yes, Geech, you can... its established fact at this point. Thats exactly how genetics works but its far from 100%
For offspring the odds increase in favor of known parental traits, and they increase exponentially if they are DOMINANT traits - why do you think Drs ask if any of your parents or grandparents had heart conditions, diabetes, hyper tension, addictions etc etc.... ancestral traits tilt the odds- they increase the predisposition for off spring to have same ailments physical attributes, intelligence, etc...
Even if Obama's youngest doesn't pass 5'10 she will still be taller than the norm for women of any race... so there is no outlier there it is reasonably expected.
Humans aren't born hardwired to do anything... but its possible for one to breed offspring with high probability for high functioning intelligence (fast learning and memory) above average hand eye coordination, greater predisposition for high bone and muscle density (strength & durability) which was highly desired not only for field work but because slaves also had a very high mortality rate.
If two people with these traits have kids there is a good chance at least 3 of 5 (60%) will get most if not all of the desired traits...
Don't get stuck on us having white etc blood... A majority of African traits are DOMINANT, its why most mixed race kids color closer to the darker parent, and almost never color as light as or lighter than the lighter parent... Even worse for your argument - ONLY THE STRONGEST OF US SURVIVED THE VOYAGE HERE... it was an unintended culling, but it resulted in exceptionally strong stock as a starting point. Throw in a slave penal colony in Jamaica and government sponsored financial rewards for increased slave full term pregnancies in the Caribbean and active eugenics in Barbuda / Barbados.... guess what? even with massa and slave master having a kid or 3 with a slave it was common for a slave to still have 10 or more babies with other slaves.
As for slave education... just stop... you have no clue about the economy or training. Skilled labor like carpentry to blacksmith etc takes approx 10 years of long days to MASTER.... and a slave owner with a proficient to master craftsman generated ALOT of money.
Slavery was a profitable business- they encouraged and fostered anything that derived a profit having quick strong slaves for the field was not the only area of profit.
I'm with you "ViCiouS" . Too many people, some of them well–intentioned, have over the decades attempted to downplay the premeditated systematic hundreds of years of barbarism that was African chattel slavery in the 'Americas' — in the U.S., the Caribbean, and South America.
Those of us who are descendants of Africans who endured this "Whipping Machine"
Scientist now know that the torturous barbarism, horror and trauma that our ancestors endured for hundreds of years has been transmitted genetically to us "The Survivors" ; It's called epigenetics. You can read all about it, use the links below
Epigenetics Explained
Epigenetic Inheritance
The seven minute clip below from the Ken Burn’s “The Civil War” documentary masterpiece, contains more truth about the reality of Black American chattel slavery than the majority of American citizens know. Most Americans of all races, creeds, religions and cultural backgrounds NO NOTHING about the true horrors of the hundreds of years of enslavement of African's in AmeriKKKa. This is why the the reality based movie "12 YEARS A SLAVE" was a revelation to many ignorant Americans who used to talk about "Good" slave masters vs. "Evil" slave masters, as though there is any distinction. This mass ignorance, even among Black American citizens is not accidental; it is premeditated —coordinated by the U.S. educational system and the mass propaganda that informs American history. Reparations?? -most Americans don't even know what the word means. Most Americans don't even know why so-called American Indians are confined to reservations concentration camps, or why their percentage of the overall population is only 2.8%. Americans don't know that the dead president pictured on the $20 dollar bills in their pockets enabled and signed and enacted the "Indian Removal Act" which was no different than Hitler's "final solution" extermination policy against European Jews. 99% of Americans didn't get that course when they 'studied??' - his-story in school, at-any-level, elementary, high school or college. The television series “Roots” depiction of slavery was akin to taking a strong cup of black coffee and turning it into a latte macchiato.
Narrative from the video above starts @ 1:20-
"....A slave entered the world in a one room dirt floor shack, drafty in winter, reeking in summer. Slave cabins breed typhus, pneumonia, cholera, lockjaw, tuberculosis. A child who survived to be sent to the fields at 12 was likely to have rotten teeth, worms, dysentery, and malaria. Fewer than four slaves out of 100 lived to age sixty. Work began at sunrise and continued 14 hours, unless there was a full moon when the work continued longer...."