How come blacks don't like hockey?


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Setting the Ice Hockey Historical Record Straight

Our knowledge of the roots of Canadian hockey has been based almost solely on the historical records maintained by early White historians.

Because of this, the misconception that hockey is a White man’s invention has persisted. We know today, such an assumption could not be further from historical fact.

The roots of early Canadian hockey originate with the North American Indians. The roots of modern Canadian hockey originate, in large part, from the influence of an even more surprising source, that of early African-Canadian hockey.

For it was Black hockey players in the later half of the nineteenth century whose style of play and innovations helped shape the sport, effectively changing the game of hockey forever. Page 12.
The First Black Ice Hockey Players - 1820 to 1870

With certainty, we can only date Black hockey to the early 1870’s, yet we know that hockey and Black history in
Nova Scotia have parallel roots, going back almost 100 years. Among the first reports of hockey being played occur in 1815 along the isolated Northwest Arm, south of Halifax.

The date is important for the simple fact that as late as October 1815 the region was not home to a large White settlement but was instead the site of a small Black enclave.

Four Black families originally from the Chesapeake Bay area, with a total of fifteen children, had relocated and settled on the Arm. It is reported that these families, Couney, Williams, Munro and Leale, received adequate food, lodging and employment implying that their children were healthy and would have been able to play hockey during the winter months when the Arm was frozen and suitable for skating.

Were these children among the first Canadians to play the game of hockey? We do not know. All we can say is that the coincidence between the date of the Northwest Arm’s Black settlement and the first records of hockey being played in the area are worthy of reflection. Page 12-13.

Black Ice

African-American Hockey 1895-1925


Black Ice: The Lost History of the Colored Hockey League


to download videos you can use

Know your history.....................


thank you


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
If you live in a climate where it gets cold enough to hard freeze ponds, then it's not that expensive, if you don't, then you have to spend a LARGE amount of cash on a self-cooled rink. MOST black athletes don't come from that kind of climate, so the only way they are playing hockey is if their community invested in a rink (and even communities that can afford a rink, would probably spend the money on an indoor swimming pool first). Most of the USA is in a climate too warm to support winter sports (at minimal expense), Canada and Eastern Europe are sub-arctic climates and thus are perfect for winter sports. Even the northeastern U.S. can't maintain enough snow to support an entire Poconos ski season (they generally have to make snow every season). If your climate forces you to have to SIMULATE winter for any amount of time, the cost of winter sports becomes prohibitive.

There are also plenty of American cities that have the same winter conditions that most Canadian cities do. Detroit, New York, Chicago, Boston, Minneapolis, etc. Many of these cities have professional hockey traditions that go back over a century in some cases. I don't see how natural factors or access to gear is prohibitive in that sense.


There are also plenty of American cities that have the same winter conditions that most Canadian cities do. Detroit, New York, Chicago, Boston, Minneapolis, etc. Many of these cities have professional hockey traditions that go back over a century in some cases. I don't see how natural factors or access to gear is prohibitive in that sense.

And a lot of those cities are football/basketball/baseball cities first and foremost (and a lot of those Canadian cities are HOCKEY towns). American states like Minnesota and the Northern parts of Michigan are more into winter sports because they have always been more into winter sports, but Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, etc. have always been into more traditional American sports (football/baseball/basketball). The sport hasn't caught on with whites either in a lot of those areas (that's why the NHL stays borderline wanting to abandon the U.S. market outside of a few historic hockey teams like Detroit, Chicago, Boston, etc). Hockey, like soccer, is just not a classic AMERICAN sport. Hockey is a second tier sport in the U.S., somewhere between indoor soccer and arena football in the majority of the country. Kids aren't going to have interest when the sport seems to only appeal to die-hard fans, immigrants and folks that actually got into playing it (same as soccer). I live in a 60% black area that built a new ice rink facility recently (within the past 10 years) and there are a few kids (black and white) getting into hockey simply because it's available to them, but most of the kids simply use the facility to skate (tons of black FEMALES are in there on any given weekend skating, there are even a few training for competitive skating)

I just don't buy into this implication that blacks aren't into hockey because they are somehow "unsophisticated" or "closed minded" anymore than a Latin or Euro is close minded because all they are into is soccer. We've had the debate on BGOL before where all the foreign board members criticized the American board members because they don't appreciate soccer, well, to me it's a bunch of dudes chasing a ball around and not scoring much, maybe if I knew what the fuck they were doing, I could get into it more, but I don't, and since I already have a full 12 months worth of sports I can enjoy, I may never care to figure out soccer. The sheer violence of rugby made me want to understand the game more because it had that same kind of action level as football, hockey just never intrigued me the same way (even with the rough play). When you don't understand the rules of a game or how it is played, you generally won't develop much interest in it,

