Graphic - Nigerian thieves burned

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A Nigerian man once told me this story on how this man with money had a big house in Nigeria then one day a gang of thief broke in from the roof. They were fully armed with machine guns and machetes and demanded that he hand over all his money. The old man said he was short of cash due to him working so hard to send his daughters to school. The thieves demanded he call in his two daughters to the room, once the girls arrived the bandits raped and killed them both in front of the father. After the act was completed they said, there you don't have money to spend on the girls no more, next month we will come back and you better have my money. No if those guys in the video did any as fucked up as that, then I would fly there and burn their asses myself!

is this story really true?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
that was pretty fucked up, wasn't even expecting that so fast.

However the worst thing i've seen is the man getting murdered by 3 people (beaten by a hammer, stabbed). As opposed to "justice", they did it so people could have something to be remember them by. This is not a direct link to a video, but another place that has it. warned, very graphic.
By far the sickest shit I've ever seen in life period. I've seen a WHOLE lot of shit. I'm on and it don't ever phase me, but this shit right here...


some of these arm robbers in Africa are fucking ruthless..growing up in Africa at a very young age..I saw a lot of incidents like this..I aint condoning instant justice..matter of fact I hate that shit..but some of the shit these niggas do to rob people is inhumane as well...cutting up lil kids for voodoo and shit so they can obtain spiritual protection to help them rob ruthless out there in make hood niggas out here on the streets weak..:smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh:


They kill children accused of being witches the same way so if you call that justice better open your eyes

nigga get your mind outta gutter..u watching too much cnn...they dont burn kids accused of been witches..stop fucking lying


wannabe star
that was pretty fucked up, wasn't even expecting that so fast.

However the worst thing i've seen is the man getting murdered by 3 people (beaten by a hammer, stabbed). As opposed to "justice", they did it so people could have something to be remember them by. This is not a direct link to a video, but another place that has it. warned, very graphic.

GOT DAMN! :puke:
I had to turn the sound off... This was beyond disturbing!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I won't deny your point....But my point is Here in the US The cops can know who the culprit is and let them walk....for whatever reason....I have seen it too many times...that is why I am anti State sponsored capital punishment.......

People in the hood usually have less agendas....and for sure some of these heathens need to be dealt with...You can call it vigilantism if you like....but IMO in most cases justice would usually be served better by the community...than the Institutions...
If you are in a major city like myself everyone knows who is selling the Drugs...including the Police....yet the shit continues no matter how many innocent people are affected.....That tells me...The authorities don't give a Fuck...So if they don't ....Who Should??

I would rather trust authorities than trust an angry mob. No matter how incompetant authorities are they are at least accountable and have a code of conduct they have to abide by. Communities are just a group of people with grievances looking to let out their own form of justic made up of ridiculous reasons. Just look at how communities throughout history have turned into savage mobs that massacre innocents, with recent examples like what happened in Rwanda and South african when they turned against zimbabweans. The community is not a vehicle of trained adjudicators that can dispense justice, they are not willing to even listen to the plea's of the condemned person to see their side all they want to see is blood spilt. How barbaric is that video the guy is on fire on his last breath and is still being beaten thats a slow death I would never wish on anyone.


^^^Dude, before you start getting all moral and shit about the so-called "barbarism" of Nigeria try to bear in mind that Guantanamo Bay was not conceptualized by any Nigerians.

You know fuck all about the reality of crime in Nigeria so please try to avoid generalizing.

In Nigeria, armed robbers dont step to Banks or financial institutions, they roll up on private residences and rob families at gun/machete point.

They tend to rape any females present in the homes in front of their male relatives and just straight desecrate and humiliate their victims.

So yeah, the lynching scenes may seem outrageous to you but if your Mom's, sisters, female cousins or aunts had an armed gang running train on them (God forbid) you'd be pouring that gasolene on with a quickness your damn self.:angry:


Some one willing to speak sense. And this isn't as common place as people would think just for the simple fact that shit like this can happen.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
nigga get your mind outta gutter..u watching too much cnn...they dont burn kids accused of been witches..stop fucking lying

Your credit card scamming lime green shoe wearing nigerian idiots are murdering children in Akwa-Ibom state. You are nation of hypocrites and murderers I hope your misfortunes are increased tenfolds, you are a curse to the rest of Africa


Professional Bastard Bum
Platinum Member
The Klan use to burn blacks all the time in this country for looking and whistling at white women.

America will bomb a country and kill thousands of innocent civilians (Iraq) to protect its interests (Oil).


