He wasn't wrong at all.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
So because the chic does not respond to his romantic advances he throws out all common decency in helping his neighbor with her groceries. Like I said and y'all wonder why women are not interested in you.
Now you're reaching. You're making it sound like he's obligated to help her. He's not obligated to do anything for her. If her attitude was stank, then she gets what she gets. Did she say that he was disrespectful or crass?

If he wants to help, fine. If he doesn't want to, then that's fine as well.

"Some" women want to treat guys like they're shit on the bottom of their shoe. Then when they need help, they want to bat their eye lashes and play helpless.

I've changed tires for women who needed help, just because they needed help. I didn't know them, and I didn't want anything from them. But, if a woman had a stank attitude, I wouldn't feel obligated to do shit: Call AAA.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Twitter post Looks very fake. I think a cac wrote this to get giggles in the bar from other crakkkas


Rising Star
Platinum Member
And women being bitchy is some hoe shit. He's not obligated to help her since she don't even want to acknowledge him being in her presence and got a baby by another dude she should call to help her.
But it's groceries though..like shouldn't take no more than 5 min. Like there's simpin and then there's common courtesy


Rising Star
Platinum Member
*** There is a big difference between trying to holla at a chick ***
And just walking by someone & saying "hello or good morning"

Okay true story fellas.....

Out here in North Carolina, most people are pretty cool & chill
People actually say "hey, how are you, good morning", etc, etc, that southern hospitality
So anyway, a couple of years ago when I lived in this apartment complex
There was this one chick, who was just like ol girl from the twitter post
Since we lived in the same building, sometimes our paths would cross
I would just say a simple, "hello" or "hey," or "morning" or just a simple head nod, etc, etc
Not even on some trying to holla shit, but just being courteous because we both live in the same apt complex
Bitch would just straight up ignore me, or turn her head or some shit
And I noticed she did this with other people (mostly guys) as well.....on some straight rude shit

Okay so fast forward, one day I come out my apartment to go to work
And I see her outside with her car hood up
My car was parked right next to hers
And as I'm walking up I could see her inside her car fiddling with the push/start & her keys
There were no lights or anything inside, or on the dash, etc, etc
So it looked like maybe her battery went dead & she needed a jumpstart

....................So you think I stopped to ask if she needed some help ???
....................FUCK NO !!!
I walked right past that rude ass bitch...looked her right in the face...and didn't say shit
Hoped in my ride, cranked that bitch up, peeled off & bounced to go to work.....with ZERO FUCKS GIVEN :cool:
.....................And I had some jumper cables in my trunk too :)
That's different though..but a funny story..lol


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
So, you're cool with a bitch acting bitchy towards you that you're gonna help her anyway?

Couldn't be me!


I don't care who it is, if they need help and it's within reason to help them, I pretty much do it. Put positive energy into the world, you never know the seeds you're planting and how far that energy will travel. It might even come back to you. ;)


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
You can't be supreme black man and be butt hurt when you don't get the attention you want.

Ain't nothing a woman ever said to me ever made me get emotional enough to hold a grudge. LOL

We are men be a man and do what men do. We help the women in our community and we show the young boys the same shit. That's why they don't respect ya'll.




My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
There's a difference though, I've helped plenty of women that were respectful towards me and I had my fair share of being a simp back then doing for women who never even care about me until they wanted something and then I stopped doing that shit. Like I said, a man doesn't have to deal with a women who has a shitty attitude and want to ignore a person because well guess what, I see no problem with a man ignoring her when she struggles..

I'm still a man regardless but I will not tolerate disrespect from a man, child or women.

Dude, that's some equality, 50/50 egalitarian shit. I used to be on that shit, but that shit is played out. Women don't truly want to be equal with men. Cuz that would make them a MAN. That's why you got all these old lonely women that were duped by 80's and 90's feminism. Hell, to be honest, I was duped by the shit as well. These women want to be taken care of, I promise you. They want to be taken care of and protected. THE REASON WHY THEY GENERALLY ACT LIKE BITCHES IS BECAUSE THEY DON'T FEEL TAKEN CARE OF AND PROTECTED. When you truly show love to these women rather than compete with them (regardless of how bitchy they are), you force them to grow the fuck up and ACT RIGHT. That's why it's our role to correct this shit by treating them like QUEENS. Because that's what KINGS do. You gotta pay the cost to be the boss.
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International Member
The way that I read "Leela's" message sounds like there might be a bit more to this than she saying. I get the vibe that she played him for an eejit when he stepped to her. Now she has a need for him and wants his assistance the guys reluctant, like it says he told her that he washed his hands of her after their previous interaction. I get the feeling she was being a smart arse running her mouth along the lines of "you see my child?, You ain't seen my child out here with his/her Daddy? Can you pay my bills, my credit card bills my bills bills bills?"

