Gun Shopping: I need a handgun - Home Defense <$500 (Porn Inside)

God's Gift

The best of the majority of you niggas.
BGOL Investor
Springfield armory's XD line. Pick your caliber, pick your color, Adjustable hand grips, has safeties and a chamber loaded indicator that you can feel in the dark with a gloved hand . I believe it can be operated whether you're left or right handed.

Even though I did handle guns in the military, I was in the Navy lol. Before I got deployed to Kuwait I might have shot 60 bullets my entire 10-year career. Not 60 times...60 bullets. (I was in supply.)

In preparation for Kuwait I qualified on the 9 mm and the M16 - no idiot marks.

That said, I know better than to get a weapon without a safety. Even though I know what I'm doing, you don't want to take the chance. I'll probably get a trigger guard anyway, just in case

Springfield Xd .45 mod 2, undisputed

Springfield Arms SD Subcompact


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
No safety.. A kid does not get a second chance.. If you slip up once.. Brah
A kid just last week (out here in LA) shot himself in the hand with his father's gun. This happens all of the time. The issue isn't a gun's safety mechanism. The issue is firearm education or lack thereof. Some of these accidents are caused with Glocks, and some are not. It's your duty as a gun owner to educated yourself, and then educated your family on gun safety and the dangers of playing around with weapons of any type.

There are cable locks, trigger locks, and gun safes that are at anyone's disposal. Firearm safety is the issue, not whether or not a gun has a safety. The first thing you learn in any firearm safety class is to "Treat all guns as if they are loaded."

If a person isn't smart enough to adhere to firearm safety rules, that person shouldn't have a gun in the first place.


Why not Like ebay for guns.. It's all I fuck with.. Ffl 15.00

I seen that site for years but never copped one. Im in Cali so the gun laws are strict as fuck. Can I cop thangs off the site and have them sent home or they have to be sent to a Firearms dealer then I wait to pick up? How shit for yall in the Sip?


Rising Star
Platinum Member

i bought this for around $200 a couple of months ago,it's a ruger .380
this site will let you break up the payments


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've got a SCCY CPX2, Springfield XD 40 sub compact, Taurus G2C, and a Hi Point 40. Due to the size. The Hi Point stays at home. The XD cost me almost $400. Taurus and SCCY 199.00 and the Hi Point cost me $125.00.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Bruh, when it comes to guns simplicity is the key. If you want reliability, ease of operation/cleaning, versatility and stopping power at a discount rate you need to get a revolver. The only benefit semis have over revolvers is the number of rounds you can load. Now consider that the vast majority of people that have been in a gunfight didn't fire more than 3 rounds so anything else is just over kill for the casual self defense shooter. Get a Taurus Judge or a Smith & Wesson Governor. Both of these fire regular bullets AND shotgun shells. If you want some real stopping power get a hand cannon in the Taurus Raging Judge. They fire .454 Casulls (One of the most powerful rounds in the world). That's all you need. A regular Judge is around $400.



Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
Brah.. I fucks wit u da long way.. Check out the ruger sr9c.. This lil hoix bang out 17 shots.. Under 400.00. But I also carry the sccy cpx 2 9mm... Lifetime warranty even with theft.. If someone steals it.. They replace it.. Brah
Thats what I got. Cost me over 400 though.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
I seen that site for years but never copped one. Im in Cali so the gun laws are strict as fuck. Can I cop thangs off the site and have them sent home or they have to be sent to a Firearms dealer then I wait to pick up? How shit for yall in the Sip?
FFL license only. Down here it is so relax on guns, cus of the CAcs and the NRA.. BRAH

Adam Knows

YouTube: Adam Knows
Platinum Member
I haven't really handled weapons since I got out of the Navy (been to the range once since I got out). I need something simple, semi-auto. Something that's easy to use, Easy to clean and the bullets aren't too expensive.

I'm guessing a 9mm would be preferred over a .380 because I would assume 9mm rounds are cheaper than .380 rounds. I don't want it to cost me a grip practicing with it.

