My new fav...Kinfolk, let me tell y'all something...
I've never in my life considered kidnapping a woman. I mean it's some shit that has never even entered my mind...
But this got damn Luna Star...
Man listen, you let her fuck around and let me know where she is...
Don't judge me...
So much stuff i was supposed to do today then I check this fucking thread again.
This nigga G is ruining my life...
Kinfolk, let me tell y'all something...
I've never in my life considered kidnapping a woman. I mean it's some shit that has never even entered my mind...
But this got damn Luna Star...
Man listen, you let her fuck around and let me know where she is...
Don't judge me...
So much stuff i was supposed to do today then I check this fucking thread again.
This nigga G is ruining my life...
Kinfolk, let me tell y'all something...
I've never in my life considered kidnapping a woman. I mean it's some shit that has never even entered my mind...
But this got damn Luna Star...
Man listen, you let her fuck around and let me know where she is...
Don't judge me...
So much stuff i was supposed to do today then I check this fucking thread again.
This nigga G is ruining my life...
We have sworn an oath, that you shall not pass.
Below the front page
<IMG src = "" style="width:473px; height:272px" alt="" />
You shall not pass the front page!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not good when i have to go a few pages back to find this thread...