If The Earth Was Flat. Why Can”t You See The Edge From A Plane?


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
I never questioned the earth being round or wondered why about many buildings that's been around for centuries or why certain basements are/were built the way they were.

This first vid was sent to me months ago, it's 5 hours. Was reluctant to watch because of many things, along with the length but then on a plane flight, watched it and it literally blew my mind.

Think anyone seriously debating things like the world and humankind, should check it out, along with the second vid which came out about a week ago.

The Lost History of Flat Earth

The Lost History of Flat Earth - vol 2.1
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One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
I never questioned the earth being round or wondered why about many buildings that's been around for centuries or why certain basements are/were built the way they were.

This first vid was sent to me months ago, it's 5 hours. Was reluctant to watch because of many things, along with the length but then on a plane flight, watched it and it literally blew my mind.

Think anyone seriously debating things like the world and humankind, should check it out, along with the second vid which came out about a week ago.

The Lost History of Flat Earth

The Lost History of Flat Earth - vol 2.1

Oh my God that first video is pure garbage.

Fool is saying people lied about the globe before we even knew there was an Antarctica. Not watching 5 hours of Hotep bullshit


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Oh my God that first video is pure garbage.

Fool is saying people lied about the globe before we even knew there was an Antarctica. Not watching 5 hours of Hotep bullshit
"I'm not watching it cause it's 5 hrs and it's bullshit."

very insightful

Cool story bro


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Can you name some insightful points that were made in the video?
The vid is 7 parts or chapters. Only in the last part does he speak on the earth being flat from quotes in the Bible.

The rest of the video, the first 6 parts he speaks on many structures from around the world and the technology that had to be used from hundreds of years and asking how was it possible. How free energy like electricity was around long ago. How it's technology was destroyed for what we use in modern day.

In the second vid above, he touches on our makeup as in our DNA and from why there was a flood with Noah. It's a lot.

I'm not even professing anything about flat earth. But after watching this stuff, you have to ask how and who created many structures from hundreds of years ago. How was it even possible.

Many of these buildings, costs and intricate detail today would be near impossible.

I'd watch it in parts if anyone has the time or even cares. If no one questions the what if, then no point in debating anything.

All of this is just BS, right?


Rising Star
The vid is 7 parts or chapters. Only in the last part does he speak on the earth being flat from quotes in the Bible.

The rest of the video, the first 6 parts he speaks on many structures from around the world and the technology that had to be used from hundreds of years and asking how was it possible. How free energy like electricity was around long ago. How it's technology was destroyed for what we use in modern day.

In the second vid above, he touches on our makeup as in our DNA and from why there was a flood with Noah. It's a lot.

I'm not even professing anything about flat earth. But after watching this stuff, you have to ask how and who created many structures from hundreds of years ago. How was it even possible.

Many of these buildings, costs and intricate detail today would be near impossible.

I'd watch it in parts if anyone has the time or even cares. If no one questions the what if, then no point in debating anything.

All of this is just BS, right?

I hear ya, but nothing you just named has anything to do with flat earth.

Theres a bunch of stuff we dont know. We still have tons of discoveries to do. We cant get comfortable and stop being inquisitive.

I dont think anyone is against arguing that.

The problem with flat earth is that its literally the opposite of what I said. Its the dumbing down of the population.


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
I hear ya, but nothing you just named has anything to do with flat earth.

Theres a bunch of stuff we dont know. We still have tons of discoveries to do. We cant get comfortable and stop being inquisitive.

I dont think anyone is against arguing that.

The problem with flat earth is that its literally the opposite of what I said. Its the dumbing down of the population.

When I watched it, it took me over a month cause more than one person sent it to me, asking me what I thought. I was very reluctant and like I said, he doesn't even touch the earth being flat til the end. And honestly I still can't wrap my head around any of it. But the many things he does point out is why in the end he states how a lot we have been told isn't as it is.

Its why I think anyone can't just say this is BS.
My brother been preaching flat earth for years. I always said he was bat shit crazy. I sent him this vid months ago. I still don't know if his beliefs on Earth align to anything the vid shows.

I may watch it all again as a refresher, IMO, it's just that good.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
cash man you have to stop this before you lose yourself forreal .there's no way you really believe the vids youre posting i mean no way man let us know youre only playing with us because i you truly believe this crap then i feel sorry for you.

I suggest you stfu talking to me. And mutually I truly feel sorry for you believing you live on a goddamn ball.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Man that nigga SICK

Your strategy now is to repeat "mental illness" and "sick" over and over again because I don't believe in your globe bullshit, huh? So all the muslims who believe in Allah, all the Christians who believe in Jesus, all the Africans who practice Yoruba, all the Japanese who practice Ryukyuan, all mentally ill and sick, right? Anybody who doesn't believe in the Big Bang, all mentally ill? You said yourself "they're not telling us everything". Nigga, are YOU mentally ill?

I'm not even a religious person, but that doesn't close me off to considering the possibility of intelligent design. Why is it so important to you that your existence be the result of random occurrence? Does that make you feel in control of yourself? Richard Dawkins admitted that a signature of intelligent design can be found in our DNA, is that cac Darwinist mentally ill? Is the Big Bang a fact or still just a theory?

I thought you were here for the roast? But now you wanna label me sick. So now you're going to make fun out of someone you think is sick? Sounds like something a mentally ill person would do. They call that "bitch shit" where I'm from. And you have stalkerish ways? :smh:


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
I never questioned the earth being round or wondered why about many buildings that's been around for centuries or why certain basements are/were built the way they were.

This first vid was sent to me months ago, it's 5 hours. Was reluctant to watch because of many things, along with the length but then on a plane flight, watched it and it literally blew my mind.

Think anyone seriously debating things like the world and humankind, should check it out, along with the second vid which came out about a week ago.

