If The Earth Was Flat. Why Can”t You See The Edge From A Plane?

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member

@4 Dimensional just please give this one a few minutes dawg. As much as you can stand.

As a working STEM professional, please tell me how this sounds to you.

Our brother is sick bro.

This fixation on NASA is something else. But the fact there are hours of endless videos of this mess says a lot to these folks mind state. Our bruh don’t even see his own hypocrisy in the shit he says to us.

All this flat earth is remedial as fuck.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
An hour & 43 minutes. Are you kidding? How is it that the entirety of the flat Earth arguments can be discredited in 9 minute videos because the science is so overwhelming but you need 1 hour & 43 minutes to explain why the Earth is flat? Do you have anything to dispute this video that was posted?

That shit sad as hell man


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Do you have anything to dispute this video that was posted?

This video is stupid because it assumes space in the Copernican globe model is the same as it would be on a flat earth. In the real world on a flat plane, space is most likely water, not a vacuum where the sun is 92 million miles away and the stars are light years away. Completely different elements and physics. The flat earth is not a disc floating through space.

P.S. - If flat earth is such a non-sensical, moronic idea, then why are these people spending time producing big-budget presentations with high production value to disprove it? Why is flat earth so formidable? Why have these fools on BGOL been arguing with me for SIX YEARS about it?


That's all I have to say.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
This video is stupid because it assumes space in the Copernican globe model is the same as it would be on a flat earth. In the real world on a flat plane, space is most likely water, not a vacuum where the sun is 92 million miles away and the stars are light years away. Completely different elements and physics. The flat earth is not a disc floating through space.

P.S. - If flat earth is such a non-sensical, moronic idea, then why are these people spending time producing big-budget presentations with high production value to disprove it? Why is flat earth so formidable? Why have these fools on BGOL been arguing with me for SIX YEARS about it?


That's all I have to say.
Mans said weirdos basement production resources >>> global commerce and industry

Personally I enjoy the roast

For clarity


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator

This is the dumbest shit I have ever heard in my life.

I personally have worked with people in Angola who live in South Africa that have had to fly to Kenya, UAE or Qatar to fly to Johannesburg.

The reason most flights you book don't do this is because there are other flights to take, and it's a round about way.

So fucking stupid


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This video is stupid because it assumes space in the Copernican globe model is the same as it would be on a flat earth. In the real world on a flat plane, space is most likely water, not a vacuum where the sun is 92 million miles away and the stars are light years away. Completely different elements and physics. The flat earth is not a disc floating through space.

P.S. - If flat earth is such a non-sensical, moronic idea, then why are these people spending time producing big-budget presentations with high production value to disprove it? Why is flat earth so formidable? Why have these fools on BGOL been arguing with me for SIX YEARS about it?


That's all I have to say.

I see you start at a point of disbelief & work from there. So the information in the video is not inaccurate because the science is wrong. But because the base at which they start is wrong. So you agree that if the world was actually a globe in space, the information given would make a flat Earth impossible? Do you have a CGI depiction of what this flat Earth disc surrounded by a water filled space? What would this look like? Do you have any tangible evidence of this in any form? Pictures? Since you can't use science to prove the existence of the flat Earth. No credible scientist backs the flat Earth side.

The side you are arguing against has spent an unfathomable amount of money on CGI, cover ups, I'm going to assume assassinations' to keep people from spilling the beans. Not to beat a dead horse about what is gained by lying. But financially, what is gained by having everyone that rely on a globe Earth for their everyday lives (job) either lie or kept in the dark about the truth? Are Blue Origin & Space X in on the cover up? What do they gain? They are operated by civilians, not government employees.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I see you start at a point of disbelief & work from there. So the information in the video is not inaccurate because the science is wrong. But because the base at which they start is wrong. So you agree that if the world was actually a globe in space, the information given would make a flat Earth impossible? Do you have a CGI depiction of what this flat Earth disc surrounded by a water filled space? What would this look like? Do you have any tangible evidence of this in any form? Pictures? Since you can't use science to prove the existence of the flat Earth. No credible scientist backs the flat Earth side.