I don't know where to look, so I'm asking y'all. I know I'm not the only guy who's curious, and we got people on this site who know a lot of shit about a lot of shit.

So, what do you got, and where do I look? Also if you could add info like laser sighting I'd appreciate it

go up into mentor, oh on mentor ave before rt 615 it's a black owned gun shop called Finest Firearms, he'll get you set up with something decent.

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
This is what I have, the Springfield Mod2.
Awesome gun and like that the safety is in your grip, not a manual lever that you have to flip. I am just partial to Springfield guns. Damn good quality. This one is $409 and may cost $25 in transfer fees to ship to a dealer, would have to check who's closest to you.


I got the .40 , .45 in this version. They make really reliable weapons that won’t break your pocket


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
I got the .40 , .45 in this version. They make really reliable weapons that won’t break your pocket
Did a lot of research prior to getting my first piece and settling on a 9mm. The whole 45 thing is kind of overrated from movies. A 9mm hollow point has the same stopping power as a 45 and will fuck someone up the same way. Why I prefer 9mm is more in the clip and cheaper to shoot. I use full metal on the range and carry with hollow points.

And don't fall for that polymer bullet shit like I did as they are supposed to be lighter and faster. You can get hollow points that will fuck up someone's hospital stay, if they even make it there.


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
Thanks for the info, about to close on a house and I know I'm going to need something eventually. Gonna look into the SR9C


Rising Star
Platinum Member
For home defense, go with a shotty......first three shots...00 (double 'oughts), the rest slugs

I don't know if you have ever had your door kicked in in the middle of the night, but that shit is intense....with the spray of a shotty, you ain't got to be perfect, just close.....and his ass will mind.....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Decide on if you want a striker fired or hammer fired gun. Glocks, Canik, Springfield XD, H&K VP9 are all striker fired. Keep in mind that when you rack the slide with a striker fired gun, the striker is cocked. The only way to release it is to pull the trigger. There have been cases of the striker going off when the gun is dropped. Its kinda similar to carrying a hammer fired gun cocked and locked. You can eliminate this potential problem by just not racking the slide until you are ready to shoot. Its a personal preference, but something to think about before picking a gun.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Decide on if you want a striker fired or hammer fired gun. Glocks, Canik, Springfield XD, H&K VP9 are all striker fired. Keep in mind that when you rack the slide with a striker fired gun, the striker is cocked. The only way to release it is to pull the trigger. There have been cases of the striker going off when the gun is dropped. Its kinda similar to carrying a hammer fired gun cocked and locked. You can eliminate this potential problem by just not racking the slide until you are ready to shoot. Its a personal preference, but something to think about before picking a gun.
Disagree, maybe cheap guns may go off like that, but a cocked and loaded Springfield will not, and don't believe Glock will either.

You should always carry loaded, as you will not have time, most of the time in the heat of the moment to rack your gun.

There was another recent vid on here where a Brazilian female cop was about to be robbed or assaulted and she pulled out and fired in one motion. Had no time rack her gun as the attacker was on her about 2 ft in front of her.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
I've found over the years that the best way to keep kids safe around guns is to take away the wow factor. Teach them how to shoot early. Take them to the gun range and teach them gun safety. As long as "Menace To Society", "Boys In The Hood" and John Rambo is romanticizing guns to your kids they are going to pick one up when you're not around. I started with my sons early with bbguns and milk jugs in the back yard then graduated to guns at the range. They know that guns ain't for play play. They know you don't point a gun unless your ready to use it. They know how dangerous guns are. Most of all they can protect our home, themselves and me in an emergency..

exactly. my father had me around guns early and i was at ranges at 10 years old.

firearm education is the life saver.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Did a lot of research prior to getting my first piece and settling on a 9mm. The whole 45 thing is kind of overrated from movies. A 9mm hollow point has the same stopping power as a 45 and will fuck someone up the same way. Why I prefer 9mm is more in the clip and cheaper to shoot. I use full metal on the range and carry with hollow points.