  • The average American kid knows the fundamentals of the big three American sports at a very young age, so those are the sports they follow
  • The average Canadian kid knows the fundamentals of hockey at a young age, so that is what they follow
  • The average Latin American kid knows the fundamentals of soccer at a young age, so that is what they follow (kids in South and Central America walk around with soccer balls the same way American black kids walk around with basketballs, which is funny, since basketball is a South American sport originally)
  • The average West Indian kid knows the fundamentals of cricket at a young age, so that is what they follow
Ping-pong is the national sport in China, a BILLION people follow ping-pong the way we follow football, are we unsophisticated because we don't follow ping-pong too?

I had never heard of jai-lai in my damn life, but the Portuguese and Cape Verdi-ans up in Rhode Island (when I lived their) BREATH that shit.

It's all cultural and just because black Americans like certain sports more than others doesn't make those sports (we don't necessarily support) more sophisticated than the ones we do support.


Rising Star
i've been checking hockey out lately. the cardinals sucked & the rams are even worse :angry:. the blues (along with high school football) are 'bout the only thing going on in STL sports.

by the way, the blues have 2 black players (they may consider themselves differently).

bryce salvador

jamal mayers


It's simple, people don't watch sports that they weren't into as kids. I see kids playing football and basketball in the streets. All you really need is a ball. Once you start getting into games you have to shell out money for it's a wrap. That's why not as many kids play baseball as they used to. A glove costs $$$, a bat costs $$$, broken windows cost $$$$. In hockey, the sticks cost $$$, you need to buy two goals....$$$. In the hood, cars are always coming down the block. That means they would be moving the goals all the time.

Come on man, you know all of this.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
It's simple, people don't watch sports that they weren't into as kids. I see kids playing football and basketball in the streets. All you really need is a ball. Once you start getting into games you have to shell out money for it's a wrap. That's why not as many kids play baseball as they used to. A glove costs $$$, a bat costs $$$, broken windows cost $$$$. In hockey, the sticks cost $$$, you need to buy two goals....$$$. In the hood, cars are always coming down the block. That means they would be moving the goals all the time.

Come on man, you know all of this.

A brand new hockey stick costs about $20, but you can get them for free if you have a hookup. A goal can be set up by laying two bricks on the ground. Throw in a tennis ball, or a $5 street hockey ball if you're privileged, and you have all you need for a good street hockey game. If there's no room on the roads there's always vacant yards and church parking lots.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply that black people were "close minded" or "unsophisticated" because they aren't in to hockey. The question was asked "how come blacks don't like hockey" and I suggested it was probably a cultural issue rather than an issue of cost or opportunity. In Canada I know a few black hockey players at the junior level and quite a few others who just enjoy the game. It's a cultural institution that is quickly starting to transcend race and ethnicity.

And a lot of those cities are football/basketball/baseball cities first and foremost (and a lot of those Canadian cities are HOCKEY towns). American states like Minnesota and the Northern parts of Michigan are more into winter sports because they have always been more into winter sports, but Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, etc. have always been into more traditional American sports (football/baseball/basketball). The sport hasn't caught on with whites either in a lot of those areas (that's why the NHL stays borderline wanting to abandon the U.S. market outside of a few historic hockey teams like Detroit, Chicago, Boston, etc). Hockey, like soccer, is just not a classic AMERICAN sport. Hockey is a second tier sport in the U.S., somewhere between indoor soccer and arena football in the majority of the country. Kids aren't going to have interest when the sport seems to only appeal to die-hard fans, immigrants and folks that actually got into playing it (same as soccer). I live in a 60% black area that built a new ice rink facility recently (within the past 10 years) and there are a few kids (black and white) getting into hockey simply because it's available to them, but most of the kids simply use the facility to skate (tons of black FEMALES are in there on any given weekend skating, there are even a few training for competitive skating)

I just don't buy into this implication that blacks aren't into hockey because they are somehow "unsophisticated" or "closed minded" anymore than a Latin or Euro is close minded because all they are into is soccer. We've had the debate on BGOL before where all the foreign board members criticized the American board members because they don't appreciate soccer, well, to me it's a bunch of dudes chasing a ball around and not scoring much, maybe if I knew what the fuck they were doing, I could get into it more, but I don't, and since I already have a full 12 months worth of sports I can enjoy, I may never care to figure out soccer. The sheer violence of rugby made me want to understand the game more because it had that same kind of action level as football, hockey just never intrigued me the same way (even with the rough play). When you don't understand the rules of a game or how it is played, you generally won't develop much interest in it,

