Has anyone seen the movie 'Moonlight'?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That whole aspect of the film was problematic for me. I grew up in some harsh environments and there were always weird "odd" kids.... rarely did we think of their sexual preference. That premise feels like propaganda against black communities, attempting to sell "homophobia" among black Americans while encouraging the gay agenda

We collectively as people usually are more compassionate towards people who are outcasts or pariahs, due to our tragic experience in the western world.

This wasn't a great film, the only reason I see it winning anything is that it makes whites feel superior due to black suffering

Man please it was a gay kid at my school and he always got picked on. Kids that are gay and especially in hard communities like that will always get it in school and in the community. I know the gay kid who was in my class caught hell.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Either or, Im just saying the shit wrong with his life had nothing to o with being gay.
I had the same shit in high school. Some "tough guys" wanted to pick on my because I was short and just talked about videogames with my homie Pedro and Mike...unfortunately for them, they didn't know I was from North Philly and was friends and neighbors to dudes that really didn't give a fuck about stomping someone out in broad daylight. I mentioned it to them, and the next day when I got out of school they were waiting for the dudes that I had a problem with.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That whole aspect of the film was problematic for me. I grew up in some harsh environments and there were always weird "odd" kids.... rarely did we think of their sexual preference. That premise feels like propaganda against black communities, attempting to sell "homophobia" among black Americans while encouraging the gay agenda

We collectively as people usually are more compassionate towards people who are outcasts or pariahs, due to our tragic experience in the western world.

This is true and people don't point this out. Lee Daniels and other groups want to always talk about how homophobic the Black community because of their experiences with certain individuals, when actuality many Blacks have shown compassion towards gays and lesbians, despite objections to the lifestyle. No, we aren't going to be front and center at the pride parade but we also aren't the ones making gays feel uncomfortable in the workplace or in general. We are the ones who tell gay family members "we still love you anyways" despite our typically strong objections but that never get's talked about.

When I was in school, there was a group of boys who used to tease this gay kid on a daily basis, it was mostly playful and they never hit him. One day the gay kid got into a strange car with a strange man, those same boys who were teasing that gay kid a few hours earlier chased the car down and got the kid out of the car and sat him down and warned him not to that again. Their actions weren't meant to be taken as endorsement of the gay lifestyle but they showed some type of compassion because they knew he was soft, scared and was too trusting of the wrong people and that whole situation could have ended badly. I'm sure that wasn't an isolated incident, I'm sure it has happened in every hood.

As for the movie, I had no issue with it, I knew going in what it was about and I wasn't shook by the sex scene or the or the romantic tension between Chiron and Kevin in the diner or the closing scene but I agree with what another poster said, This movie's storyline could have been redone with a girl or a boy of any orientation or race, it didn't really dive into the complexities of sexual orientation in the black community or the complexities of how different black people deal with it. I'm not sure if the director was intending to do that or not or if the author of the play this movie is based on dove that deep.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
That whole aspect of the film was problematic for me. I grew up in some harsh environments and there were always weird "odd" kids.... rarely did we think of their sexual preference. That premise feels like propaganda against black communities, attempting to sell "homophobia" among black Americans while encouraging the gay agenda

We collectively as people usually are more compassionate towards people who are outcasts or pariahs, due to our tragic experience in the western world.

This wasn't a great film, the only reason I see it winning anything is that it makes whites feel superior due to black suffering

Yeah man, he was picked on in elementary school. That had to do with him being soft and different. People who didn't grow up in our environments won't realize that. Who has a concept of what gay is in the second or third grade?

It goes along with that bullshit stereotype that black people are less accepting of gay people, which is bullshit.


Rising Star
I watched the movie and my personal thoughts on it was that it was an ok movie that just told a story from a different perspective of a gay male.We all can sit up here and say things like "they are trying to make black males gay,make us less male,.ect" but in reality we have and all know atleast one black male that's gay whether it's personally or just in passing by,that won't and has never changed one thing.
Black gay males do exist,they have a story,is it my story?no not completely but somethings I could relate to and other things I can't.Nothing more or less.I could say the samethings for BoyzNda Hood,MenceIIsociety,Juice,Belly whatever.

