How are you planning for retirement at this point in life?


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor

With cash earning 5% or more and intermediate-term bonds earning less than 5%, many have asked me if they should move all of their fixed-income portfolios to T-bills.
In this video, I share why I think that would be a big mistake.


0:00 - Should Cash Replace Bonds In A Retirement Portfolio?
1:00 - Interest rates
3:53 - Credit risk
7:15 - Interest rates on shorter/longer maturity
9:58 - Recession
11:02 - Annual Returns on Investments spreadsheet
15:38 - The 4% Rule
17:25 - Recap


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My last resort is move to my land and live in a mobile home. Another option is become an ex pat and travel.

Always pay yourself 1st in your 401k or IRA....Then put a bit away monthly in your savings account. Eat at home, be frugal but enjoy yourself, don't follow the crowds, pay your car off....If you do have a car payment drive something economical that will last.


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor

The Truth about Social Security and Investing

Matt Derron

The Wall Street Journal just published an article about the concerns that Gen Z and Millennials have with Social Security, and if you look online you see a lot of the same concerns. But are they based on in actual truth? In this video we break down the WSJ article, dive into the question of whether or not Social Security is theft, and talk about what we all can and should be doing about it.

00:00 Younger Generations don’t believe Social Security will be there
04:21 Is Social Security Theft?
07:10 What should we do about this?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
my pops and mom's already told me how much they got put away for me when they go. That's why I'm living reckless now
unfortunately, this is the thought process of many Gen Z's...... :lol:

mufuckas gonna be 60 years old......lookin at u then lookin at their watch like......."nigga die already so i can live".......:lol:


Transnational Member
Many of these politicians strut around about gutting unemployment insurance thinking they have forced a lazy black worker into the job market willing to accept low pay. The reality is a laid off worker is now tapping into their 401(k) just to make it until they find another job that they accept at a much lower pay rate.

Anyways, you have to start here and fix these issues before you start bragging about the benefits of 401(k)s becoming millions of dollars which is not reality for most people if you were living paycheck to paycheck. Employers are suppressing wages to unseen levels.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m not planning to retire. I got a 401k and stocks, but they really my “just in case shit happens” fund.

I may retire out of the weather field depending on the company I’m working for, but I’ll probably teach as long as my health allows me to.
One of my closest homeboy's grandfather, taught his class one day, and didn't wake up the next. Worked right until the end.
I am retired in my 40's

457 traditional and Roth
401K traditional
Inherited monthly pension
Residential and commercial rental property
IRA traditional and Roth
Social Security coming
Another government pension coming at 50 if I need it, if not needed, wait until 60 to draw.

I am just coasting... I am done saving, nobody knows how long they will live, 35 to 40 is middle age, not 50 or 60. Don't waste your whole life working, time is more valuable than money, gotta balance it.

Bruh,! Stack it up and live it up.
The U.S. retirement system sucks and is a scam. I would completely revamp it. You don't want to be working later in life.

The baby boomers were big on pediciding young workers to continue working past their retirement to boost their estate possibly. I think many of them thought they would live forever. The private sector is good about getting rid of them.

Collecting pensions and working to keep themselves busy, fucking greedy as hell. I have had a number of problems with them running their mouth off to me. They need to sit in a corner and think about all their major failures that I had to fix.

Age discrimination lawsuits that came into effect with the Baby Boomers got out of hand stifling my generation and made employer reluctant to fire workers that were eligible for retirement. Once you are eligible for a pension and/or meet the threshold for retirement assets, you should be employment at will.

Many of them did retire but then went back out to double dip, taking lucrative opportunities away from Gen X.

What about their extensive experience and knowledge base?

I am constantly encountering their simplistic, not well thought out ideas that hinder the next generation, it was factually wrong. Many of them should quit and leave in shame. It should be a starting point of what not to do. I am starting to see the next generation take my ideas and build amazing things. At least I was heading in the right direction.
It's not there for all of them, while others would be great mentors.
You Big Ballers better keep a eye out.

Somebody is gonna have to take care of these folks….take a guess where the money gonna come from?

Millions Of Americans Nearing Retirement With No Savings

Millions of Americans nearing their golden years are still financially unprepared for retirement. According to U.S. Census Bureau data, 50% of women and 47% of men between the ages of 55 and 66 have no retirement savings.