And don't fall for that polymer bullet shit like I did as they are supposed to be lighter and faster. You can get hollow points that will fuck up someone's hospital stay, if they even make it there.
Disagree, maybe cheap guns may go off like that, but a cocked and loaded Springfield will not, and don't believe Glock will either.

You should always carry loaded, as you will not have time, most of the time in the heat of the moment to rack your gun.

There was another recent vid on here where a Brazilian female cop was about to be robbed or assaulted and she pulled out and fired in one motion. Had no time rack her gun as the attacker was on her about 2 ft in front of her.
I agree about carrying loaded, I just don't trust striker fired. Or hammer fired cocked and locked. Glocks have experienced accidental discharges and the sig that won the military contract had problems enough that they did an update to fix it. I don't know about. Xd problems but never looked.
That video you are talking about is why I wouldn't carry a gun with a safety either. You can practice and make the pull out and take safety off in one motion, but I'm not on that level. And don't think it's the best anyway. I carry a modified double action only and the long trigger pull is the only safety.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I've found over the years that the best way to keep kids safe around guns is to take away the wow factor. Teach them how to shoot early. Take them to the gun range and teach them gun safety. As long as "Menace To Society", "Boys In The Hood" and John Rambo is romanticizing guns to your kids they are going to pick one up when you're not around. I started with my sons early with bbguns and milk jugs in the back yard then graduated to guns at the range. They know that guns ain't for play play. They know you don't point a gun unless your ready to use it. They know how dangerous guns are. Most of all they can protect our home, themselves and me in an emergency..

This is what I teach mine.. Brah


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I agree about carrying loaded, I just don't trust striker fired. Or hammer fired cocked and locked. Glocks have experienced accidental discharges and the sig that won the military contract had problems enough that they did an update to fix it. I don't know about. Xd problems but never looked.
That video you are talking about is why I wouldn't carry a gun with a safety either. You can practice and make the pull out and take safety off in one motion, but I'm not on that level. And don't think it's the best anyway. I carry a modified double action only and the long trigger pull is the only safety.

I keep it awf safety.. Unless I'm at home.. Rats like cheese.. And kids like foolishness...if a kid listened.. Teen pregnancy and teen drug use would dam near not exist.. I dont trust my kids enough to leave a loaded weapon around them.. Brah


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'm from a little town in Louisiana where I learned how to shoot a gun before I could tie my shoes. My father was a big time gun collector and that was one of the ways he connected with his 6 sons. Underneath every bed in the house there was at least one case of weapon and I have shot hundred of guns from guys who come around to shoot with my father due to his reputation with firearms. And before he passed away, he directed one of my older brothers to divvy up the gun between the siblings. Out of all the guns that was there for me to choose from; I went with the Baretta Model 92 and the Mossberg 500 pump action shotgun. The Mossberg is the perfect home protection weapon!!!!! All you have to do is just pump this gun one time and any home invader will know you mean business. And as far as personal handgun, you can't go wrong with the Model 92. This a simple well balance gun that take a licking and keep going. Just look where the Army transferred to this weapon from years of using the Colt 1991 .45 ACP (another of my all time favorites) if you need more evidence. The 1911 has been in service since 1914 which says a lot about what replaced it. It's easy to maintain and accurate when put into use. This is my favorite, however, I suggest you go to an indoor range where you can rent several guns to see what you like. But maaaannnn, I can get pure medieval with the Model 92. And this is from guy who has around 50yrs (along with 25yrs in the Army) of weapon experience. Again, I recommend you go out test drive a few before you make your decision.