If it was like that then he could have one upped her by helping her and stepping as soon as the last item was outside her door and never giving her a minute of his time ever again.

From her picture she gives the impression that she feels that she is a prize. Bitch you already got a child, at best your second prize!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
*** There is a big difference between trying to holla at a chick ***
And just walking by someone & saying "hello or good morning"

Okay true story fellas.....

Out here in North Carolina, most people are pretty cool & chill
People actually say "hey, how are you, good morning", etc, etc, that southern hospitality
So anyway, a couple of years ago when I lived in this apartment complex
There was this one chick, who was just like ol girl from the twitter post
Since we lived in the same building, sometimes our paths would cross
I would just say a simple, "hello" or "hey," or "morning" or just a simple head nod, etc, etc
Not even on some trying to holla shit, but just being courteous because we both live in the same apt complex
Bitch would just straight up ignore me, or turn her head or some shit
And I noticed she did this with other people (mostly guys) as well.....on some straight rude shit

Okay so fast forward, one day I come out my apartment to go to work
And I see her outside with her car hood up
My car was parked right next to hers
And as I'm walking up I could see her inside her car fiddling with the push/start & her keys
There were no lights or anything inside, or on the dash, etc, etc
So it looked like maybe her battery went dead & she needed a jumpstart

....................So you think I stopped to ask if she needed some help ???
....................FUCK NO !!!
I walked right past that rude ass bitch...looked her right in the face...and didn't say shit
Hoped in my ride, cranked that bitch up, peeled off & bounced to go to work.....with ZERO FUCKS GIVEN :cool:
.....................And I had some jumper cables in my trunk too :)


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
*** There is a big difference between trying to holla at a chick ***
And just walking by someone & saying "hello or good morning"

Okay true story fellas.....

Out here in North Carolina, most people are pretty cool & chill
People actually say "hey, how are you, good morning", etc, etc, that southern hospitality
So anyway, a couple of years ago when I lived in this apartment complex
There was this one chick, who was just like ol girl from the twitter post
Since we lived in the same building, sometimes our paths would cross
I would just say a simple, "hello" or "hey," or "morning" or just a simple head nod, etc, etc
Not even on some trying to holla shit, but just being courteous because we both live in the same apt complex
Bitch would just straight up ignore me, or turn her head or some shit
And I noticed she did this with other people (mostly guys) as well.....on some straight rude shit

Okay so fast forward, one day I come out my apartment to go to work
And I see her outside with her car hood up
My car was parked right next to hers
And as I'm walking up I could see her inside her car fiddling with the push/start & her keys
There were no lights or anything inside, or on the dash, etc, etc
So it looked like maybe her battery went dead & she needed a jumpstart

....................So you think I stopped to ask if she needed some help ???
....................FUCK NO !!!
I walked right past that rude ass bitch...looked her right in the face...and didn't say shit
Hoped in my ride, cranked that bitch up, peeled off & bounced to go to work.....with ZERO FUCKS GIVEN :cool:
.....................And I had some jumper cables in my trunk too :)
Was she White...?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Nigs fall for it every time. There are forces trying to push negativity towards black people on both men and women to create a divide and nigs fall for the okey doke Everytime. Like I keep telling ya it be a bunch of characters put in place or pushed to keep feeding this negative energy. Perfect example is the op most of ya don't is the $5 titty suck.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'll say it like this...and I don't mean to offend anyone here, but...

Even though she turned me down, the Christian in me would've helped her...

...but the nigga in me would not.

And I don't know which side would win out at that particular time. :dunno:

Just being honest...
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Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
Nigs fall for it every time. There are forces trying to push negativity towards black people on both men and women to create a divide and nigs fall for the okey doke Everytime. Like I keep telling ya it be a bunch of characters put in place or pushed to keep feeding this negative energy. Perfect example is the op most of ya don't is the $5 titty suck.
This thread probably should be deleted


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I never get mad at a female declining my advances. If your only reason for not helping was because she turned you down makes you a bitch ass nigga
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
I never get mad at a female declining my advances. If your only reason for not helping was because she turned you down makes you a bitch ass nigga

...and she would probably treat you like a bitch ass nigga once you're done helping her.