  • The average American kid knows the fundamentals of the big three American sports at a very young age, so those are the sports they follow
  • The average Canadian kid knows the fundamentals of hockey at a young age, so that is what they follow
  • The average Latin American kid knows the fundamentals of soccer at a young age, so that is what they follow (kids in South and Central America walk around with soccer balls the same way American black kids walk around with basketballs, which is funny, since basketball is a South American sport originally)
  • The average West Indian kid knows the fundamentals of cricket at a young age, so that is what they follow
Ping-pong is the national sport in China, a BILLION people follow ping-pong the way we follow football, are we unsophisticated because we don't follow ping-pong too?

I had never heard of jai-lai in my damn life, but the Portuguese and Cape Verdi-ans up in Rhode Island (when I lived their) BREATH that shit.

It's all cultural and just because black Americans like certain sports more than others doesn't make those sports (we don't necessarily support) more sophisticated than the ones we do support.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
2 reasons, in my opinion:
Economics + Weather conditions... :hmm:

Think about it...
1. You need ICE. (Without this, you gotta pay for 'rink time', which could end up costing anywhere between $10 - $150?/per player/per session, AT MINIMUM depending on where you live.)

2. Requires ALOT of equipment. (at least $100 - $1000?/per player)
3. Must learn to SKATE WELL. (and 'Practice' costs a GRIP! see #1 above.)

That's alot of 'out-of-pocket' expenses required 'in advance'. :hmm:
While other Sports have lower 'start-up' costs, on average:
- Soccer = price of a ball. (Maybe $10 - $75? for a decent ball.)
- Basketball = price of a ball and/or kicks. (maybe $10 - $200? per player)
- Baseball = price of a glove and/or kicks + extra equipment. (maybe 50 - $500?/per player)
- Football = price of a ball and/or kicks + extra equipment. (maybe $10 - $1000?/per player)

- Plus, you never have to 'pay to play'.
- Game 'travel distances' are usually shorter, on average.
- And weather isn't always the biggest factor that determines 'where' you play.

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wannabe star
Go Red Wings. We Are Warming Up For A Real Game. The Bluejackets Are No Comp.

lukas james

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
Reasons black people don't get into hockey:
1. The puck looks too much like a little chocolate snack cake.
Hitting it must feel like black on black crime.
2. Ice skates look like knives attached to shoes.
3. Negroes don't want to be in the cold and sweating at the same time. That's how you catch pnuemonia.
4. Cheerleaders can't tootsie roll at halftime wearing skates.
5. Seen too many white people fall into frozen lakes in the movies to feel comfortable walking on ice.
6. Only sport Michael Jordan never tried to go pro in. There probably ain't no J's made into ice skates.
7. Game lasts 2 hours and the score is 3-1 or some shit. You can't even get your ballhog on.
8. Goalies look like Jason Vorhees wearing battle armor.
9. Can't talk trash to another cat holdin a big stick.
10. Fighting on the ice is allowed. Only until the first all-black team appears. After that it will be a felony.


Potential Star
The sport doesn't have enough people for me to identify with to watch.

I used to want to play hockey when I was younger but it's an expensive sport.

800 per season for all positions except goal which cost 1k.

That is the reason blacks don't play hockey. In the school that black people tend to go to most of the time (I know its a generalization) the schools cannot afford a football program and a hockey program. Hockey is the most expensive sports program since most school the football program has been in place for years. Also they tend to put ice rink in areas with affluence.

Damn Right

Rising Star
Now, I'm a big hockey fan myself, and I don't understand why blacks don't like hockey. Is it because it's not dominated by blacks, or it's too cold :confused:. I'm just curious...

posts: 140

asks bgol headz about 'hockey' and why 'blacks' don't like it....:smh:

welcome to bgol, white boy. come on in and have a seat :rolleyes:


Support BGOL
I've always loved hockey. It's fast, there's constant action and the skill by the players is amazing. I take special pride and closely follow the careers of the few black players like Jerome Iginla, Anson Carter, and the like. That's not the only reason I like it. The game has just got me hooked. One of the chief problems in terms of popularity in the states is the lack of national TV coverage except on an obscure cabel channel like Versus. I've gone to several Washington Caps games live and saw the Ducks play Phoenix when I was out in Anaheim last week. That's when the game is most exciting. It's really hard sometimes to follow the puck on TV. The other problem in terms of American popularity is that most of the players are either from Canada or Europe. I know it's different strokes for different folks, but I just love the game.

