If The Earth Was Flat. Why Can”t You See The Edge From A Plane?

king reckless

Rising Star
The flat earth is literally a clock itself.
Besides, pseudoscience, where is it applied? In the military? In the maritime? Geology? Fine, it's your faith mechanism. Where is it applied? I may purchase an actual book, not viewing bullshit youtube videos.

If the earth is flat, it has edges. A community that believes that the earth is flat should be consistent on where its parameters lie.

The earth is a clock. Damn home schooling in West Virginia. Look, time is relative, I admit that. Round earthers base time fundamentally on the earth, moon and sun. The earth spins around 24 hrs. The moon orbits the earth roughly 30 days. The earth orbits the sun 365 days. This is what it's about. Mars, Venus, Jupiter, etc. carry their rotations. The gravitation pull of our star, the sun, determines how the planets orbit around it. This is our solar system.

Your model ignores the rest of the planets as they relate to the sun. Why? Who knows? Static electricity governs the movement of the planets, correct? You can't relate to the sun being millions of miles away but the sun is another star in the galaxy. And with millions of stars in the universe, they too may have planets, or satellites, encircling it.

Go to a library, children's section, get a picture book outlining the fundamentals of space and physics before you challenge it with the flat earth.

Some of us grew up before the internet surrounded by books to mold us. Read books during the summer. Grab an encyclopedia where ever they still exist. Understand the world around you first before challenging it.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Besides, pseudoscience, where is it applied? In the military? In the maritime? Geology? Fine, it's your faith mechanism. Where is it applied? I may purchase an actual book, not viewing bullshit youtube videos.

If the earth is flat, it has edges. A community that believes that the earth is flat should be consistent on where its parameters lie.

The earth is a clock. Damn home schooling in West Virginia. Look, time is relative, I admit that. Round earthers base time fundamentally on the earth, moon and sun. The earth spins around 24 hrs. The moon orbits the earth roughly 30 days. The earth orbits the sun 365 days. This is what it's about. Mars, Venus, Jupiter, etc. carry their rotations. The gravitation pull of our star, the sun, determines how the planets orbit around it. This is our solar system.

Your model ignores the rest of the planets as they relate to the sun. Why? Who knows? Static electricity governs the movement of the planets, correct? You can't relate to the sun being millions of miles away but the sun is another star in the galaxy. And with millions of stars in the universe, they too may have planets, or satellites, encircling it.

Go to a library, children's section, get a picture book outlining the fundamentals of space and physics before you challenge it with the flat earth.

Some of us grew up before the internet surrounded by books to mold us. Read books during the summer. Grab an encyclopedia where ever they still exist. Understand the world around you first before challenging it.

So what, you think if you just repeat the same shit I'm disproving that will make me finally get it?

Boy oh boy, this is far worse than I ever imagined. We are more lost than ever.


king reckless

Rising Star
So what, you think if you just repeat the same shit I'm disproving that will make me finally get it?

Boy oh boy, this is far worse than I ever imagined. We are more lost than ever.

Disprove what? Keep posting. Convince me.

Name one occupation that stresses flat earth knowledge.

Present the name brand watch crafted for the flat earthers (Flintstone sun dial OK)

What is the perimeter or circumference of flat earth?

Three items. That's all I want. Done.

Bonus: age check


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Somewhere in Russia someone is laughing his ass off cause of how easy it is to dumb people down with the internet.

What?? Like I said, the nazi's, this corporation have mastered the art of DECEPTION!! If you dont who the nazi's Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun is, you deserve everything your getting!!


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Disprove what? Keep posting. Convince me.

Name one occupation that stresses flat earth knowledge.

Present the name brand watch crafted for the flat earthers (Flintstone sun dial OK)

What is the perimeter or circumference of flat earth?

Three items. That's all I want. Done.

Bonus: age check

Naw, I'm good.

Fuck your questions nigga. I don't owe you answers.

Go google Globebusters, Jeranism on youtube or rokfin and argue with them and their followers.

I'm out, got shit to do.


Rising Star
What?? Like I said, the nazi's, this corporation have mastered the art of DECEPTION!! If you dont who the nazi's Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun is, you deserve everything your getting!!

