Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Flawless One
BGOL Investor

Daenerys's emissary putting in an order for more unsullied.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don't believe that shit. These guys had one of the most successful show on tv, and could have made a ton more money with a couple more seasons. They got bored of making money and being famous?

BTW GRR Martin had no say in the production of the series, that was all marketing to make it seems like the show had the blessing of the author. He had no creative oversight to the series. He still getting paid for it but we will have to wait for the books to see how this really ends.

Dude, there is interviews where they say it and GRRM confirm. They only wanted to do 7 seasons. I will post them later. GRRM said they wanted to move on. I wasn't about the money to them. Because they were waiting for the next comeup. Which is that Disney movie they bout to or already got.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The story is...these guys were only interested up until the red wedding. Then they started leaving out important new characters and condensing story lines to rush to the ending GrrM had given them. Characters that would have likely made this ending make more sense.

Grrm didn't like that, pulled away and stopped being involved with the show. They got their Star Wars trilogy and here we are.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Btw, this entire episode was about Tyrion.

Tyrion walked through king’s landing
Tyrion found Jaimie and Cersei
Tyrion confronted Daenerys
Tyrion was arrested
Tyrion convinced Jon to kill Daenerys
Tyrion is released
Tyrion picks Bran king
Tyrion is now basically running the realm

Tyrion was the writers’ favorite character all along


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
You would think right? But there they go subverting expectations. They wanted to trick you!
The Grey Worm we knew would have instantly killed Jon.
But no, they arrest him OFF CAMERA.

I think it makes a difference when there is no body. They only know what happened because he confessed. It's doubtful anyone saw the dragon take off with her or if they did would have seen the knife in her heart.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
I think it makes a difference when there is no body. They only know what happened because he confessed. It's doubtful anyone saw the dragon take off with her or if they did would have seen the knife in her heart.
what? "I killed the queen and the dragon flew off with her" Oh, you are lucky I didn't see you do it, btw you are under-arrest.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You are a trip.
Yeah we caught all that shit. It was still bad.

Sansa is the true mastermind.

Bran's arc makes no sense whatsoever.

He easily could have been written out of the show and much of everything would have been unchanged.

We dont need a "3 eyed raven".

Him being everyone's "memory". Makes no sense.

People can remember history without Bran. That is what books are for.

Agreed. :yes: I liked this episode. :yes:

The ending tied all the storylines together & had plenty of ‘call backs’ to past seasons.

Joffrey once insulted Jaime by saying: “Oh look Uncle, someone forgot to write down all of your good deeds.” And it was fitting that Lady Brienne was the person to write down all of his good deeds.

Sansa did ‘sell out’ Jon tho. Because last episode she told Tyrion: “What if there is someone BETTER (than Dany)?? Because she was trying to get Jon to claim the throne...

But this episode she agrees to ‘banish him’ to the Wall.... so that SHE could rule the North alone. :rolleyes: She wanted to be ‘royalty’ ever since season 1... and now she finally got it... by stabbing Jon in the back. :D

I like the new Small Council.

Podrick finally became a real Knight.

Sam finally became a real Maester.

Tyrion finally paid Bronn everything he owed him.

Greyworm decided to head to Naath, to find another Missande.

Jon got to go back to the North, where he felt most ‘at home’... and reunite with Ghost.

Give Me 3ft.

The Supreme Being
Platinum Member
I'm done with this thread forever.

Not checking the 61 alerts I have.

Good night. After the NBA playoffs

Are done, summer starts. That's the

Last thing on TV I'm interested in

Until the fall.