If The Earth Was Flat. Why Can”t You See The Edge From A Plane?

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
First of all, I said "atmospheric" when I would rather use the term "atmoplanic". But whatever. The amount of moisture, the haze, plus other substances in the air, pollution, smoke, etc all play a part in how far you can see horizontally. The closer to the ground, the more dense the air, so the visibility is limited.

And why is it that the closer to the ground you are, the denser the air is? Why doesn't the air spread out evenly?

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Believe what the fuck you want to believe.

Don't ask me about this shit anymore. Ain't no point.
I'm never going to say it's a sphere so there's no point AT ALL.

Go to youtube. Go to Rokfin.com. Go join a flat earth group on Facebook.

Go to a flat earth conference and fuss at them.

I'm done.

Cashie stop lying. This is at least the 20th time you declared on this here board that you were done.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
So Cashie. If you take a plate and start pouring stuff onto it, after it fills up, does the stuff you're pouring on the plate just stack higher and higher onto the plate or does it spill over the side? Why is flat earth different?
He thinks it is all contained by "the firmament" (not kidding).

But then get mad when I say flat earthers are just religious nuts who bury the lede.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Was showing this to my niece last night. Saturn and Jupiter were also very bright. Was explaining to her about the plane of the ecliptic and the way the solar system operates and the path all planets take around it. She really enjoyed learning real science and not Hotep buffonery
Nice, but the dude Dwannb is a hotep


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Lmao @ y'all having a video battle.