The Show

Potential Star
I took my son to his first hockey game 3 weeks ago (Caps vs. Buffalo) He loved it. As a matter of fact he begged me to get him NHL 09 and now plays it all the time. I also started taking him ice skating. Now I know NOTHING about hockey or ice skating, but I'm gonna give him the chance my parents never gave me. Not that they didn't want to, but 1) because it wasn't available and 2) we couldn't afford it. But I've been into it the past few years. And let me say YOU HAVE TO SEE IT LIVE TO REALLY APPRECIATE IT!

Big K

Potential Star
I love Hockey & we would dominate if we played it. I had friends who played when i was younger and they loved it but it was expensive.

& as far as the COLD

Itz so COLD n da D!

CPT Callamity

Titty Feelin Villain
BGOL Investor
1. Where would we go skating? Unless you live near a lake that freezes over or have a rink near your house, where would you practice? Plus, I've only seen them where there is a general populace of white folk.

2. F*ck buying all that gear. I'm sure it's more expensive for equipment than football and basketball is the cheapest game you can afford to play (ball + rec center court = game).

3. Bammaz play too much. There'd be more brawls than actual game play.

I knew one dude who was my neighbor who played hockey but he was like the only black dude I've known who actually did.


Potential Star
It's simple, people don't watch sports that they weren't into as kids. I see kids playing football and basketball in the streets. All you really need is a ball. Once you start getting into games you have to shell out money for it's a wrap. That's why not as many kids play baseball as they used to. A glove costs $$$, a bat costs $$$, broken windows cost $$$$. In hockey, the sticks cost $$$, you need to buy two goals....$$$. In the hood, cars are always coming down the block. That means they would be moving the goals all the time.

Come on man, you know all of this.


To be honest,black people don't like hockey because there aren't enough of us in the sport. The reason for that is because black people historically never had the financial resources to participate in sports that require more than having a ball.

For instance, you need to pay to practice at your local rink if you decide to take hockey seriously. there isn't enough ice in the city during the winter to skate upon for real practice. the same goes for hockey gear and the maintenance of it.

The financial problem is the same reason why tennis, car racing, polo, swimming, diving, and crew are not considered black people sports.

I am not saying there aren't any blacks in these sports, There are and they are the exception for special reasons. For instance Serena and Venus probably practiced for free at community tennis court and tiger Woods has a father rich enough to afford membership to a country club.

Simply put, to be good in any sport, you need to practice constantly. however, sports like hockey or diving require you to pay for the use of facilities in order to practice. whereas basketball, you just need a ground and a ball. Local parks with hoops are not hard to find. Hell the closest one to my house is 300 yards away. I couldn't tell you were to find an ice rink right now.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It costs too much, and there aren't any ice rinks in the hood. It's cheap to play basketball, and football, even baseball is relatively expensive if you're lower income.

im pretty sure football is more expensive than baseball in terms of equipment. in baseball u only have to pay for the gloves, the bat, the cup and the cleats.

as for the thread i dont like hockey because its a boring sport. basketball is already boring as fuck. now im just a baseball and futbol(soccer) guy.


wannabe star
it would take a cracka to bump this thread after 2 years. :(

Ya momma. I love hockey, I've been a Red Wings fan for many years. I went to my first game at the JOE AKA JOE LOUIS ARENA. I've been hooked ever since.
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wannabe star

To be honest,black people don't like hockey because there aren't enough of us in the sport. The reason for that is because black people historically never had the financial resources to participate in sports that require more than having a ball.

For instance, you need to pay to practice at your local rink if you decide to take hockey seriously. there isn't enough ice in the city during the winter to skate upon for real practice. the same goes for hockey gear and the maintenance of it.

The financial problem is the same reason why tennis, car racing, polo, swimming, diving, and crew are not considered black people sports.

I am not saying there aren't any blacks in these sports, There are and they are the exception for special reasons. For instance Serena and Venus probably practiced for free at community tennis court and tiger Woods has a father rich enough to afford membership to a country club.

Simply put, to be good in any sport, you need to practice constantly. however, sports like hockey or diving require you to pay for the use of facilities in order to practice. whereas basketball, you just need a ground and a ball. Local parks with hoops are not hard to find. Hell the closest one to my house is 300 yards away. I couldn't tell you were to find an ice rink right now.

I GUESS I LOVED HOCKEY BECAUSE MY PARENTS STARTED ME PLAYING ROLLER HOCKEY. HOCKEY IS HOCKEY TO ME. I've played on Ice as well. I wish I would have started sooner. I LOVE GOLFING AS WELL. I SPEND DAYS AT THE COURSE. Learning to play golf is not that expensive.

