Right. Your ass can be doing all this shit and not even see a change.
I want to know how he was eating and what was the time because if you work and go to school or both.....how do you find to do all this? I guess its about meal prepping though. That can save you some time if you get it out the way on Sunday.
If you want the muscle then yea but at the same time the diet is the same across the board.
Every good diet for anything starts with protein and vegetables
For muscle you just have a little more protein and a little more complex carbs which carry extra to give you stuff to work with to turn it into muscle
6 meals is
Pre lunch
After lunch
Pre dinner
For me that's impossible to do but what it does is keep the body working.
Because the exercise is so intense your body is using the food as fuel and fuel burns so you're providing it more than you would because you want it to turn into muscle and not lose any mass
Typical diets
Meat- nothing fried.
Everything else is literally ok. Grilled backed roasted etc.
Probably stay away from lamb and pork really fat meat but also why they're delicious
If you trying to get them abs then lots of fish
For snacks simple things work best funny enough nuts - like almonds are a good healthy snack.
Vegetables any of them just not fried.
Potatoes in this case cause you bulking up.
No sodas and shit and especially no alcohol
Don't drink your calories
Cheat day on the 7th day or 2 days a week to spike your insulin
And if you got good genes it won't take long.
Personally I cant eat that many times a day it would be irritating so I intermittent fast
I gave an 8 hour eating window
I get 2 meals and depending on the day maybe a snack I'm not really hungry hungry like that so it works for me.
Doesn't mean I don't enjoy good food I absolutely do. But I don't like feeling all sluggish after eating it'll take time if you're starting out to find out when you're full. When the food is good you've eaten enough you're not physically hungry.
It's mostly mental saying it's so good get some more and it'll take time to just not do it.
As far as weights go that's not my thing so I can't really speak on it
When I lift weights I get muscle mass like a mf so I prefer to do nothing but bodyweight exercises which do the sake thing but is easier to maintain the shape
If yall want a sample of the workouts I do just let me know