Getting her black voice on...


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
im not maga so i dont know who you talking to. you just keep repeating that because you have no defense for your party. I literally just told you.

this is sad.

Everything you post is right wing/ MAGA bullshit.

Seriously you actually came into a thread and said you are a sigma male which came from right wing, red pill, incel message boards which is the breeding ground for MAGA ideas. Every time you speak you out yourself and then you expect us to take you seriously when you go you're not Republican.

Fucking coward. Not even man enough to admit what you are so you hint at shit like a timid bitch.


Rising Star
Everything you post is right wing/ MAGA bullshit.

Seriously you actually came into a thread and said you are a sigma male which came from right wing, red pill, incel message boards which is the breeding ground for MAGA ideas. Every time you speak you out yourself and then you expect us to take you seriously when you go you're not Republican.

Fucking coward. Not even man enough to admit what you are so you hint at shit like a timid bitch.

What would happen--and this is just what if--if all of us who recognize him and the others like him (I don't think there is anyone dense enought NOT to know who they are) were to simply put them on ignore.

That way, time currently spent on refuting bullshit (this is why I come out of lurking status), could be spend on sharing info that EDUCATES us all.

Just conjecturin'.


Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor

Getting his black voice on.​

Bloomberg gives $600 million to four Black medical schools’ endowments


NEW YORK (AP) — Michael Bloomberg’s organization Bloomberg Philanthropies committed $600 million to the endowments of four historically Black medical schools to help secure their future economic stability.

Speaking in New York at the annual convention of the National Medical Association, an organization that advocates for African American physicians, Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor and billionaire founder of Bloomberg LP, pointed to the closure in the last century of all but four historically Black medical schools, despite the well-documented impact that Black doctors have on improving health outcomes for Black patients.

“Lack of funding and support driven probably in no small part by prejudice and racism, have forced many to close their doors,” Bloomberg said of those medical schools. “We cannot allow that to happen again, and this gift will help ensure it doesn’t.”

Black Americans fare worse in measures of health compared with white Americans, an Associated Press series reported last year. Experts believe increasing the representation among doctors is one solution that could disrupt these long-standing inequities. In 2022, only 6% of U.S. physicians were Black, even though Black Americans represent 13% of the population. Almost half of Black physicians graduate from the four historically Black medical schools, Bloomberg Philanthropies said.

The gifts are among the largest private donations to any historically Black college or university, with $175 million each going to Howard University College of Medicine, Meharry Medical College and Morehouse School of Medicine. Charles Drew University of Medicine & Science will receive $75 million. Xavier University of Louisiana, which is opening a new medical school, will also receive a $5 million grant.

The donations will more than double the size of three of the medical schools’ endowments, Bloomberg Philanthropies said. Donations to endowments are invested with the annual returns going into an organization’s budget. Endowments can reduce financial pressure and, depending on restrictions, offer nonprofits more funds for discretionary spending.

The commitment follows a $1 billion pledge Bloomberg made in July to Johns Hopkins University that will mean most medical students there will no longer pay tuition. The four historically Black medical schools are still deciding with Bloomberg Philanthropies how the latest gifts to their endowments will be used, said Garnesha Ezediaro, who leads Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Greenwood Initiative.

The initiative, named after the community that was destroyed during the race massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma more than 100 years ago, was initially part of Bloomberg’s campaign as a Democratic candidate for president in 2020. After he withdrew from the race, he asked his philanthropy to pursue efforts to reduce the racial wealth gap and so far, it has committed $896 million, including this latest gift to the medical schools, Ezediaro said.

In 2020, Bloomberg granted the same medicals schools a total of $100 million that mostly went to reducing the debt load of enrolled students, who schools said were in serious danger of not continuing because of the financial burdens compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“When we talked about helping to secure and support the next generation of Black doctors, we meant that literally,” Ezediaro said.

Valerie Montgomery Rice, president of Morehouse School of Medicine, said that gift relieved $100,000 on average in debt for enrolled medical students. She said the gift has helped her school significantly increase its fundraising.

“But our endowment and the size of our endowment has continued to be a challenge, and we’ve been very vocal about that. And he heard us,” she said of Bloomberg and the latest donation.

In January, the Lilly Endowment gave $100 million to The United Negro College Fund toward a pooled endowment fund for 37 HBCUs. That same month, Spelman College, a historically Black women’s college in Atlanta, received a $100 million donation from Ronda Stryker and her husband, William Johnston, chairman of Greenleaf Trust.

Denise Smith, deputy director of higher education policy and a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, said the gift to Spelman was the largest single donation to an HBCU that she was aware of, speaking before Bloomberg Philanthropies announcement Tuesday.