Now if this was the 4th or tenth movie about a gay black male in the hood,I would have a problem with it because then it goes from tell 0ne's story to feeding us a perspective,especially to the younger generation along with other forms of entertainment.

But again one simple ok film,that just told a story where the main character happened to be gay.

I watched it and probably won't ever need to watch it again....it isn't that great.To be honest a movie called Kicks was better and i enjoyed that better because again I could relate much more.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just added Kicks to the Plex, I have yet to watch it. I've heard some good things.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Do you ever notice that the worst image we have in a movie the more highly acclaimed it is and the more the critics rave about it?

You have to play a dirty drug dealing cop, A wanton, drunken, sex starved waitress, A subservient butler, maid or a slave.
And now they've added another qualifier for recognition which is to portray a homosexual or the homosexual lifestyle.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I saw the trailer a while ago and had mad reservations about seeing this shit...on one hand i love watching and supporting independent film particularly independent black film, there were great actors involved, I liked one of Barry Jenkins films and have the dvd in my library (medicine for melancholy) and the visuals seemed great, whoever the director of photography seemed to do a great job..

on the other hand there was the gay shit....and this is the hand that prevented me from watching it. Shit my wife is more liberal than I am, she works in Fashion and even she doesn't like seeing that shit..we both turn our faces

Eventually the critical acclaim as well as hearing that it wasn't much overt homosexuality influenced us to check it out. And we're glad we did. We both thought it was a good flick. Great acting, cinematography...one thing i didn't like is that I felt they could've elaborated a lil more about Juans death, I didn't like how son just dissapeared into thin air all of a sudden after being such an integral part of the film and how the effect of his death on little wasn't conveyed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I saw the trailer a while ago and had mad reservations about seeing this shit...on one hand i love watching and supporting independent film particularly independent black film, there were great actors involved, I liked one of Barry Jenkins films and have the dvd in my library (medicine for melancholy) and the visuals seemed great, whoever the director of photography seemed to do a great job..

on the other hand there was the gay shit....and this is the hand that prevented me from watching it. Shit my wife is more liberal than I am, she works in Fashion and even she doesn't like seeing that shit..we both turn our faces

Eventually the critical acclaim as well as hearing that it wasn't much overt homosexuality influenced us to check it out. And we're glad we did. We both thought it was a good flick. Great acting, cinematography...one thing i didn't like is that I felt they could've elaborated a lil more about Juans death, I didn't like how son just dissapeared into thin air all of a sudden after being such an integral part of the film and how the effect of his death on little wasn't conveyed.

2 things
1) you called your wife liberal and she works in fashion. Sir I bet a 100 you're a CAC.

2) them not highlighting Juans death is about right. In the hood that's how it is. Person dies and life keeps going on. Rinse and repeat


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Loved the film technically. But kept thinking of "GEORGE WASHINGTON" as I was watching it.

I know the whole "Gay" aspect of the film has been a primary focus of the film. But I saw it more a coming of age story. Chiron ending up Gay was a major after thought. And that was due more to Kevin being the highly sexualized of the two. That kid was so hormonal, he probably would have fucked an alligator.

I liked that the approach was understated.


Loved the film technically. But kept thinking of "GEORGE WASHINGTON" as I was watching it.

I know the whole "Gay" aspect of the film has been a primary focus of the film. But I saw it more a coming of age story. Chiron ending up Gay was a major after thought. And that was due more to Kevin being the highly sexualized of the two. That kid was so hormonal, he probably would have fucked an alligator.

I liked that the approach was understated.
But it's almost as if Kevin's role coulda just been played by a woman and skip the whole controversy, but see they be pushing for this kinda shit... I shoulda known when critics was praising this film that there was some emasculating in there somewhere... Cuz all the previews you lead to believe this is the story of a Trap nigga, so like I said it was surprising to see so many positive reviews, but now I see why... The way Kevin adored Chiron, cooked for him all lovingly, they easily coulda got Zendaya for all that


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
But it's almost as if Kevin's role coulda just been played by a woman and skip the whole controversy, but see they be pushing for this kinda shit... I shoulda known when critics was praising this film that there was some emasculating in there somewhere... Cuz all the previews you lead to believe this is the story of a Trap nigga, so like I said it was surprising to see so many positive reviews, but now I see why... The way Kevin adored Chiron, cooked for him all lovingly, they easily coulda got Zendaya for all that

I been saying this the whole thread, nothing but that one scene even suggested the possibility that he was even gay, and all his problems in life had nothing to do with him being gay.