BGOL Investor
I would rather trust authorities than trust an angry mob. No matter how incompetant authorities are they are at least accountable and have a code of conduct they have to abide by. Communities are just a group of people with grievances looking to let out their own form of justic made up of ridiculous reasons. Just look at how communities throughout history have turned into savage mobs that massacre innocents, with recent examples like what happened in Rwanda and South african when they turned against zimbabweans. The community is not a vehicle of trained adjudicators that can dispense justice, they are not willing to even listen to the plea's of the condemned person to see their side all they want to see is blood spilt. How barbaric is that video the guy is on fire on his last breath and is still being beaten thats a slow death I would never wish on anyone.
Well if you believe that then you should roll with your pov....I don't....I have seen otherwise...and so I'll stay with my Pov...."authorities" in my experience are worse than any "mob" you can ever mentioned...btw when they talk about all these so called 3rd world atrocities just remember you are getting usually one slanted view....usually with agendas you have no ideal of unless you have really did your research....and yes I would include Darfur


Potential Star
Brothas, I lived in Nigeria from 81 to 85. On the news you would get to watch public executions. If you wanted to you could also attend and watch in person. Life in these African countries is rough. No one cares about being sensitive or whether you're squeamish. Steal and you'll get a tire necklace.

Go to Lagos and just observe -you can literally feel the anarchy - you'll understand what I mean and then you'll be thankful for the law and order that we enjoy in this country.


BGOL Investor
Brothas, I lived in Nigeria from 81 to 85. On the news you would get to watch public executions. If you wanted to you could also attend and watch in person. Life in these African countries is rough. No one cares about being sensitive or whether you're squeamish. Steal and you'll get a tire necklace.

Go to Lagos and just observe -you can literally feel the anarchy - you'll understand what I mean and then you'll be thankful for the law and order that we enjoy in this country.

Yea with all the law in order here it still has one of highest violent crime rates in the world.......hope nobody you love ever gets would most def be singing a different tune and God help you if The authorities don't think your love one was important enough to do a thorough investigation....Then you will see how truly insensitive this mofo really is


Potential Star
Yea with all the law in order here it still has one of highest violent crime rates in the world.......hope nobody you love ever gets would most def be singing a different tune and God help you if The authorities don't think your love one was important enough to do a thorough investigation....Then you will see how truly insensitive this mofo really is

Don't get me wrong. I know this country has its problems. There are spots in North Philly that you don't want to be moving around in at certain times. An uncle of mine was killed in a robbery in Nigeria. I hadn't seen him in many years though. I don't think you're understanding my point so let me help you. Try calling the police in Lagos when a team of robbers comes to your house. The cops will tell you, "Oga, we no sabi come o. Make you send moto come collect us" translation - send a car!. Can you imagine the official that's supposed to ensure your well being saying that to you. In this country I can leave my house at midnight, drive to anywhere I want and not be taking a chance with my life. In Lagos you better have your ass inside the walls of your compound by 8 pm. If you mess around you're likely to get victimized on the outside. It's a truly fucked up situation.


BGOL Investor
Don't get me wrong. I know this country has its problems. There are spots in North Philly that you don't want to be moving around in at certain times. An uncle of mine was killed in a robbery in Nigeria. I hadn't seen him in many years though. I don't think you're understanding my point so let me help you. Try calling the police in Lagos when a team of robbers comes to your house. The cops will tell you, "Oga, we no sabi come o. Make you send moto come collect us" translation - send a car!. Can you imagine the official that's supposed to ensure your well being saying that to you. In this country I can leave my house at midnight, drive to anywhere I want and not be taking a chance with my life. In Lagos you better have your ass inside the walls of your compound by 8 pm. If you mess around you're likely to get victimized on the outside. It's a truly fucked up situation.

Well I worked as a Paramedic in Detroit for many years and we worked closely with the Police....I saw 1st hand how they get down....and It does not inspire confidence in me....And if you don't know most violent Crimes (murder included) go unsolved in this country(not just Detroit)....I just can't see where that makes the criminal justice system in this country any better than anywhere else


Potential Star
I feel you....My reaction is to the perception that all this is so dam barbaric......and It is the same or worse right here....It;s just that when you run it on the media like that without showing the same kind of thing that happens here every day peoples world views get really distorted

Man I ain't never seen a nigga get beat down lit on fire and a tire thrown on his ass in the US for stealing. NEVER. And I'm talking 2008, not back in the day.

Dert Bagg

^^^Dude, before you start getting all moral and shit about the so-called "barbarism" of Nigeria try to bear in mind that Guantanamo Bay was not conceptualized by any Nigerians.

You know fuck all about the reality of crime in Nigeria so please try to avoid generalizing.

In Nigeria, armed robbers dont step to Banks or financial institutions, they roll up on private residences and rob families at gun/machete point.

They tend to rape any females present in the homes in front of their male relatives and just straight desecrate and humiliate their victims.