Listen to me.

People are using fake conspiracy theories on the internet to dumb down the population and to see how much bullshit they can make you believe.

QAnon is literally based on shit like this.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Largest Early World Map - Monte's 10 ft. Planisphere of 1587

An extraordinary 60 sheet manuscript world map made in 1587 by Urbano Monte has been added to the David Rumsey Map Collection at Stanford University. At 10 foot square, this map or planisphere is the largest known early map of the world. It was hand drawn by Monte in Milan, Italy, and only one other manuscript copy exists. The digitally joined 60 sheet map image below is the first time the map Monte made has been seen as one unified map - as Monte intended - in the 430 years since it was created. See all the individual sheets here.


king reckless

Rising Star
Largest Early World Map - Monte's 10 ft. Planisphere of 1587

An extraordinary 60 sheet manuscript world map made in 1587 by Urbano Monte has been added to the David Rumsey Map Collection at Stanford University. At 10 foot square, this map or planisphere is the largest known early map of the world. It was hand drawn by Monte in Milan, Italy, and only one other manuscript copy exists. The digitally joined 60 sheet map image below is the first time the map Monte made has been seen as one unified map - as Monte intended - in the 430 years since it was created. See all the individual sheets here.

Click the link!! There's a globe also.

Planisphere definition

a representation of the circles of the sphere on a plane
especially : a polar projection of the celestial sphere and the stars on a plane with adjustable circles or other appendages for showing celestial phenomena for any given time. :rolleyes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Time is relative, yeah. How do flat earthers measure time? Either watch or calendar? How about the seasons? How is the moon affecting the tides?

According to us round earthers, the planets are orbiting the sun. One earth spin takes 24 hours. The moon orbits the earth roughly 30 days. Our earth spins around the sun roughly a year. I don't know wtf is going on with that diagram cash dropped.

So why the trees not growing slanted on flat earth? Gravity is centered, right? How about Mars? Is that flat too?

About your ball and truck premise,that's velocity. Everything in that space of matter is traveling 60 mph regardless of what's happening within it.
Flat earthers don’t even explain the simple concept of mass and gravity. The more mass, the stronger gravitational force it has on an object from all sides. Forcing it into a round shape.

Secondly, what’s the benefit of the earth being flat vs round? Why would people lie:dunno: I am still waiting on a flat earther to answer that simple question


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Flat earthers don’t even explain the simple concept of mass and gravity. The more mass, the stronger gravitational force it has on an object from all sides. Forcing it into a round shape.

Secondly, what’s the benefit of the earth being flat vs round? Why would people lie:dunno: I am still waiting on a flat earther to answer that simple question

Dude, I have explained some of that. And I can explain the rest, not that I would be all the way accurate, because I don't know for sure and I don't claim to know it all. But the little I do know proves we aren't on a ball. So if you want me to explain it let me know and I will.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude, I have explained some of that. And I can explain the rest, not that I would be all the way accurate, because I don't know for sure and I don't claim to know it all. But the little I do know proves we aren't on a ball. So if you want me to explain it let me know and I will.
Yeah I am interested in what you got to say


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Yeah I am interested in what you got to say

Thank you my brother, for considering what I'm saying, even if you disagree.

First off, this video is not about flat earth. This video is about how the world came to believe the earth was a sphere, which didn't become fully accepted until at least the 1850's, because Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis was the last person in the chain that reportedly "proved" we were on a ball. Notice all the confusion between scientists that led to the globe theory.

People like to use the Coriolis effect to say it proves we are on a globe. Apparently, if you flush a toilet north of the equator the water will go clockwise and if you flush south of the equator the water will go counter clockwise. This has been DEBUNKED TOTALLY.


The idea of the flat earth is not that we are on a disc that's floating in "outer space". It's more that we maybe live on an infinite flat plane. So the idea of gravity as it applies to the globe model of a "surrounding force" is void. But there IS a force that determines up and down, which we now know that force is static electricity, not gravity.