Smith authored a 2021 report on the financial disparities between HBCUs and other higher education institutions, including the failure of many states to fulfill their promises to fund historically Black land grant schools. As a result, she said philanthropic gifts have played an important role in sustaining HBCUs, and pointed to the billionaire philanthropist and author MacKenzie Scott’s gifts to HBCUs in 2020 and 2021 as setting off a new chain reaction of support from other large donors.

“Donations that have followed are the type of momentum and support that institutions need in this moment,” Smith said.

Dr. Yolanda Lawson, president of the National Medical Association, said she felt “relief,” when she heard about the gifts to the four medical schools. With the Supreme Court’s decision striking down affirmative action last year and attacks on programs meant to support inclusion and equity at schools, she anticipates that the four schools will play an even larger role in training and increasing the number of Black physicians.

“This opportunity and this investment affects not only just those four institutions, but that affects our country. It affects the nation’s health,” she said.

Dr. William Ross, an orthopedic surgeon from Atlanta and a graduate of Meharry Medical College, has been coming to the National Medical Association conferences since he was a child with his father, who was also a physician. He said he could testify to the high quality of education at the schools, despite the bare minimum of resources and facilities.

“If we are as individuals to overcome health care disparities, it really does take in collaboration between folks who have funding and those who need funding and a willingness to share that funding,” he said in New York.

Utibe Essien, a physician and assistant professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, who researches racial disparities in treatment, said more investment and investment in earlier educational support before high school and college would make a difference in the number of Black students who decide to pursue medicine.

He said he also believes the Supreme Court decision on affirmative action and the backlash against efforts to rectify historic discrimination and racial inequities does have an impact on student choices.

“It’s hard for some of the trainees who are thinking about going into this space to see some of that backlash and pursue it,” he said. “Again, I think we get into this spiral where in five to 10 years we’re going to see a concerning drop in the numbers of diverse people in our field.”



Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
What would happen--and this is just what if--if all of us who recognize him and the others like him (I don't think there is anyone dense enought NOT to know who they are) were to simply put them on ignore.

That way, time currently spent on refuting bullshit (this is why I come out of lurking status), could be spend on sharing info that EDUCATES us all.

Just conjecturin'.
Unfortunately a lot of people in here like the arguments and to be honest at times seeing how these Knuckleheads think is enlightening. One of the best things about a lot of the black Republicans on here is that what they say tells you where they're getting their ideas from.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Everything you post is right wing/ MAGA bullshit.

Seriously you actually came into a thread and said you are a sigma male which came from right wing, red pill, incel message boards which is the breeding ground for MAGA ideas. Every time you speak you out yourself and then you expect us to take you seriously when you go you're not Republican.

Fucking coward. Not even man enough to admit what you are so you hint at shit like a timid bitch.
Sigma, alpha, beta...When did it become COOL to talk like a comic book character?!?!?! I used to get beat up in school for this shyt, now cats are just chest out nerdin it up!!!! Revenge of the Nerds out here and fcukers don't care how goofy they look. Grown ass men talking about they Sigma and Alpha men, but can't be MEN.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Sigma, alpha, beta...When did it become COOL to talk like a comic book character?!?!?! I used to get beat up in school for this shyt, now cats are just chest out nerdin it up!!!! Revenge of the Nerds out here and fcukers don't care how goofy they look. Grown ass men talking about they Sigma and Alpha men, but can't be MEN.

What do you expect from that weirdo Lazarus. But yeah when he said in the other thread he was a sigma male it explained so so much about the dude. Especially how much he would hate on Black woman.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
no one is smacking lol more delusion. just the same handful of dumbocrats supporting anything for them like a dumbass. it's just the low IQ crowd of BGOL. Most on here ain't voting Democrats on election day. You're the dumb minority.

You need more people...

What do you expect from that weirdo Lazarus. But yeah when he said in the other thread he was a sigma male it explained so so much about the dude. Especially how much he would hate on Black woman.

This is one the DUMBEST thread topics I've seen posted on here.
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waking people up
BGOL Investor
You need more people...

This is one the DUMBEST thread topics I've seen posted on here.

need more people? there's more of me than you. most black folks aint going to go to vote for that indian woman. she's fake as fuck and your dumbass stays getting played.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
need more people? there's more of me than you. most black folks aint going to go to vote for that indian woman. she's fake as fuck and your dumbass stays getting played.

When you have to tell yourself that there is only a handful of active voters on this Board, and regurgitate MAGA-land talking points, including "70% of Black male voters are voting for Trump", you clearly don't know what the hell you're talking about. Again, you need more people.

