I was playing around on Midjourney today. Here are a few pics I generated. Post up your creations!


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
@BigDaddyBuk It could be argued that if Michael Jackson was doing James Brown's dance moves as a child, dances that James specifically developed and popularized, that he was biting JB's dances. No? Pulling them apart and restructuring them directly.
no it cant.

its like saying i pulled a picture of James Brown out of a copyright protected photo and put a new background on it.


BGOL Patreon Investor
no it cant.

its like saying i pulled a picture of James Brown out of a copyright protected photo and put a new background on it.
Brother, I think that's not a matching comparison. lol. But I hear where you're coming from and appreciate the photomanip reference. Knowing you draw (well), I appreciate having this conversation with you. It's like I agree with some sentiments of yours but disagree with the blanket absoluteness of them. As creativity goes, I feel like 90% of shit that I've seen people do with AI does not qualify as art.

As this debate goes, it reminds me of decades ago when kats were saying digital drawing wasn't real art, back when that tech was new.

Issues of unfair use aside, seems to me for the non-AI artist there are only 2 choices:

1. Learn how to use the tech to expand what you already do artistically or...

2. Understand that if your stuff is great, all the new tech shit doesn't matter. It doesn't devalue what you do and in the end, craftsmanship of the hands will always be appreciated and valued.

There are so many millions of people using AI generators making cookie cutter humdrum boring shit that possesses zero creativity, that in the end the artists will win. The cream always rises to the top.


BGOL Patreon Investor
yeah somewhat, It's one of my endeavors. I'm a 2DCG/3D artist. I know what I'm doing though, I've posted my work on here.
Very cool. Love to see some examples of your work sometime.
I dibble-dabbled in 3D way back in the day (Cinema 4D, CAD) for a time, nothing too heavy, used to incorporate it into my creations. I'm a lot more comfortable with plain old 2D.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Some of my Midjourney dabbling









Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All I know is, as a non-artist, my re-imagining and reconstruction of images would never ever be commissioned by that artists in the mediums that they are not famous in for the looks that would like to see. Besides I've seen this do more than take an artists work.



My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Very cool. Love to see some examples of your work sometime.
I dibble-dabbled in 3D way back in the day (Cinema 4D, CAD) for a time, nothing too heavy, used to incorporate it into my creations. I'm a lot more comfortable with plain old 2D.

This is my Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlaqHentai

I do more than just naked chicks though. My main thing right now is developing a system/workflow that will allow me to do Boondocks/Black Dynamite type stuff in a few years. It takes a lot of development time but once the system is built, it's easy sailing.

Also have a lot of development work in this thread along with @DjMorpheus



Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
@Mixd have you started learning how to make a consistent character i.e. Flesh out a character doing multiple things?
No, haven't used Midjourney past the free images. I messed around more on Bluewillow. It's damn good too. But not as "badd" as Midjourney.

Depending on what you're looking for, Bluewillow is just as good.

I do graphic design and couldn't even come up with some logos it has created. It would create stunning logos and I can just manipulate it in Illustrator. Did these making a crest real quick




4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I somewhat disagree with you (and agree).

What the tech has done is make it bone simple for laymen to appear like they have artistic skill. It's easy to type in a prompt to say "Make Spiderman sticking to the side of a building. Super realistic." ...and then have one be impressed at themselves and impress their friends who are also new to the technology. Midjourney is an amazing program, but as it relates to people, it has a Midjourney look- very detailed and accurate, but also cookie cutter, as if everything people do involving realistic renderings of people look as if it was painted by the same person.

On the other hand, if you put a visual artist behind that same technology, it can be a tool to expand the greatness they already possess- without their being imitative of anybody else's art or style. It's a tool that is simple on the surface but contains much complexity and many possibilities beneath the surface. I've been a photomanipulation visual artist for more than 20 years. At present, I use the AI in a nearly identical way as I do Photoshop and other related tools. The shit I shared on here was just some doodling around.

There's thousands of tutorials on YouTube about how to use AI progs. Very little to no AI tuts about how to be original or creative or have an eye.

It’s AI generated. I’m not knocking it because it’s an evolution of technology. My wife used it to come up ideas and she made her personal modifications for some of her paintings. Sort of like sampling music.

But in the end, it’s all machine learning. I like that it can help with creative blocks. The more data the user feeds it’s, the smarter it gets. All the tech companies are databasing user input.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Saw someone created this on Bluewillow, was a background for a veggie site. But just imagine the possibilities of not having to pay for the rights to an image and just creating this yourself.

This is definitely taking bread out of pockets on how some used to make it...



I joke and I know things
BGOL Investor
Saw someone created this on Bluewillow, was a background for a veggie site. But just imagine the possibilities of not having to pay for the rights to an image and just creating this yourself.

This is definitely taking bread out of pockets on how some used to make it...

