Patch Notes for the folks who were actually ‘paying attention’... unlike Justin Wong.
1 - Scorpions never got nerfed. Euron was never ‘the hero character’... at ANY point during his whole time on the show. If you thought he WAS ‘the hero’ (for even a split second) that says it all about your ‘questionable judgement’.
2 - Dragons flew around the battlefield.... like a veteran fighter pilot... instead of hovering in a stationary position, like a helicopter... but you were too busy crying because your ‘hero’ was getting his ass handed to him... and you never expected that to happen.
3 - The Dothraki were never completely wiped out... but you missed that part when they literally gave a ‘head count’ after the battle because you have a ‘short attention span’ and think the Villains are the hero’s. Newsflash >> they finished filming everything about a whole YEAR AGO. So if you think they ‘added Dothraki’ back into the show in just 1 week’s time... and had enough time to re-render all the special effects around them... then you’re just an idiot who thought Euron was ‘the hero character’ all along.
4 - You bitched when the battles were long... now you bitching that your ‘heros’ got ambushed by superior fire power & taken down quickly.... because you just want to complain for complaining sake.... cause you think it’s cool to be a Contrarion after all your predictions fell apart in season 8.
5 - Northerners & Unsullied ‘opened a tall can of whupass’ on the Lannister Soldiers & showed them ‘no mercy’. But you are salty about it because they were your ‘heros’ and they got mollywhopped. This shit is a Conquest. But you weren’t paying attention all this time, when your team was winning for 7 years. Get over it.
6 - Cersei is stubborn. Always has been. But you never noticed for 7 years. She told you back in season 7: “So we fight and die... or we submit and die... I know my choice. A soldier should know his”. Now you want her to run away & live.... but you salty ‘your hero’ wasn’t moving fast enough.
7 - Euron never had any ‘plot armor’. At any point. Wake up.
8 - The Mountain faced his ‘true nemesis’ like a grown man... and they both let Cersei slide off. Unharmed. Now you bitching about it because your ‘hero’ ain’t got no more allies to protect her. Get over it.
9 - Arya finally Wised-Up & realized she had ‘something more than just Blind Vengeance to live for’... and got the fuck outta dodge. But You still salty because she killed the Night King. And Jon didn’t. Yeah, we know. Go cry in the car.