There's a huge, undeniable lack of energy for your boy, old man FELONIOUS. It's prob why you create goofy ass threads like this out of frustration to vent :roflmao: :lol:


waking people up
BGOL Investor
When you have to tell yourself that there is only a handful of active voters on this Board, and regurgitate MAGA-land talking points, including "70% of Black male voters are voting for Trump", you clearly don't know what the hell you're talking about. Again, you need more people.

There's a huge, undeniable lack of energy for your boy, old man FELONIOUS. It's prob why you create goofy ass threads like this out of frustration to vent :roflmao: :lol:
you're an idiot and now you are making up shit so now you are about to get checked.

show me the quote where i said 70% percent of black people are voting for Trump, u weird fuck. I'll wait.

you have a strange obsession with making people trump supporters. you saw what you want and its like you cant even argue for Dems without mentioning Trump as a counterpoint. do you have anything besides accusing people as trump supporters with no factual information?

70% of black people are not voting for harris or trump because politics is bullshit. both sides, you dumb fuck. nothing more pimps and preachers. you still believe they want to help your black ass. lol. your daddy never told you that as a man, only you can save yourself. stop wanting women to lead you and supporting fag shit just so you can be saved without putting in work in building your own community.

you a chump. you in line with downlows, bitch niggas raised by single moms with no strong male influence, dumbasses that are young and follow what their favorite rapper and actors tells em, and black women who chose govt over the leadership of a black man since the 70s.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
you're an idiot and now you are making up shit so now you are about to get checked.

show me the quote where i said 70% percent of black people are voting for Trump, u weird fuck. I'll wait.

you have a strange obsession with making people trump supporters. you saw what you want and its like you cant even argue for Dems without mentioning Trump as a counterpoint. do you have anything besides accusing people as trump supporters with no factual information?

70% of black people are not voting for harris or trump because politics is bullshit. both sides, you dumb fuck. nothing more pimps and preachers. you still believe they want to help your black ass. lol. your daddy never told you that as a man, only you can save yourself. stop wanting women to lead you and supporting fag shit just so you can be saved without putting in work in building your own community.

you a chump. you in line with downlows, bitch niggas raised by single moms with no strong male influence, dumbasses that are young and follow what their favorite rapper and actors tells em, and black women who chose govt over the leadership of a black man since the 70s.

Don't try to run from what you said earlier, then mix it in with a bunch of nothing.

Own it you scared bastid:

70% of Black male voters?

Ok, who are 70% of Black male voters voting for? Your boy? Seriously? :lol: :roflmao:



Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
you're an idiot and now you are making up shit so now you are about to get checked.

show me the quote where i said 70% percent of black people are voting for Trump, u weird fuck. I'll wait.

you have a strange obsession with making people trump supporters. you saw what you want and its like you cant even argue for Dems without mentioning Trump as a counterpoint. do you have anything besides accusing people as trump supporters with no factual information?

70% of black people are not voting for harris or trump because politics is bullshit. both sides, you dumb fuck. nothing more pimps and preachers. you still believe they want to help your black ass. lol. your daddy never told you that as a man, only you can save yourself. stop wanting women to lead you and supporting fag shit just so you can be saved without putting in work in building your own community.

you a chump. you in line with downlows, bitch niggas raised by single moms with no strong male influence, dumbasses that are young and follow what their favorite rapper and actors tells em, and black women who chose govt over the leadership of a black man since the 70s.

Nothing funnier than watching the SIGMA MALE getting crushed so hard in his own thread he starts ranting. Best part is that when he starts ranting what comes out.......his incel hatred of women that I keep pointing out. He's crying about women leading, he's crying about single moms, basically dude is mad women exist. Yall notice his rants sound EXACTLY like the rants of someone that is furious women won't respect him.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Don't try to run from what you said earlier, then mix it in with a bunch of nothing.

Own it you scared bastid:
look at you twisting words lol . read the original. what did it say,?

you just making shit up and everyone knows it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
truth hurts to these coons
Using Malcom to rationalize yourself hatred is coonery. Straight projection. You got the nerve to think you being intelligent.

So what, don't vote, just like the millions of others who don't, but expecting a different outcome based on your nonparticipation is straight delusion. You not voting is exacting what they want.

And what is your platform/demands that you want...self-fellatio. Fuk out here.

I got more respect for the mfers who straight up vote repugnant, which is no respect at all. I can't fuck with y'all. You not like us.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's not being repeated that's a fact. What are you talking about?
Trump facts don't count. Here is a novel idea,...maybe she can claim to be both Indian & Black b/c she is. You can turn blue in the face saying she ain't but the reality is...Black is Black. You won't accept it until the MAGA world call her a monkey & dog her out out like they did Obama. Facts


He scared of her blackness. He don't want to debate her like he did Biden. I can't wait for the Harris/Trump debates. I don't want to get my hopes up too high b/c she will probably walk the line of not wanting to offend whites like Obama did, but she should handle his ass easily. I do wish she wasn't so corny, but smooth like O.
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waking people up
BGOL Investor
Using Malcom to rationalize yourself hatred is coonery. Straight projection. You got the nerve to think you being intelligent.