When the standard of living outpaces wages consistently, how you can invest, when you can't even SAVE?
I I see a lot of guys have the 41K and it's good and all but understand A401K is not An instrument you can really use to retire on.

If you read exactly what it says it's an executive retirement plan it's for people ( ie executives ) who make a lot of money who want to offset their tax liability and lower thier income by saying they are " saving".

The is this - you'd need to have your home paid off - cars paid off - and kids all done and paid off

THEN you need to have enough money that will supplant your living an extra 20 to 30 years -

That's a LOT of money-

Think about how in the last 20 years the cost of living has risen - what you have saved needs to account for that rise ....a 401k even if you have 200 or 300k saved in it will probably only carry you about 10 years realistically speaking if you are relying on a 401k to be the majority of what you will rely on the most you could stack is 25k or 27k a year

Over 10 years thats only 250k but let's say 300k .

300k over 10 years is 30k a year and thats not a lot of dough if you still have a mortgage or car payment....or both.

So if your expenses are 30KA year and you plan on living another 25 to 30 years you're looking at almost $900000

Homes cost money. for property taxes and upkeep ( roof windows and siding will easily cost you almost 80 to 100k over 10 years ) ....

And of course the biggie is health - even if you're reasonably healthy now and you do some kind of retirement job to bring in some 30 or 40k that ends once you get sick.

And everyone will get sick

This is pretty much for the US

Once you are sick AND you can't keep up with expenses if you need govt help you can't have any assets.

if you need medicaid or Medicare esp for something like a stroke / heart attack or cancer... You can't work and you've got nothing but expenses

The government here says you have to be dirt poor so you'd have to somehow "hide" that you own a. Home or any accounts that have $$$ ....and mind you often what doctors recommend for treatment is not covered by your insurance so you have to.make up the diff .

Retirement is not something that anyone in the last 20 or 30 years is even remotely prepared for
Just the post I was waiting on. Everyone that is in here doing their part, you should, and I applaud. However, it just another tool of capitalism that puts a little balm on having to work until you die, thinking you can work and become your boss. You can become your own boss, but you can never become "your" boss. None of our employers believe we deserve that kind of money.
How can they compute this without knowing your financial obligations?
Look at the cost of living index, itemize what people spend on to live in said demographics, the math will math out the rest.
This might be the move in 10 years
Sh!t, it's the move right now. This criminal enterprise doesn't have long.
Homeownership is the key to early retirement.

Gen Z has missed that train.

There was no train. That mode of transportation with the oldest generation on the planet: boomers.

Can't miss a train that ain't have no tracks to run on.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
Wes Moss has found that "happy retirees have an average of 3.6 core pursuits, while the unhappy lot has only 1.9."

In his article What the Heck is a Core Pursuit? Moss explains the term and shares a quiz to help you discover yours. Even if you are in your thirties, he says it's never too early to begin developing the "activities that make your passions burn!"



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man there was a time, I was like, I cant wait to fully retire,

but as I mature, and I see folks that fully retire..

Its like they start to really slow down, and few even get sick

and pass on...

and I know of a few cats that instead of fully retiring they just cut their hours down,

and work the days they want to work...of course these are folks in a position to do this..

ceo's, business owners, heads of depts..

but they all say, when you slow your life down your body will follow..

Im gonna keep it movin buut to answer your question....

I think the must have nest eggs are roth ira, whole insurance, side gig...


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Man there was a time, I was like, I cant wait to fully retire,

but as I mature, and I see folks that fully retire..

Its like they start to really slow down, and few even get sick

and pass on...

and I know of a few cats that instead of fully retiring they just cut their hours down,

and work the days they want to work...of course these are folks in a position to do this..

ceo's, business owners, heads of depts..

but they all say, when you slow your life down your body will follow..

Im gonna keep it movin buut to answer your question....

I think the must have nest eggs are roth ira, whole insurance, side gig...

Talked to a few coworkers in their late-50s and they said they were doing ok financially, but plan to probably keep their names active (on-call) once "retired". Or just maintain some part-time work to have their benefits.

