That page TheScore did 8 tweets on Bronny yesterday. 8!!! And got great engagement on all of them. As long as people are talking about him, good or bad, the brand is winning. You couldn't stop him from being drafted, so it's not like the bad stuff really hurts. They didn't even cover the #1 and #2 picks battling, cuz ain't no money in that.
There is no player in Bronny's draft class that is more important to the future of the NBA than him. And he's already more popular and gets more press than some star players.
One last thing, for Bronny hate to truly excel, you have to concede to his dads greatness to make him come off as an underachiever. Jondoe posted Bronny's stats, so stats clearly matter now, which is right up Bron's alley.

The content creators stopped making GOAT debate memes and Bron troll memes, and you will see less and less of MJ and Kobe now. Bron and Bronny is the #1 narrative in the NBA, so the social media content will be shifting.