So what, don't vote, just like the millions of others who don't, but expecting a different outcome based on your nonparticipation is straight delusion. You not voting is exacting what they want.

And what is your platform/demands that you want...self-fellatio. Fuk out here.

I got more respect for the mfers who straight up vote repugnant, which is no respect at all. I can't fuck with y'all. You not like us.
that made no sense. malcolm x called them out for what they are.
how the fuck are you trying to flip it and say im the coon for wanting black empowerment? the fuck? you are the coon doing what malcom warned, you fucking dummy. you throwing your vote away for fake caring cause it makes your bitch ass feel good.

dont think it went unnoticed you didnt refute what he said but tried to insult me as a way to get out of it.

you're an idiot that votes for nothing over and over.
when more and more people stop voting, we will start getting what we want.
neither party represent what i wants so non participation is perfect.
you continue to suck white dick of your massa and shine their shoes as they fake pretend to like your black ass but aint giving you shit. just another dumbocrat.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trump facts don't count. Here is a novel idea,...maybe she can claim to be both Indian & Black b/c she is. You can turn blue in the face saying she ain't but the reality is...Black is Black. You won't accept it until the MAGA world call her a monkey & dog her out out like they did Obama. Facts


He scared of her blackness. He don't want to debate her like he did Biden. I can't wait for the Harris/Trump debates. I don't want to get my hopes up too high b/c she will probably walk the line of not wanting to offend whites like Obama did, but she should handle his ass easily. I do wish she wasn't so corny, but smooth like O.

Fuck noooo, her father is Jamaican, let her run for president in Jamaica or India. She's not black btw. She's mixed. Yall accept her as 1 of yall. We not accepting her here.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck noooo, her father is Jamaican, let her run for president in Jamaica or India. She's not black btw. She's mixed. Yall accept her as 1 of yall. We not accepting her here.
Nigga shut up. Most you wouldn't call yourselves black until a Jamaican told you you was black. The ghost of the honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey say "go sit your narrow nationalist ass down in the corner & put on the dunce cap" and stfu.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
that made no sense. malcolm x called them out for what they are.
how the fuck are you trying to flip it and say im the coon for wanting black empowerment? the fuck? you are the coon doing what malcom warned, you fucking dummy. you throwing your vote away for fake caring cause it makes your bitch ass feel good.

dont think it went unnoticed you didnt refute what he said but tried to insult me as a way to get out of it.

you're an idiot that votes for nothing over and over.
when more and more people stop voting, we will start getting what we want.
neither party represent what i wants so non participation is perfect.
you continue to suck white dick of your massa and shine their shoes as they fake pretend to like your black ass but aint giving you shit. just another dumbocrat.
This the last thing I'ma say to you. The speech that got Malcolm killed was called "the ballot or the bullet" not "be a bitchass nigga & sit your ass at home and do nothing". Voting is the least of what you should be doing. Our predecessor already paid the cost. Now it's time to get involved & get into to it. Not bickering with your own kinfolk promoting defeatist strategies.

Last thing, I swear to you, you wouldn't be talking all that shit in my face. Cause I'm figuratively a bastard of the party (BPP) & the grandson of Malcolm X, not your weak ass out here slandering a black woman that will most likely be the next president & 1st woman president of the United States. Count your fucking blessing keyboard coon nigga. Stfu already.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
This the last thing I'ma say to you. The speech that got Malcolm killed was called "the ballot or the bullet" not "be a bitchass nigga & sit your ass at home and do nothing". Voting is the least of what you should be doing. Our predecessor already paid the cost. Now it's time to get involved & get into to it. Not bickering with your own kinfolk promoting defeatist strategies.

Last thing, I swear to you, you wouldn't be talking all that shit in my face. Cause I'm figuratively a bastard of the party (BPP) & the grandson of Malcolm X, not your weak ass out here slandering a black woman that will most likely be the next president & 1st woman president of the United States. Count your fucking blessing keyboard coon nigga. Stfu already.
bro, no one scared of you. i'll say it to your face too. you're a fuckin idiotic coon. plantation massa loving nigga.

you are not related to anyone, you fraud.

and his last speech was not labeled that, you fucking liar.
it was called Message to the Grass Roots"

all you did was prove you're full of shit. FOH


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nigga shut up. Most you wouldn't call yourselves black until a Jamaican told you you was black. The ghost of the honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey say "go sit your narrow nationalist ass down in the corner & put on the dunce cap" and stfu.

Suck.. My.. Dick.