I think the key in retirement is to just keep yourself busy or engaged with stuff that makes you genuinely happy. My mom turns 74 next month and retired in her early-60s. She has done alot more travel in retirement ... been going to the gym ... been a part of a dragonboat team (still active) and also goes to the movies, and is part of a book club & music group. Used to be part of an adult choir as well. Things like that ... she's spent more time with her older siblings as well, and the nieces & nephews ...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Talked to a few coworkers in their late-50s and they said they were doing ok financially, but plan to probably keep their names active (on-call) once "retired". Or just maintain some part-time work to have their benefits.

I think the key in retirement is to just keep yourself busy or engaged with stuff that makes you genuinely happy. My mom turns 74 next month and retired in her early-60s. She has done alot more travel in retirement ... been going to the gym ... been a part of a dragonboat team (still active) and also goes to the movies, and is part of a book club & music group. Used to be part of an adult choir as well. Things like that ... she's spent more time with her older siblings as well, and the nieces & nephews ...

Your mom's is inspirational bless her

Youthful heart bruh .

Give her a high five for me bruh


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Your mom's is inspirational bless her

Youthful heart bruh .

Give her a high five for me bruh


I told her a number of years back that she looked healthier at 60 than she did in her 40s. Gone was the work stress and the crazy hours. Upped was her health and fitness. She was dressing stylishly ... I was impressed.

Her energy level(s) are pretty good too, all things considered.

She broke her hip just before her 70th birthday in 2020. That was a really scary text to receive from her ... in the hospital awaiting surgery a day or two later. Approx' 6 months into the pandemic.

She took her rehab / recovery seriously, and when I went to visit her in 2021 I was keeping an eye out for her balance and stability, when in fact it was her who suggested going for long walks & a bike ride. That was really reassuring!

She visited last weekend and it was cool to see her moving around without issue. Went for a long walk with her on Sunday evening.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I told her a number of years back that she looked healthier at 60 than she did in her 40s. Gone was the work stress and the crazy hours. Upped was her health and fitness. She was dressing stylishly ... I was impressed.

Her energy level(s) are pretty good too, all things considered.

She broke her hip just before her 70th birthday in 2020. That was a really scary text to receive from her ... in the hospital awaiting surgery a day or two later. Approx' 6 months into the pandemic.

She took her rehab / recovery seriously, and when I went to visit her in 2021 I was keeping an eye out for her balance and stability, when in fact it was her who suggested going for long walks & a bike ride. That was really reassuring!

She visited last weekend and it was cool to see her moving around without issue. Went for a long walk with her on Sunday evening.

Awesome cherish those moments

Not everybody is blessed with a godly mother

We were blessed..

Give thanks

Every body I know over forty that rides bikes regular

Have no leg or back issues.

I love bike riding..and running and even swimming

I'd so much rather go for a bike ride than hang out in a played out club drinking over priced drinks

Watching girls dance with each other.

Fuck that life..

Healthy Living is the most fun

Nothing like feeling good all over bruh


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Awesome cherish those moments

Not everybody is blessed with a godly mother

We were blessed..

Give thanks

Every body I know over forty that rides bikes regular

Have no leg or back issues.

I love bike riding..and running and even swimming

I'd so much rather go for a bike ride than hang out in a played out club drinking over priced drinks

Watching girls dance with each other.

Fuck that life..

Healthy Living is the most fun

Nothing like feeling good all over bruh

Well said.

Really grateful for her recovery. Seriously concerned me with her recovery process.

I think her lifetime of walking and bone density helped. She even played over 40s soccer for a number of years.

And I think one of the keys in retirement is having a joie de vivre, so to speak. A reason for being.

Anyone can sit on the couch eating potato chips and not giving a fuck. It’s important to move about and stay engaged.

Hell, her boytriend’s mom lives up the block from them at a senior’s facility. She is 105! If that’s not motivational...I don’t know what is.


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor

Social Security guru Mary Beth Franklin discusses the program's financial challenges and outlook, plus individual strategies to maximize its benefits. WEALTHTRACK episode 2105 broadcast on August 1, 2024

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Awesome cherish those moments

Not everybody is blessed with a godly mother

We were blessed..

Give thanks

Every body I know over forty that rides bikes regular

Have no leg or back issues.

I love bike riding..and running and even swimming

I'd so much rather go for a bike ride than hang out in a played out club drinking over priced drinks

Watching girls dance with each other.

Fuck that life..

Healthy Living is the most fun

Nothing like feeling good all over bruh
Even though I have a bicycle this model caught my eye.