The side you are arguing against has spent an unfathomable amount of money on CGI, cover ups, I'm going to assume assassinations' to keep people from spilling the beans. Not to beat a dead horse about what is gained by lying. But financially, what is gained by having everyone that rely on a globe Earth for their everyday lives (job) either lie or kept in the dark about the truth? Are Blue Origin & Space X in on the cover up? What do they gain? They are operated by civilians, not government employees.

You are trying to have a conversation with someone who believes that Atlanta is located at an elevation 500 miles higher than LA. :lol:


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
I see you start at a point of disbelief & work from there. So the information in the video is not inaccurate because the science is wrong. But because the base at which they start is wrong. So you agree that if the world was actually a globe in space, the information given would make a flat Earth impossible? Do you have a CGI depiction of what this flat Earth disc surrounded by a water filled space? What would this look like? Do you have any tangible evidence of this in any form? Pictures? Since you can't use science to prove the existence of the flat Earth. No credible scientist backs the flat Earth side.

The side you are arguing against has spent an unfathomable amount of money on CGI, cover ups, I'm going to assume assassinations' to keep people from spilling the beans. Not to beat a dead horse about what is gained by lying. But financially, what is gained by having everyone that rely on a globe Earth for their everyday lives (job) either lie or kept in the dark about the truth? Are Blue Origin & Space X in on the cover up? What do they gain? They are operated by civilians, not government employees.

Welcome to this conversation.

We've been talking about all the stuff you're asking me about for SIX YEARS. Search flat earth on the board and you will find answer to all those questions you have. Also, I made a list of channels on youtube where you can engage and debate with a ton of flat earthers. LINK--> https://www.bgol.us/forum/threads/n...illion-miles-from-earth.1081430/post-20673714

Respectfully, I'm not about to start over from scratch for you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Welcome to this conversation.

We've been talking about all the stuff you're asking me about for SIX YEARS. Search flat earth on the board and you will find answer to all those questions you have. Also, I made a list of channels on youtube where you can engage and debate with a ton of flat earthers. LINK--> https://www.bgol.us/forum/threads/n...illion-miles-from-earth.1081430/post-20673714

Respectfully, I'm not about to start over from scratch for you.

Got it. You have no answers to those questions. None of which would take any longer to answer than your non reply. If you've answered the questions already, do you mind quoting yourself? You're obviously still engaged in this conversation.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
You have no answers to those questions.

Nigga please.

None of which would take any longer to answer than your non reply.

Too bad I don't feel like doing it. :dunno:

If you've answered the questions already, do you mind quoting yourself?


You're obviously still engaged in this conversation.

You're obviously not engaged. Because if you would've checked a few posts prior to your entrance into this bitch, you would know by now that y'all gettin is VIDEOS from me.

Catch up. Go to the comment sections of the videos I've posted and get to work!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
cash man you have to stop this before you lose yourself forreal .there's no way you really believe the vids youre posting i mean no way man let us know youre only playing with us because i you truly believe this crap then i feel sorry for you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nigga please.

Too bad I don't feel like doing it. :dunno:


You're obviously not engaged. Because if you would've checked a few posts prior to your entrance into this bitch, you would know by now that y'all gettin is VIDEOS from me.

Catch up. Go to the comment sections of the videos I've posted and get to work!

Here's a challenge that's in your wheelhouse then. Post a YouTube video of a CGI rendering of the flat Earth you believe. Not some potential depiction. Show me in YouTube what your version of flat Earth is. It's easy from your side to say something isn't when you have all of these big budget NASA & civilian depictions of the solar system to pick apart. Show us your version that you believe so strongly in. Not a map. You've shown multiple of those including the one with undiscovered land. Even in the videos disputing flat Earth, they have a rendering of some version of flat Earth. Show us this water surrounded solar system.