Getting her black voice on...

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
If Im Russian, you are too, cause we pretty much joined the same date.

oh wait, after my countless posts about voting Democratic for Obama in 08, the 20 year plan was to infiltrate this election to get everyone not to vote.

Some of you slow and will say anything to deflect from reality.
To be honest I barely registered your existence until you made me laugh with that Sigma shit.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
so you telling her what she is and ignoring the words from her mouth? LOL

you keep repeating MAGA to show how weak your argument is and I'm not even MAGA. EXTRA FAIL. I don't want you voting for either. She's just as bad as Trump but somehow you turn a blind eye to her bullshit. It's remarkable.

Delusion is real.

You MAGA bros are nothing more than parakeets. Trump says "I didn't know Kamala was Blaaaack", then right on que, dumbass threads like this one are promptly created with the same goofy ass talking points from online MAGA circles about how she talks, her background, etc. You're not original.

"Oh gosh golly...ummmm..her voice on this cooking show from four years ago sounds different than her delivery at the ATL rally...she's trying to trick us, I think"


YARN | you're the town dumbass! | That '70s Show (1998) - S08E02 Somebody  to Love | Video clips by quotes | fb073cd2 | 紗


waking people up
BGOL Investor
:roflmao2: Okay so now I’m supposed to say a No vote is a Republican vote. Then you type more BS…then I say just sit back and enjoy the freedoms my vote helps you keep

There saved us the back and forth
no vote is not a republican vote.

no vote is a vote to show that party we dont fuck with what you give us until you do what we want.

here we go with the we must save the country with this election and its only up to us to do it or else the world will end shit.

they got you niggas scary


waking people up
BGOL Investor
You MAGA bros are nothing more than parakeets. Trump says "I didn't know Kamala was Blaaaack", then right on que, dumbass threads like this one are promptly created with the same goofy ass talking points from online MAGA circles about how she talks, her background, etc. You're not original.

"Oh gosh golly...ummmm..her voice on this cooking show from four years ago sounds different than her delivery at the ATL rally...she's trying to trick us, I think"


YARN | you're the town dumbass! | That '70s Show (1998) - S08E02 Somebody  to Love | Video clips by quotes | fb073cd2 | 紗're the town dumbass! | That '70s Show (1998) - S08E02 Somebody  to Love | Video clips by quotes | fb073cd2 | 紗
im not maga so i dont know who you talking to. you just keep repeating that because you have no defense for your party. I literally just told you.

this is sad.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The criticism of Harris on BGOL reads strangely similar to what I see on white forums and social media, while Harris and all politicians deserve criticism and should be criticized, the criticism here does not read like criticism that would come from a Black person who is experiencing the issues of being Black in America.

And as it relates to BGOL, it's quite obvious that this place is much more integrated than we previously assumed, while I have no issue with white members being here and participating, attempting to pass themselves off as Black is problematic and immature.
Also..very weird and may ihsve psychopathic tendencies..I can here them now.."I'm around black people all the time " = bgol..:smh::rolleyes2::hmm:


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Also..very weird and may ihsve psychopathic tendencies..I can here them now.."I'm around black people all the time " = bgol..:smh::rolleyes2::hmm:
so no defense for what she did , just make up some bullshit about the messenger. got it.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
so no defense for what she did , just make up some bullshit about the messenger. got it.
Did I say you? No I did taking stuff personal. Furthermore you posting stuff from the New York Post..a known conservative paper. President Obama did something similar down in Charleston and the "Conservative media " made a big deal about it as well. Like you said earlier "repeat" repeat repeat ".


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Did I say you? No I did taking stuff personal. Furthermore you posting stuff from the New York Post..a known conservative paper. President Obama did something similar down in Charleston and the "Conservative media " made a big deal about it as well. Like you said earlier "repeat" repeat repeat ".
blah blah blah

was it right what she was doing or not?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So when I am at work versus when I am with friends or even on BGOL, is THIS my black "voice"? The way I type here versus in work emails, is this my Black typing?!?!?! Cats are DESPERATE on this Trump Train!!!!!