True and it was created in less than a minute with the help of supercomputers. Human artist are too slow to keep up manually.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Very cool. Love to see some examples of your work sometime.
I dibble-dabbled in 3D way back in the day (Cinema 4D, CAD) for a time, nothing too heavy, used to incorporate it into my creations. I'm a lot more comfortable with plain old 2D.
Still trying to grasp Unreal Engine myself..as well as Character Creator


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Brother, I think that's not a matching comparison. lol. But I hear where you're coming from and appreciate the photomanip reference. Knowing you draw (well), I appreciate having this conversation with you. It's like I agree with some sentiments of yours but disagree with the blanket absoluteness of them. As creativity goes, I feel like 90% of shit that I've seen people do with AI does not qualify as art.

As this debate goes, it reminds me of decades ago when kats were saying digital drawing wasn't real art, back when that tech was new.

Issues of unfair use aside, seems to me for the non-AI artist there are only 2 choices:

1. Learn how to use the tech to expand what you already do artistically or...

2. Understand that if your stuff is great, all the new tech shit doesn't matter. It doesn't devalue what you do and in the end, craftsmanship of the hands will always be appreciated and valued.

There are so many millions of people using AI generators making cookie cutter humdrum boring shit that possesses zero creativity, that in the end the artists will win. The cream always rises to the top.
i do fine art, traditional art, digital art.

all of it is based on my skill set.

ive done A LOT of midjourney art.

none of it is based on my skill set. its based on regurgitated images taken from actual artists' work.

that's the difference.


BGOL Patreon Investor
This is my Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlaqHentai

I do more than just naked chicks though. My main thing right now is developing a system/workflow that will allow me to do Boondocks/Black Dynamite type stuff in a few years. It takes a lot of development time but once the system is built, it's easy sailing.

Also have a lot of development work in this thread along with @DjMorpheus

Really fine work. That was cool to see your guys' getdown.

I definitely understand about developing an ergonomic and effective workflow. Thanks for sharing!

I wish you much success in your endeavors.


BGOL Patreon Investor
i do fine art, traditional art, digital art.

all of it is based on my skill set.

ive done A LOT of midjourney art.

none of it is based on my skill set. its based on regurgitated images taken from actual artists' work.

that's the difference.
Sure and I do now and always have completely respected your artistic skill and as I said, I appreciate the dialogue.

One nitpick to your message. The results you received to your prompts on Midjourney were based on regurgitated images, true, many of which are copyrighted. No argument from me there. It is what it is.

However, how much came from actual artists' work is debatable, since Stable Diffusion analyzes information from images uploaded to the web, period- not just art.

The degree of and source of regurgitation is a bit more complicated as well and typically not easy, if possible at all to quantify.

You know better than I do what you did on Midjourney and how you went about doing it and I won't argue with how much skill you feel you didn't apply to what you produced with it.

You and I might have differing views on what qualifies as "creating art."

If all of the images referenced in Stable Diffusion were public domain, then would the results automatically be "art"?

I would say no, not necessarily. Oxford Dictionary gives a definition of art that I generally agree with:

"the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power."

My read on that is that the key words are "human creative skill", "imagination" "beauty" and "emotional power". To my eyes and ears, that means that the work is created by one who knows how to effectively tell a story that moves people and is able to do so in such a way that it is reflective of one's personal style based upon their skill and their unique experiential input. In the art of emceeing, what sets Black Thought apart is his ability to effectively communicate with the language that is accessible to all, yet use unique and new metaphor, simile and symbolism while rhyming combined with rhythmic dexterity, storytelling and delivery.

Collage artists and also Hip-hop producers also work with recycled fragments of finished art and expression and are capable of producing brilliance when they are able to flip the data in unique ways ala J. Dilla or RZA, particularly in combination with good emcees.

So it is just to say that an established fine artist can similarly use a program like Midjourney as a tool to articulate stories the way that artist visualizes it down to the fine details. Me personally, it isn't a situation of simply entering a prompt and ooing and aahing over instant photorealism. When I write a song, I hear it in my head with completeness. It is just a matter of getting on the keyboard, guitar, bass, percussion, microphone, sampler etc to flesh it out. My present Midjourney creative experience looks to develop my own formulas that others aren't using in order to articulate visually what I have to say and say it visually in a way that is not a carbon copy of anyone else. To that end, my process involves the collection of resources, note taking and experimentation 90% before it comes to the 10% that is creation. It's like a DAW in musicmaking (collecting sounds and gaining control over the capabilities of the software) or an expanded Photoshop in my eyes with the addition of on-demand (extra-legal) stock materials. The randomness of the AI can be frustrating to me, personally. So then the ongoing challenge is to gain some degree of control over it with consistency.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I think Ive used up my trial....i have to pay for an account now.... which one do you suggest? The $10 per month or $30?
I also think Im using it wrong. it seems likes its easy to use but difficult @ the same time or maybe its just me & im learning something new.