So yeah, the lynching scenes may seem outrageous to you but if your Mom's, sisters, female cousins or aunts had an armed gang running train on them (God forbid) you'd be pouring that gasolene on with a quickness your damn self.:angry:

So he erred in generalizing the the wrong Nigerians as barbarians?


Support BGOL
I would rather trust authorities than trust an angry mob. No matter how incompetant authorities are they are at least accountable and have a code of conduct they have to abide by. Communities are just a group of people with grievances looking to let out their own form of justic made up of ridiculous reasons. Just look at how communities throughout history have turned into savage mobs that massacre innocents, with recent examples like what happened in Rwanda and South african when they turned against zimbabweans. The community is not a vehicle of trained adjudicators that can dispense justice, they are not willing to even listen to the plea's of the condemned person to see their side all they want to see is blood spilt. How barbaric is that video the guy is on fire on his last breath and is still being beaten thats a slow death I would never wish on anyone.

Point taken. But how about a eye for an eye justice? Armed bandits rape and kill a few women. They PROVE they did it and the victims family gets to break broomsticks off is his ass and murk his ass. Equal justice?

Crime would drop overnight if eye for an eye type law was passed. With forensics and CSI type shit these days, crime can be proved fairly reliably. This aint 50's.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I guess Because I generally view 85% of humanity as something less than human.. it didnt disturb me as much as I thought it would.

I wouldnt laugh at it, but it didnt faze me as much knowing the full story.

its the tension.
seeing dudes waiting for it.
especially the last guy:eek::smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wonder if watching all this fucked up stuff is bad. Almost similar to going to war, but not actually going to war...


Rising Star
Three alleged 'penis thieves' burnt alive

Cotonou - Three foreigners were recently burnt to death for allegedly trying to "steal" penises in Benin's commercial capital, Cotonou, a private television channel reported Saturday.
LC2 television said the three alleged thiefs had supposedly tried to make the genitals of their supposed victims disappear.
The presumed thieves were caught and burnt alive, it said, without specifying their nationalities.
The belief that men's private parts can magically be stolen by incantations or even a simple handshake is widespread across parts of western Africa.
The channel said another presumed penis thief, of Nigerian nationality, was beaten by college students for the same reason.
According to the local Le Matinal newspaper five people have been recently killed for trying to make the genital organs of their victims vanish.



See how the white man is fuckin up Africa..:angry:

Oh wait..


Real talk, if white folx had did that shyt every mafucka claiming that it wasn't barbaric would be callin for their heads ona a fuckin platter.

That shyt was absolute barbarism and Nigeria like a lot African nations have internal issues but that's not the populist rhetoric that we want to hear.




BGOL Investor
Man I ain't never seen a nigga get beat down lit on fire and a tire thrown on his ass in the US for stealing. NEVER. And I'm talking 2008, not back in the day.

Well in point of fact as a paramedic I have had Several runs were men and Women were doused with gasoline and lit up right here in Detroit in this day....So don't delude yourself The US ranks High on The Barbaric scale...also had runs where mofo's slit babies throats...and even one run were some bitch blew a 3 years old brains out...


BGOL Investor
See how the white man is fuckin up Africa..:angry:

Oh wait..


Real talk, if white folx had did that shyt every mafucka claiming that it wasn't barbaric would be callin for their heads ona a fuckin platter.

That shyt was absolute barbarism and Nigeria like a lot African nations have internal issues but that's not the populist rhetoric that we want to hear.


You are missing the Point (At least my point).....
Which is this kind of thing is happening all over the world...and probably in your fair town (wherever it may be)...So if you think these so called 3rd countries are the only plce this shit is happening you are deluded....And here in the US it is usually for a less valid reason than what you saw in the video...So don't place this place on a higher moral plane ....because it just is not so

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
Three alleged 'penis thieves' burnt alive

Cotonou - Three foreigners were recently burnt to death for allegedly trying to "steal" penises in Benin's commercial capital, Cotonou, a private television channel reported Saturday.
LC2 television said the three alleged thiefs had supposedly tried to make the genitals of their supposed victims disappear.
The presumed thieves were caught and burnt alive, it said, without specifying their nationalities.
The belief that men's private parts can magically be stolen by incantations or even a simple handshake is widespread across parts of western Africa.
The channel said another presumed penis thief, of Nigerian nationality, was beaten by college students for the same reason.
According to the local Le Matinal newspaper five people have been recently killed for trying to make the genital organs of their victims vanish.


Wha wha...wait what? Penis thieves...penis thieves...cot damn penis thieves!!!
I'm trying to fight back laughter at this story. :hmm::rolleyes:...

We'll that's what they get. I'd want the same thing to happen if they were trying to steal my family jewels too.

The planet earth is a strange place.