Before ya'll had this in the bag! "Sleepy Joe can't beat us!" Now you got Kamala out here calling you weirdos and ya'll fall back to high school being made fun of again!

"I'm not weird, YOU'RE weird!!!!"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was actually going to include that at first, as I was typing it out, but decided not to. It's actually even more funny when you include that along with his dolphin porn fetish, but I digress :lol::lol:
Don't forget his adult puppets with anatomically correct genitalia!!!


Rising Star
you said it. you should know

Why anyone responds to this dickless wonder is beyond my scope of comprehension.

He repeats the same bullshit, in very slightly different ways.

He offers NO alternative to voting BLUE.

In the fever dream he WANTS YOU to believe, simply making demands of the Democratic party, less than 100 days prior to the elections will force Kamala Harris to promise reparations for anyone darker than a paper bag, and suddenly we will all be walking the streets dressed in futuristic Kente cloth, under the auspices of a Statue of Liberty painted black and sporting an afro.

Make no mistake: he is doing everything in his power to denigrate the character of a Black woman, on a Black porn forum, and calling us stupid for not telling "massa" the slaves are planning something big.

In essence, this worthless thimble of smegma is shittin' on your Stacey Addams, and telling you that you dropped your chocolate ice cream.

And you ain't even eating ice cream.

The only one to approve all his posts, all his replies, all his insults, is another worthless shit stain, Supersav.

What does that tell you?

The best way to handle him and those like him, is to put his magat ass on ignore.

I will do that, but not until that 16 year old white Russian puppet realizes I have insulted him. ( I am sick that way)

Time and energy is best spend in the EXCHANGE of USEFUL information. THIS is how we defeat magats.

Just suggestin'.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Yet you constantly bring up gays, gay sex, etc. out of NOWHERE, while your boy (who you consistently defend) has a VP that wears FUCKING eye-liner:roflmao::lol:

As the old saying goes, "Doth protest too much"
and for the record, this is the nutjob you're voting for



waking people up
BGOL Investor
Why anyone responds to this dickless wonder is beyond my scope of comprehension.

He repeats the same bullshit, in very slightly different ways.

He offers NO alternative to voting BLUE.

In the fever dream he WANTS YOU to believe, simply making demands of the Democratic party, less than 100 days prior to the elections will force Kamala Harris to promise reparations for anyone darker than a paper bag, and suddenly we will all be walking the streets dressed in futuristic Kente cloth, under the auspices of a Statue of Liberty painted black and sporting an afro.

Make no mistake: he is doing everything in his power to denigrate the character of a Black woman, on a Black porn forum, and calling us stupid for not telling "massa" the slaves are planning something big.

In essence, this worthless thimble of smegma is shittin' on your Stacey Addams, and telling you that you dropped your chocolate ice cream.

And you ain't even eating ice cream.

The only one to approve all his posts, all his replies, all his insults, is another worthless shit stain, Supersav.

What does that tell you?

The best way to handle him and those like him, is to put his magat ass on ignore.

I will do that, but not until that 16 year old white Russian puppet realizes I have insulted him. ( I am sick that way)

Time and energy is best spend in the EXCHANGE of USEFUL information. THIS is how we defeat magats.

Just suggestin'.
another dumbocrat coon who been on here 3 years talking about I'm a russian bot whose been here for 20. dumb ass. go ignore, you too dumb to make any contribution anyway.

I've had said what to do MANY TIMES than choose blue or red.

You just ignore it because you have no defense but to say I'm maga. To a dumbass like you, there is no other choice but Dem or Maga. LOL

Fuckin idiots mayne. Be gone as you promised.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
You're getting smacked around in this this thread so much you're scouring the internet to post meaningless, facial expression vids from a random ass TikToker :lol2: :roflmao:
no one is smacking lol more delusion. just the same handful of dumbocrats supporting anything for them like a dumbass. it's just the low IQ crowd of BGOL. Most on here ain't voting Democrats on election day. You're the dumb minority.