Getting her black voice on...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
All this "is Kamala Black?" shit got worse when Trump questioned her Blackness. And Black people are eating it up. That's a damn shame.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
All this "is Kamala Black?" shit got worse when Trump questioned her Blackness. And Black people are eating it up. That's a damn shame.
wrong. been that way since she was a politician here in Cali. She claimed Indian back then. Then when she ran with Biden, she switched to being multiracial and Black. She has said previously she was Indian, but never black only multicultural when it suits her. you vote for her based on policies, thats on you, but she's fake as fuck


Rising Star
Platinum Member
wrong. been that way since she was a politician here in Cali. She claimed Indian back then. Then when she ran with Biden, she switched to being multiracial and Black. She has said previously she was Indian, but never black only multicultural when it suits her. you vote for her based on policies, thats on you, but she's fake as fuck

Point taken. Everything you said is right. It just feels like it escalated after what Trump said.

Taking everything else into account, in my opinion, voting for Harris should be a no brainer. Better than voting for Trump, or someone else...which would be like not voting at all.


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
Sigma, alpha, beta...When did it become COOL to talk like a comic book character?!?!?! I used to get beat up in school for this shyt, now cats are just chest out nerdin it up!!!! Revenge of the Nerds out here and fcukers don't care how goofy they look. Grown ass men talking about they Sigma and Alpha men, but can't be MEN.
This is where that alpha male bs gets you in life. It'll have you e embarrassed by someone smarter or more levelheaded.
