Bruh, they really don't have a clue.
You can't educate people who don't want to be educated. They only see the surface shit. No matter how much you try to tell them that there's more to it, you'll get, "Dems and Repubs ain't doing shit... so we need to ban all guns." That's exactly what they want to do. Look at the history. Blacks couldn't own rifles of any kind. We could only own shotguns at one time.
They want to make Black folks afraid of guns (again). They want you to go to a supermarket gun buy back program, where they'll give you $100 worth of groceries, while they'll take your $800+ weapon off of your hands. Now you can't protect your home or anything else from white mob violence, or any type of violence for that matter.
Take responsibility for your weapons. Learn gun safety. Keep guns away from children and the mentally unstable.