A little advice, if you have children, buy a locking device and also take them to a shooting range to show the power of a gun buy shooting through an old telephone book (or any target that thicker than skin) because this will let them see the damage that a gun can do. Trust me, it's one of the best lesson I've learned in my 54yrs.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I keep it awf safety.. Unless I'm at home.. Rats like cheese.. And kids like foolishness...if a kid listened.. Teen pregnancy and teen drug use would dam near not exist.. I dont trust my kids enough to leave a loaded weapon around them.. Brah
Why dont you just use a gun lock to keep the kids safe? They can disengage the safety.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Why dont you just use a gun lock to keep the kids safe? They can disengage the safety.

I Hella gunsafe as well...I just prefer safety.. I've always practiced with the safety engaged.. Im very use to decockin and shooting at the range. And have been in gunfightz as well.. Brah


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
I agree about carrying loaded, I just don't trust striker fired. Or hammer fired cocked and locked. Glocks have experienced accidental discharges and the sig that won the military contract had problems enough that they did an update to fix it. I don't know about. Xd problems but never looked.
That video you are talking about is why I wouldn't carry a gun with a safety either. You can practice and make the pull out and take safety off in one motion, but I'm not on that level. And don't think it's the best anyway. I carry a modified double action only and the long trigger pull is the only safety.
Hear you, just the Springfield guns, safety is in your palm. As you grip the gun, the cup between your thumb and index, on the back of the grip, engages the gun.

You can't fire the gun without that pressed. And dropping the gun, racked will not fire. And anything with a hammer like a 1911 will. Striker type guns are designed with that drop safety

Check this out:

That Sig is scary lol​


BGOL Investor
Bruh, when it comes to guns simplicity is the key. If you want reliability, ease of operation/cleaning, versatility and stopping power at a discount rate you need to get a revolver. The only benefit semis have over revolvers is the number of rounds you can load. Now consider that the vast majority of people that have been in a gunfight didn't fire more than 3 rounds so anything else is just over kill for the casual self defense shooter. Get a Taurus Judge or a Smith & Wesson Governor. Both of these fire regular bullets AND shotgun shells. If you want some real stopping power get a hand cannon in the Taurus Raging Judge. They fire .454 Casulls (One of the most powerful rounds in the world). That's all you need. A regular Judge is around $400.

Let me say a few things about this gun.
My facility manager has one and I borrowed it for a weekend to try it out before I decided to buy one.
Glad I did because after I shot about 12 rounds, I was done.
I have good size hands and this gun packs a helluva kick.
Unless you are a big dude with extra size large hands, I'd pass on this one.


BGOL Investor
Cant' go wrong on the Ruger SR9c or the Taurus Millenium G2...FWIW, I have a affinity to Rugers since I am a lefty and they are typically ambidextrous...
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hear you, just the Springfield guns, safety is in your palm. As you grip the gun, the cup between your thumb and index, on the back of the grip, engages the gun.

You can't fire the gun without that pressed. And dropping the gun, racked will not fire. And anything with a hammer like a 1911 will. Striker type guns are designed with that drop safety

Check this out:

That Sig is scary lol​

Yeah, that's the one I was talking about. They were supposed to have fixed it, but I don't know for sure. I didn't know the xd has that type of safety. I think an old striker fired hk had that type too. People used to say that the owner would be the only one who would know how to shoot it. A hammer fired gun doesn't have any issues if the hammer is decocked. That's why I think cocked and locked is crazy.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Let me say a few things about this gun.
My facility manager has one and I borrowed it for a weekend to try it out before I decided to buy one.
Glad I did because after I shot about 12 rounds, I was done.
I have good size hands and this gun packs a helluva kick.
Unless you are a big dude with extra size large hands, I'd pass on this one.
True! Did you fire the Judge or the Raging Judge?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: The Judge is manageable. That Raging Judge is a hand cannon that needs to be kept in the house.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
How do you like it?
Thinking bout grabbing one as a backup pocket pistol.
i use to carry a glock 19
it was uncomfortable when driving
this is not you can put it in any pocket and sit down
the holster it comes with is designed to stay in the pocket when you draw
there is no safety,the only drawback i know of is that the grip is so short since i haven't shot it yet