I been saying this the whole thread, nothing but that one scene even suggested the possibility that he was even gay, and all his problems in life had nothing to do with him being gay.
My bad if you already said this Jay, I jus recently finished the movie so I jus kinda hopped in and I was on here scrambling lookin for the thread cuz the end of that shit had me so tight smh


Rising Star
Platinum Member
But it's almost as if Kevin's role coulda just been played by a woman and skip the whole controversy, but see they be pushing for this kinda shit... I shoulda known when critics was praising this film that there was some emasculating in there somewhere... Cuz all the previews you lead to believe this is the story of a Trap nigga, so like I said it was surprising to see so many positive reviews, but now I see why... The way Kevin adored Chiron, cooked for him all lovingly, they easily coulda got Zendaya for all that

I see your point.

But I'm not going to say that it was emasculating so much than it was telling another aspect of the Black Experience. And a very personal one at that. Since the screenwriter is Gay. We were viewing HIS story. I'd rather see that than some more Medea foolishness.

And "MOONLIGHT" was better than anything Lee Daniels has done. Sometimes I feel that both Perry and Daniels practically revel in stereotypes and putting down STRAIGHT Black Men. But maybe that's just me.

Speaking of critical praise being heaped. "FENCES" has also received tons of praise. What's your feelings on that?

And also the James Baldwin film, "I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO!"?


I see your point.

But I'm not going to say that it was emasculating so much than it was telling another aspect of the Black Experience. And a very personal one at that. Since the screenwriter is Gay. We were viewing HIS story. I'd rather see that than some more Medea foolishness.

And "MOONLIGHT" was better than anything Lee Daniels has done. Sometimes I feel that both Perry and Daniels practically revel in stereotypes and putting down STRAIGHT Black Men. But maybe that's just me.

Speaking of critical praise being heaped. "FENCES" has also received tons of praise. What's your feelings on that?

And also the James Baldwin film, "I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO!"?
Damn, Fucking with you it's bout to be black history cinema up in here, I gotta watch Fences and the Baldwin joint... Ima get back to you when I see them.. Ima start tonite since it ain't no football , As far as Lee, yo I can't lie, I enjoyed The Butler, Oprah is an incredible and underrated actress.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Damn, Fucking with you it's bout to be black history cinema up in here, I gotta watch Fences and the Baldwin joint... Ima get back to you when I see them.. Ima start tonite since it ain't no football , As far as Lee, yo I can't lie, I enjoyed The Butler, Oprah is an incredible and underrated actress.

I honestly forgot Daniels did "THE BUTLER". Yeah. That was a good film. And I only liked "SHADOWBOXER" because of Helen Mirren. And Cuba Gooding Jr got to tap that on film.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend





Rising Star
Platinum Member
sooo brokeback mountain set in the hood?

YEP sums it up. All the negative thugged out stereotypes of Black social ills; poor families, drugs/crack heads, violence, poverty-low economic development as adults (the adults grow up, stay broke or die), trap this/trap that---gotta have an old school car of course, youth sexuality with young girls presented as props...then wrapped up in homosexual identity and "male to male" sensuality and emotional romance, the last scene is something to ponder that's for sure.

well done, as is does give voice to growing up homosexual like NO OTHER movie (which is why is being supported with so many props), but the tenor/images of the film are rather uncomfortable if you are hetero. It reinforcing quite a few stereotypes, and
if this was made by say a white male, man would this be getting some public negativity based on the overall imagery of Black life

Loved the film technically. But kept thinking of "GEORGE WASHINGTON" as I was watching it.

I know the whole "Gay" aspect of the film has been a primary focus of the film. But I saw it more a coming of age story. Chiron ending up Gay was a major after thought. And that was due more to Kevin being the highly sexualized of the two. That kid was so hormonal, he probably would have fucked an alligator.

I liked that the approach was understated.

wow perfect comparison!!!!.... visually I kept thinking Belly


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Interesting year

You have the hollywood feel good movie for white people, Hidden Figures
This overrated stereotypical gay shit
and Fences which has a lot more depth and better acting