The Lost History of Flat Earth

The Lost History of Flat Earth - vol 2.1

Thanks! I wasn't aware there was a part 2.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Here's a challenge that's in your wheelhouse then. Post a YouTube video of a CGI rendering of the flat Earth you believe. Not some potential depiction. Show me in YouTube what your version of flat Earth is. It's easy from your side to say something isn't when you have all of these big budget NASA & civilian depictions of the solar system to pick apart. Show us your version that you believe so strongly in. Not a map. You've shown multiple of those including the one with undiscovered land. Even in the videos disputing flat Earth, they have a rendering of some version of flat Earth. Show us this water surrounded solar system.

No. You go and find all that, then argue with yourself.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Your strategy now is to repeat "mental illness" and "sick" over and over again because I don't believe in your globe bullshit, huh? So all the muslims who believe in Allah, all the Christians who believe in Jesus, all the Africans who practice Yoruba, all the Japanese who practice Ryukyuan, all mentally ill and sick, right? Anybody who doesn't believe in the Big Bang, all mentally ill? You said yourself "they're not telling us everything". Nigga, are YOU mentally ill?

I'm not even a religious person, but that doesn't close me off to considering the possibility of intelligent design. Why is it so important to you that your existence be the result of random occurrence? Does that make you feel in control of yourself? Richard Dawkins admitted that a signature of intelligent design can be found in our DNA, is that cac Darwinist mentally ill? Is the Big Bang a fact or still just a theory?

I thought you were here for the roast? But now you wanna label me sick. So now you're going to make fun out of someone you think is sick? Sounds like something a mentally ill person would do. They call that "bitch shit" where I'm from. And you have stalkerish ways? :smh:

Wtf are you even talking about with all this damn nonsense?

You strawmanning like FUCK too nigga damn lol all religions are bullshit because I don't believe earth is flat is not a smoke bomb that is going to work here you simple bastard

And yeah man, lately it has been feeling more like you have a mental illness, so I switched from calling you a plain old fucking idiot to a more sympathetic approach. But since you wanna fix your mouth I can switch it back to fucking idiot you fucking idiot
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One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
The vid is 7 parts or chapters. Only in the last part does he speak on the earth being flat from quotes in the Bible.

The rest of the video, the first 6 parts he speaks on many structures from around the world and the technology that had to be used from hundreds of years and asking how was it possible. How free energy like electricity was around long ago. How it's technology was destroyed for what we use in modern day.

In the second vid above, he touches on our makeup as in our DNA and from why there was a flood with Noah. It's a lot.

I'm not even professing anything about flat earth. But after watching this stuff, you have to ask how and who created many structures from hundreds of years ago. How was it even possible.

Many of these buildings, costs and intricate detail today would be near impossible.

I'd watch it in parts if anyone has the time or even cares. If no one questions the what if, then no point in debating anything.

All of this is just BS, right?
It's interesting, but bullshit.

The part I watched where he twisted the interpolation of the celestial calendar into some flat earth bullshit was the complete antithesis of scientific study.

He offered no proof, he just extrapolated his bullshit beliefs to change the narrative. It's lazy as fuck. Just like people using the bible to prove historical "facts."

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Hey Cashie, how do you guys know what the flat earth looks like if you've never been high enough to see it all? How do you know there's an ice wall if no one has ever been there?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No. You go and find all that, then argue with yourself.

You are hilarious. You're the one that said you would only post YouTube now to prove your points. I believe you say no because there's no flat Earth rendering that exists that you can point to that says, "This is what the Earth actually looks like". Which begs the question, how can you believe in a flat Earth when you don't even know what that looks like? Blind faith?
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My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Hey Cashie, how do you guys know what the flat earth looks like if you've never been high enough to see it all? How do you know there's an ice wall if no one has ever been there?

You wouldn't believe me if I told ya



My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor

Wtf are you even talking about with all this damn nonsense?

You strawmanning like FUCK too nigga damn lol all religions are bullshit because I don't believe earth is flat is not a smoke bomb that is going to work here you simple bastard

And yeah man, lately it has been feeling more like you have a mental illness, so I switched from calling you a plain old fucking idiot to a more sympathetic approach. But since you wanna fix your mouth I can switch it back to fucking idiot you fucking idiot

Yep, I stand correct.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
You are hilarious. You're the one that said you would only post YouTube now to prove your points. I believe you say no because there's no flat Earth rendering that exists that you can point to that says, "This is what the Earth actually looks like". Which begs the question, how can you believe in a flat Earth when you don't even know what that looks like? Blind faith?

I already told you what to do.

All that


ain't helping.

I tell you what. You go find the videos, post them, then I'll let you know if they meet my stamp of approval or not.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If earth is flat wouldn’t the universe be flat also?

Most cosmological evidence points to the universe's density as being just right — the equivalent of around six protons per 1.3 cubic yards — and that it expands in every direction without curving positively or negatively. In other words, the universe is flat.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There are 4 types of morons you don't argue with:

1. Coons
2. Theists
3. Racists
4. Flat-Earthers

These people use alternative facts, logical fallacies and emotions to construct their worldview. They refuse to be dissuaded from their asinine believes. So, it's a waste of time engaging them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There are 4 types of morons you don't argue with:

1. Coons
2. Theists
3. Racists
4. Flat-Earthers

These people use alternative facts, logical fallacies and emotions to construct their worldview. They refuse to be dissuaded from their asinine believes. So, it's a waste of time engaging them.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
This dumbass smelly Messycan actually made this stupid dumb as fuck thread..... and has the nerve to criticize mine??? The more important question is.... if there are garden hoses everywhere, why can't you wash the pissy, cheap tequila and mustiness offa you? Get some fucking Irish Spring from a motel bathroom or something will ya