We, along with all matter in this known realm are inside of an electrostatic field. The earth itself has a negative electric charge compared to the air above it, all across the plane. As soon as you leave the surface there is a positive charge in the air around you that grows in electrostatic potential the further you go up towards the sky. It is a steady, gradual rise in potential which tells us, according to the laws of electricity that we are in between 2 Gaussian surfaces. A Gaussian surface is simply a surface that encloses or distributes a charge. If there were only one surface, the rate at which the positive potential grew would be different. Knowing that we are between 2 Gaussian surfaces we can also know that certain phenomena will take place in all matter within the electric field or area, between the 2 surfaces.

Polarization Through Electrostatic Induction

Electrostatic induction is a phenomenon where the positive and negative static charges on matter are slightly separated or polarized, due to the electrostatic charge of it’s surrounding area. If one set of the object’s surroundings is positive and the other is negative, the negative charge on the object will be attracted to the positive area around it, while the positive charge on the object will be attracted to the negative area on the opposite side. So here on Earth, the positive side on our bodies is always attracted DOWN, towards the earth and the negative will be attracted to the air above. This phenomena creates a slight force in that downward vector because as soon as we leave the ground we start becoming positively charged by the air around us and are now forced towards the negative on the ground. This is electrostatic acceleration. One might think that the attraction from above and below would cancel out completely but it’s the electrostatic gradient that creates a flow from the positive above to the negative below.

In the absence of density and buoyancy, that small force you think is gravity is indeed static electricity. The earth’s negative charge establishes the downward force. And like I said, this applies on a flat or globe earth.


Now remember how those scientists were debating the earth being flat for a few centuries leading up to Coriolis? Most of their evidence was based off of observation of the sky, but not actual expedition on earth that PROVED we were on a sphere. Columbus proved the earth was round, but he didn't prove it was a sphere. You would need to circumnavigate the globe north and south to do that, rather than east to west.

But what happened in 1959 that had all major countries sign a treaty and close off Antarctica to exploration and immigration? Well, maybe that has something to do with what Admiral Byrd says right here:

So Admiral Byrd says there's more land beyond the "south pole". Well...how could that be?? Well here's a theory.....


The moon might be a reflection or a topographic map of the earth, the way it was when it was created. There's a reason you've never seen the dark side of the moon. See the dark spots?

Now check out this image. Click on it and zoom in....


This might be the real map of the earth we live on. The zone highlighted red represents our sky system, where the sun and moon, stars and so-called planets rotate over us. And that circle correlates to the old world clocks. As that system rotates it also moves, and with each major increment we enter a new age, which is now the age of Aquarius, aka climate change.


There might be far more land, resources and life than we've been led to believe.

Check this out documentary. Snatch it before it's taken down.


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king reckless

Rising Star
I can't. I just can't. Posting all kinds of irrelevant shit. If sb watches that shit and disproves the garbage, just find other videos. Sum up each one to prove you've actually seen those videos. I'm typing thoughts. Nothing more.

king reckless

Rising Star

Let it go, man. They probably think Mars is pancake shaped too. I don't why a star and a moon should hover as a halo above Earth but whatever. I agree anomalies exist but colonizers done tore up this globe. If there were more earth to pillage, it would have happened. We'll mine Mars first. If anything the ocean is another frontier.
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My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Okay, debunk the triangle theory or the sailing to the west theory.

Hey, you on a sphere right? So all you gotta do is go on a football field, walk 50 yards on the sideline, make a 90 degree turn on the 50-yard line, make a another 90-degree turn and walk another 50 yards and you'll be back where you started, right? I mean, you ARE on a globe right? So it shouldn't matter how small the straight line increments are right?? NO. It can't be flat and spherical at the same time.

Also, If the earth is flat circle, and I'm standing on it, then if I walk going west AROUND A FLAT CIRCLE I'll end up back where I started. However, you can't do the same going north and south and end up back in the same spot.

This is basic shit, I've gone wayyy beyond this in my debate. For instance, based on the inverse square law of light and the supposed distance from the Sun to Saturn, we should not be able to SEE Saturn because the light from the sun would be too dim. Yet we see Saturn in the sky, shining bright, lit evenly across the wondering star, aka planet.

There are endless reasons why we don't live on a sphere.