Halo' TV Series Moves From Showtime to Paramount+ (DISCUSSION)


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Yo that show is frustrating good

I'm tired of the white savior thing

But the look the writing the acting

And seeing a whole new darker side of Tokyo

it brings to light that Japan and especially South Korea are just as corrupt as Russia and China. They somehow always stay out of the lime light.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Episode 8 of HALO, felt the most like Halo to me…

The Soren and girl eps feel like another sci fi show I’d also watch, but not Halo universe. I’d rather they were separate shows, but I understand they need to world build and give us some other viewpoint rather than just the military and monsters. I guess…


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Episode 8 of HALO, felt the most like Halo to me…

The Soren and girl eps feel like another sci fi show I’d also watch, but not Halo universe. I’d rather they were separate shows, but I understand they need to world build and give us some other viewpoint rather than just the military and monsters. I guess…

Why you say this?