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'that's what she said'
BGOL Investor
hockey is the shit. if you ever get a chance to go to the game you'll understand

rangers better win tonite


'that's what she said'
BGOL Investor
rangers are getting murdered

i mean they're getting beat the fuck up and its only 2nd

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
For me its simple. I only watch my squad and maybe a handful of others. If the Hawks aint shit then more than likely Im not that interested. I can deal with them losing, but the Blackhawks were soooooooo fuckin bad for a stretch of about 4-6 years and the fallout with the lockout that I really lost interest in hockey as a whole until last season when they almost made the playoffs. But hockey is a fun game to watch as long as you learn how to watch it and know whats going on.


Potential Star
I GUESS I LOVED HOCKEY BECAUSE MY PARENTS STARTED ME PLAYING ROLLER HOCKEY. HOCKEY IS HOCKEY TO ME. I've played on Ice as well. I wish I would have started sooner. I LOVE GOLFING AS WELL. I SPEND DAYS AT THE COURSE. Learning to play golf is not that expensive.


It may not be that expensive to you because your parents had that money to spend, but for some families, it is down to spending that money on recreational sports and extracurricular activities vs. paying for rent and putting food on the table.

The Black Ice is an exception. That picture of the team looks pretty old. there must have been some circumstance that encouraged them to put the team together back then. I bet it must have been pervasive racism. Aside from the black Ice, how many youth Ice Hockey teams are there that are predominately black today. Can you name any in your neighborhood?

As a matter of fact, the black people in the NHL...where did they grow up, what was their circumstances. I can almost bet it is not that similar of a black kid from an urban area.


wannabe star
It may not be that expensive to you because your parents had that money to spend, but for some families, it is down to spending that money on recreational sports and extracurricular activities vs. paying for rent and putting food on the table.

The Black Ice is an exception. That picture of the team looks pretty old. there must have been some circumstance that encouraged them to put the team together back then. I bet it must have been pervasive racism. Aside from the black Ice, how many youth Ice Hockey teams are there that are predominately black today. Can you name any in your neighborhood?

As a matter of fact, the black people in the NHL...where did they grow up, what was their circumstances. I can almost bet it is not that similar of a black kid from an urban area.

Hockey wise, not in my neigborhood as a whole no. Growing up my friends and I were on all Black soccer teams in our city. Where we grew up there were soccer fields and a baseball diamond. Its' an all black neighborhood North Rosedale Park.

In middleschool and highschool I lived in a great city. Its' not uncommon to see Parents taking their kids to the league soccer, golf or hockey games or various swim meets. I live in a diverse downtown community now. I see young parents my age getting their kids started in different sports.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i think the reason is more about scoring than anything..

people mentioned how expensive it is to play BUT the parents who bitch about the cost of gloves and sticks are the SAME parts who don't mind buying ROCAWEAR and JORDANS for their kids... Little Jamal can't have a hockey stick because it cost too much but he's walking around in 150 dollar sneakers and a 300 dollar jogging suit???

On paper hockey SHOULD be popular with todays blacks...

Its fast paced
Its hard hitting action
Its very violent
It has a sort of fluid motion to it.

but its the LOWEST scoring sport next to baseball.

2 hours of watching just for a score of 1-0??

MAYBE if they scored like in football.. 6 points for every score..

Imagine watching a hockey game where the score was 34-22 THATS more like it..

I think its the low scoring thats the major turnoff..


wannabe star
i think the reason is more about scoring than anything..

people mentioned how expensive it is to play BUT the parents who bitch about the cost of gloves and sticks are the SAME parts who don't mind buying ROCAWEAR and JORDANS for their kids... Little Jamal can't have a hockey stick because it cost too much but he's walking around in 150 dollar sneakers and a 300 dollar jogging suit???

On paper hockey SHOULD be popular with todays blacks...

Its fast paced
Its hard hitting action
Its very violent
It has a sort of fluid motion to it.

but its the LOWEST scoring sport next to baseball.

2 hours of watching just for a score of 1-0??

MAYBE if they scored like in football.. 6 points for every score..

Imagine watching a hockey game where the score was 34-22 THATS more like it..

I think its the low scoring thats the major turnoff..

I guess I'm different. I started playing roller hockey because you could check people into the boards. After I started to play on ice. I began to see it was much more involved in it. I loved the skill and always having to stay on your toes in hockey. More people of color could get into hockey. I know a guy who buys Jordans everytime when they come out. Take all that money and add it up. We spend money on what we want too. Geechie You are correct.

I'm exposing my God Daughter to swimming, Golf, ballet and a few other things. She enjoys being a kid I'm just showing her what is out there. I will give my kids the same exposure my Parents gave me.