I wouldn't be mad at her for turning me down, but chances are I wouldn't go out of my way to help her either.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
...and she would probably treat you like a bitch ass nigga once you're done helping her.

I wouldn't be mad at her for turning me down, but chances are I wouldn't go out of my way to help her either.

Now, that's facts of women still looking down on a dude after helping her like a bitch ass nigga because that's why I said he wasn't wrong.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Perhaps he just wasted a perfect opportunity to show her he had The Right Stuff.
By refusing to help her, didn't he just prove to her that she was right about him all along?
And let's face it.
I don't know any real man who would ever encourage his own daughter(s) to date any dude who has a man code that watery. :dunno:
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Rising Star
OG Investor
*** There is a big difference between trying to holla at a chick ***
And just walking by someone & saying "hello or good morning"

Okay true story fellas.....

Out here in North Carolina, most people are pretty cool & chill
People actually say "hey, how are you, good morning", etc, etc, that southern hospitality
So anyway, a couple of years ago when I lived in this apartment complex
There was this one chick, who was just like ol girl from the twitter post
Since we lived in the same building, sometimes our paths would cross
I would just say a simple, "hello" or "hey," or "morning" or just a simple head nod, etc, etc
Not even on some trying to holla shit, but just being courteous because we both live in the same apt complex
Bitch would just straight up ignore me, or turn her head or some shit
And I noticed she did this with other people (mostly guys) as well.....on some straight rude shit

Okay so fast forward, one day I come out my apartment to go to work
And I see her outside with her car hood up
My car was parked right next to hers
And as I'm walking up I could see her inside her car fiddling with the push/start & her keys
There were no lights or anything inside, or on the dash, etc, etc
So it looked like maybe her battery went dead & she needed a jumpstart

....................So you think I stopped to ask if she needed some help ???
....................FUCK NO !!!
I walked right past that rude ass bitch...looked her right in the face...and didn't say shit
Hoped in my ride, cranked that bitch up, peeled off & bounced to go to work.....with ZERO FUCKS GIVEN :cool:
.....................And I had some jumper cables in my trunk too :)
@cashwhisperer would've pushed her car to the mechanic, pay for the repairs and buy her dinner. Then he would've said thank you to her. Bitch would've said "aight" and he would wash her car the next day.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wouldve been like.... hey yo a bottle of water, then I wouldve

reached down, picked it up, looked at her, nod my head,

open the bottle, drink that bitch, throw her a dollar, and be like

thanks ho!!!

nah I wouldve helped her, even tho the post is fake,

I think the moral of that story is childish and immature as fuck

and should not be followed by any real man over the age of 18.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
*** There is a big difference between trying to holla at a chick ***
And just walking by someone & saying "hello or good morning"

Okay true story fellas.....

Out here in North Carolina, most people are pretty cool & chill
People actually say "hey, how are you, good morning", etc, etc, that southern hospitality
So anyway, a couple of years ago when I lived in this apartment complex
There was this one chick, who was just like ol girl from the twitter post
Since we lived in the same building, sometimes our paths would cross
I would just say a simple, "hello" or "hey," or "morning" or just a simple head nod, etc, etc
Not even on some trying to holla shit, but just being courteous because we both live in the same apt complex
Bitch would just straight up ignore me, or turn her head or some shit
And I noticed she did this with other people (mostly guys) as well.....on some straight rude shit

Okay so fast forward, one day I come out my apartment to go to work
And I see her outside with her car hood up
My car was parked right next to hers
And as I'm walking up I could see her inside her car fiddling with the push/start & her keys
There were no lights or anything inside, or on the dash, etc, etc
So it looked like maybe her battery went dead & she needed a jumpstart

....................So you think I stopped to ask if she needed some help ???
....................FUCK NO !!!
I walked right past that rude ass bitch...looked her right in the face...and didn't say shit
Hoped in my ride, cranked that bitch up, peeled off & bounced to go to work.....with ZERO FUCKS GIVEN :cool:
.....................And I had some jumper cables in my trunk too :)

Yea I feel this is different because she straight up acted like yo didnt exist, which is cool, but she cant

get upset, if you decide to do the same thing...

chicks just like everybody else, gotta learn,

You cant burn bridges

and expect to walk back across them....