has an ‘Inside Man’ in the Stark camp. Pretty sure it’s Sansa. She gonna betray Jon / Dany in the end. Because she will make some sort of deal that allows her to rule the North. But it’s gonna backfire.

Sansa wants an Independent North... but neither Cersei nor Dany will give it to her in the long run... and she’s gonna make the wrong choice in the short run.

Dany would be ‘more likely’ to let Jon & Sansa Rule the North, independently.... but I’m pretty sure that Sansa and Arya have hatched a plan to pull Night’s Watch move on whoever is the winner between Cersei & Dany. (ie Arya gonna come out the shadows saying: “For the Watch North!!”.... and Stab somebody. :smh:)

Then Qyburn... who will be in exile... who was soo infatuated with the Dismembered Arm of the Wight they brought to KL... after having successfully brought the Mountain back from the brink of death once... will try to recreate the spell that the Children of the Forest used + combined with his own bit of ‘alchemy’ that the Citadel banned... and bring back a version of the night King (or create a new one). :smh:

It’s gonna be a shitstorm in the final episode. :smh:

The fans WILL get to see Jon fight 1v1 vs The New Night King... and lose... and get killed... and without any more dragons, nor any unity among houses (which Sansa will destroy)... the Night King is gonna end up on the Iron Throne. :smh: and everyone will serve him. In An Endless Night of the Undead Empire. :smh:

Props on the fanfic, i love reading those.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think Dany gonna come back swinging. And Gendry will put some armor on that last dragon.:yes: That’s gonna be the ‘dragon shadow’ flying over King’s Landing. And Euron won’t know what to do when all them Scorpion Arrows bounce off Drogon’s chest. :rolleyes:

This seems plausible and a logic thing to do. There's no way the dragon can come at the fleet without serious risk w/o armour.

Any idea about the theory that one of the dragons already laid eggs somewhere?



Rising Star
I did read or see somewhere a theory related to the Golden Company. Essentially saying they owed a debt to Rhaegar Targaryen aka Jon Snows father and once they learn who he is they will essentially become his allies and turn on Cersei.

Something has to give because between the Lannister forces and others of the 7 games, Euron's fleet, and the Golden Company Dany and the few Northern groups are badly outmatched


Right now, i dont see how they can win this. How do they get Drogon inside Kings Landing past all them scorpions?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
So now that the night king is dead, what was the purpose of him taking the babies all those years?

Pretty sure he took the babies in order to create more White Walkers who could also raise the Dead (but to a smaller degree / Smaller numbers).

Without having all the extra White Walkers made from Craster’s kids, the Night King would have to go everywhere himself, in order to add more dead soldiers to his army (in person).

But if the Night King has at least a dozen or so White Walkers.... they can spread out North of the Wall and attack all those different free folk clans, like: The Thenns, The Hornfoots, The Ice River Clans, The Giants, etc.... and get the job done quicker. Which brings the Endless Night quicker.

Remember they said it took Mance Rayder about 20 years to successfully unite 100 different tribes of free folk... who were all spread out north of the wall... so I would imagine that the Night King needed several White Walkers to spread out also.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This seems plausible and a logic thing to do. There's no way the dragon can come at the fleet without serious risk w/o armour.

Any idea about the theory that one of the dragons already laid eggs somewhere?
I never heard about the fan theory that the Dragons laid some eggs... until you mentioned it just now. :dunno:

I could see that being a possibility if they wanted to create a spin-off sequel that takes place sometime after Game of Thrones :yes:... but if the other 3-5 shows are all designed to be prequels... then I don’t think the Dragons would have laid any eggs. :smh: There would be no point.

Just my opinion.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Right now, i dont see how they can win this. How do they get Drogon inside Kings Landing past all them scorpions?
If Drogon does have armor... they don’t need to get him inside the Red Keep. :smh:

Dany would just have to Draw their forces outside. Do something like.... destroy the Iron Fleet in the bay, for starters. :yes:

That will force The Golden Company to come fight outside the walls of King’s Landing :yes:... because they cannot just sit there, hiding behind all the civilians while the Royal Navy gets torched. :rolleyes:

The peasants would riot if Cersei took absolutely ‘no action’ against a hostile enemy who was attacking their land.

They would either riot... or flee / evacuate :yes:... which ruins Cersie’s plan of using them as a shield & leaves King’s Landing wide open to lay waste, without fear of killing innocent civilians.

“Ssshhheeeiiitt... I’m not gonna be around when those Dragons start spiting Fire all over Kings Landing” - Bronn of the Blackwater.

Pretty sure he’s not the only civilian in the Red Keep who thinks that way. :smh:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Even if limited to one dragon, Dany on Drogon still have an advantage over a ship based scorpion. For one thing they have a limited angle of attack and they only appear to be in the front of the ship. So Dany can just do power dive from a steep angle slightly to the rear of the ships and she should a free shot. She's got to pull out of her dive to the side tho cause she's be vulnerable to shot as she gets back up in the air.

Euron had the element of surprise last time and this time all that needs to happen is some form of distraction from other ships so at least half the scorpions have to target something other than drogon.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
  • Baratheons never get the Stark Girls.
  • Jamie smashed then went Lil Lannister X and took his horse back down to Old Town Road
  • Any last words? Ms Lite skin wash-n-go goes full Ice Cube.
  • Yeah fuck all y’all ....DRACARYS
  • They cut her head off in front of her man he didn’t even have any balls or anything

Stretch is that man


International Member
Dragon armor is bullshit. No time to make it. Also probably impractical.

Dragon eggs is bullshit. We spend seasons waiting for dragons to grow up but we are supposed to accept more dragons suddenly showing up with two episodes to go?

I’m glad y’all don’t write for this show. Go write for DC.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Even if limited to one dragon, Dany on Drogon still have an advantage over a ship based scorpion. For one thing they have a limited angle of attack and they only appear to be in the front of the ship. So Dany can just do power dive from a steep angle slightly to the rear of the ships and she should a free shot. She's got to pull out of her dive to the side tho cause she's be vulnerable to shot as she gets back up in the air.

Euron had the element of surprise last time and this time all that needs to happen is some form of distraction from other ships so at least half the scorpions have to target something other than drogon.
She should have power dived from the back on this episode. The bitch has no situational awareness. she was pissed and just walked away like ole boy and Friday. I thought she for sure she was going to cry in the car