How to know if your watermelon is ripe.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Database traumatic banana moment

:roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3: :roflmao3:



Rising Star
Platinum Member
First get a more round rather than oval melon. The darker the better.

When cutting, cut in half then cut in a grid. Helps keep your hands cleaner since you use the rind to pick up and eat.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Also what dude missed in the OP vid is what you should look for, not only the stuff he mentioned about the yellow bottom but also very important is look at both sides where the navel is.

If it's indented or dimpled, then it's sweet and ripe. Reason is because it sat longer and is now ripe. I've tested this many times and if I don't see dimpled melons, I leave them alone.

"Dead giveaway"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
First get a more round rather than oval melon. The darker the better.

When cutting, cut in half then cut in a grid. Helps keep your hands cleaner since you use the rind to pick up and eat.
^^This part

"Never lost" all summer with the round stubbies.....

They've been so damn sweet and the kids eat damn near half of it before I can finish cutting it