How are you planning for retirement at this point in life?


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Transnational Member
I am about to go into forced early retirement, dunked on some fool that instead of falling to the ground like a bit, he grabbed onto me. Next thing you know, I am carrying the weight of two people. Tore up my neck/shoulder caused all kinds of problems.

It works out for me, but I hate the U.S., the same fool holding onto me to keep from falling to the ground, now it is leeching ass fools in the government and private sector.

The first thing to do is take all your expenses and income to determine what you have as a surplus each month. If you are living paycheck to paycheck, renting, a 401k is a pipe dream for you. Any bouts of unemployment will wipe your savings away, our UI system is not enough and will quickly drain you off.

These employers know what your expenses are and will pay you barely enough to meet those expenses.


What you need is a robust Social Security system, not some clown 401k or stock investing. You see this stat for the South, only 30% of you will be able to invest for retirement. Maybe some of these people have a 401k pretax they are doing but I doubt it. If you are having 6% pretax taken out with 100% match, that leaves you living paycheck to paycheck, you are more likely to early withdrawal take out loans.

Plus you have to factor in student loans, the U.S. is a retarded piece of shit country that is chasing me around with black filth internationally.

Real estate inflation has skyrocketed due to the Federal Reserve, which is good for some people that bought a house 10-20 years ago, but just entering the market and you will be paying a big chunk of your paycheck for housing.

Don't let them come at you with that 401k hustle scam to sell you some pipe dream.

I did not even recognize her with this new look, she is about to get 40 years in the bing.
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Transnational Member
$50,000 income with 6% contribution plus 100% match gives you $6,000 yearly retirement contribution. That leaves you with $47,000 of income take home pay of $3,312. Your expenses come up to $2,900 a month leaving you only $400. You save all of this money for three years, $15,000, than become unemployed for a year, that is $35,000 of expenses that you to cover with savings wipe your shit out quick. You living in a state only paying $300 a week of UI.

Worse yet, you can be the 70% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck where you don't even have a savings. In this example, you are clearing out your 401k quick even with your 100% match just to cover your $3,300 monthly living expenses

$400 Student Loan
$400 Food

Do you get the picture? Many people have to early withdrawal their 401k until they can find another job.
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Transnational Member
$50,000 income with 6% contribution plus 100% match gives you $6,000 yearly retirement contribution. That leaves you with $47,000 of income take home pay of $3,312. Your expenses come up to $2,900 a month leaving you only $400. You save all of this money for three years, $15,000, than become unemployed for a year, that is $35,000 of expenses that you to cover with savings wipe your shit out quick. You living in a state only paying $300 a week of UI.

Worse yet, you can be the 70% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck where you don't even have a savings. In this example, you are clearing out your 401k quick even with your 100% match just to cover your $3,300 monthly living expenses

$400 Student Loan
$400 Food

Do you get the picture? Many people have to early withdrawal their 401k until they can find another job.

I call it UI risk, and which affects us more with frequency and duration due to our higher unemployment rate. Unfortunately due to the pension debacle in the steel industry when those companies folded, I don't see those as a viable option to retirement. We need a robust social security system funded by the billionaires.

Anybody talking that 401k scam crap needs to get their head checked.


Transnational Member


FICA - 7.65%
FICA Employer Match 7.65%
401k Contribution 6%
401k Employer Match 6%

You are looking at over 15% of your paycheck going to retirement plus your employer is kicking in another 15% for over 30%. With UI benefits so low like $200 in many states, you are funding your unemployment through your 401k while you try to find a job.

UI benefits are a huge component of your retirement savings, any long term unemployment and you are wiped out from 4-5 years of savings. I have found that unemployment is longer for a person, if they are educated more versus taking low skilled jobs that hire quickly on the spot in many cases.


Unemployment risk is real, I have spent a year out of work a number of times which can zap $30,000 plus out of your retirement easy. Wtih 70% of the people in the South living paycheck to paycheck, there is no hope for an emergency fund or 401k, that person is going to entirely rely on Social Security. The other 30% is facing unemployment risk that will quickly wipe them out.

Instead of gay stalking me up the block or internationally, I have pointed out some real issues you need to deal with. This is the retarded nonsense that you will pass on to the next generation. It also establishes a baseline for your feeble minded behavior.
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Transnational Member
I watched some video on Youtube blaming people living paycheck to paycheck due to use of Doordash to counter my points on here. If they are not scamming you with a 401k which is really your unemployment benefits you are funding. They are manipulating the feeble minded in other ways.

This is why the feeble minded are dangerous and don't want them around me at all. Right now they are clutching on me hard, getting desperate, I have to move. They need to be chasing these politicians around in cars bothering them so I can slip out of the country.

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Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
You can plan a nice picnic, but you cannot predict the weather at this point. I am around 50 years old. I do have a nice size 401(k), but I haven’t been working for a year but also I’ve been playing in the stock market and keeping myself afloat if you will. You never know what changes are going to happen in the local government or the world government that will impact your savings and 401(k). When corporations got rid of pensions (especially for the middle class and lower class) that really put a lot of people in a precarious situation. If the Republicans have their way, they are going to fuck up Social Security. This is why you need to vote for Democrats in November.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend

One of my dad's friends moved to the Philippines a few years back in his early-70s. Single dad. His 2 kids are in their 40s and out to lunch. He was tired of half a year of iffy weather back home in Vancouver and said fuck it. He's happy with his simple life - plenty of cold beer, his bicycle and scooter, an 80" tv or so and a girlfriend who is pretty chill. Does a shit ton of walking and loves the hot weather.

A coworker's mom also spends half the year there (November - May). Their family's originally from the Phils and she still owns a home there. Fortunately she still has her health, and is 86yo. Her kids are all in their 50s and she (mom) never married. She prefers getting away from the rain and snow, and also reconnecting with family there. My friend and his sister will inherit the home when she eventually passes.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
One of my dad's friends moved to the Philippines a few years back in his early-70s. Single dad. His 2 kids are in their 40s and out to lunch. He was tired of half a year of iffy weather back home in Vancouver and said fuck it. He's happy with his simple life - plenty of cold beer, his bicycle and scooter, an 80" tv or so and a girlfriend who is pretty chill. Does a shit ton of walking and loves the hot weather.

A coworker's mom also spends half the year there (November - May). Their family's originally from the Phils and she still owns a home there. Fortunately she still has her health, and is 86yo. Her kids are all in their 50s and she (mom) never married. She prefers getting away from the rain and snow, and also reconnecting with family there. My friend and his sister will inherit the home when she eventually passes.

Retiring overseas is the cheat code.

If you are single, and have 60K income per year after taxes, you are in the top 1% of earners globally.

Why not live like a king?.Early retirement was an easy decision for me. Americans work too hard. You can start a new family overseas cheap too, if you choose.

I don't even care about active income anymore, only passive income.



Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Retiring overseas is the cheat code.

If you are single, and have 60K income per year after taxes, you are in the top 1% of earners globally.

Why not live like a king?.Early retirement was an easy decision for me. Americans work too hard. You can start a new family overseas cheap too, if you choose.

I don't even care about active income anymore, only passive income.

Well said re: passive income.

That's the key.

Props to you on early retirement!