"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black!" -Joe Biden @ Charlamagne tha God


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm sure there has to be more context to that statement, but he's not wrong. A person of color would have to be pretty stupid to think Trump is for them.

Depends on who that Black person is and thier level of achievement. I know a Black guy who's been picked by Trump for a federal judiciary appointment. That means he can be considered later for Supreme Court.

Also if you're a business owner there's definitely been certain advantages. Is he helping the average A/A? No. He's not helping average crackers either. Only difference is he's not insulting them. If they are too stupid to see they are being used that's on them...same can be said for us who line vote Democratic.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Its a pattern

I understand what he is tryin to accomplish...

but he needs a better strategy... the big difference in the case is...

One case had a video go super viral... one didnt have a video at all...

thats a major friggen difference... trust me.. if there was footage that went viral in the kentucky case... heads would be rolling..

but fuck both of them because if they could sweep it under a rug and forget about it,

they wouldnt hesitate...


Rising Star
He's simply expecting that the Black vote will fall in line, particularly women, and automatically vote for him. He doesn't feel like there's any effort need to be exerted to attain the support of the Black Bloc.

Let be honest. He does not have to earn the black vote. Blacks vote 95% democrats anyways.

Shit the moment you try to tell blacks. You should start asking for benefits and tangibles for your vote. Black people don’t want to listen. All these white liberals use republicans like the boogie man. They been running the same game for 70 years. All this voting and your community is still in shambles and a permanent underclass.

LBJ said it best. I will have these niggas voting democrat for 100 years.


Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
Depends on who that Black person is and thier level of achievement. I know a Black guy who's been picked by Trump for a federal judiciary appointment. That means he can be considered later for Supreme Court.

Also if you're a business owner there's definitely been certain advantages. Is he helping the average A/A? No. He's not helping average crackers either. Only difference is he's not insulting them. If they are too stupid to see they are being used that's on them...same can be said for us who line vote Democratic.
Bro, anyone can be considered for Supreme Court, even you.

There are no explicit requirements in the U.S. Constitution for a person to be nominated to become a Supreme Court justice. No age, education, job experience, or citizenship rules exist. In fact, according to the Constitution, a Supreme Court justice does not need to even have a law degree.

Straight from the horse's mouth

What Are the Requirements to Become a Supreme Court Justice?
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Ming Fei Hong

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
CTG is partly to blame for this bullshit. He goes out of his way to placate to racist crackas, including having a whole racist co-host and hanging out with Tomi Lauren. There's no mystery in why Biden would feel comfortable saying some shit like that to him. We know for a fact a Biden/Willie D interview would've gone totally different. These CACs know which of us they can and can't fuck with.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah that’s why white liberals take your vote for granted, they know black people like to talk. They are not about action. They talk shit but at the end of the day they fall in line like slaves.

Coward ass CAC ALERT!

Just make sure to talk that shit on your computer you weak minded fuck :lol:


Well, Trump said, “What do you have to lose”, when he was referring to black folks about voting for him. It was as if black folk were suffering under Obama Then he said, “Look at my African American” when referring to a black man in the audience at one of his rallies. And let’s not forget about the full page ad in of New York’s periodicals advocating the death penalty for the Central Park Five.

I can see why Biden would feel safe making such a comment. Hell, folks say the same thing on here. However, it was tone deaf for Biden to say that but folks need to focus on the task at hand and voting Trump out in November.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I have no issues with this statement especially with Trump shenanigans over the last few years.....hey any black person who’s kissing trumps ass right now is not black.


Veni Vidi Vici
BGOL Investor
Sooooooo, this statement changed your opinion about him? This was the straw that broke the camel's back!!!
Trump is a STRAIGHT BAFFOON, but this comment made you say, "I'd rather have Trump!" SMH


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Trump has to go but the future for self-black respect lies here:

Let's stop being pawns that can be used over and over again that can be disrespected and neglected.:furious::curse:

Are we seriously ready to start setting our own tables?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Facts already mentioned by me and others:

Charlamagne the god is a CIA MK asset.
Joe Biden is a racist.

anyone that is so-called black, supporting either one is a fool and deserves whatever they get coming to them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have no issues with this statement especially with Trump shenanigans over the last few years.....hey any black person who’s kissing trumps ass right now is not black.
If people agree with the statement and only are upset about the person delivering the message is classic fake outrage.

It on some #metoo level fake outrage where a person says “You are very beautiful” and they turn it into sexual harassment.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’ll be back later and see which side: the agent provocateurs/the coons/pro-whites vs. the objective minded/righteous) the sways the confused to their side.



Rising Star
Coward ass CAC ALERT!

Just make sure to talk that shit on your computer you weak minded fuck :lol:

lol and then you want to argue about why joe Biden feels comfortable saying shit like that. Because it’s true. Your black he owns your ass :)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I mean this is the Democrats play book. Game is tied, we just got the ball back we're running it back for a touchdown and...


The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
Can some of you idiots admit you are wrong. Biden is sinile and is in the first stages of dementia. Yet you Dem cock suckers want him to be prez. You must like shadow govts because thats what happens when puppets come to power.

Come of you fools are from shit countries and wouldn't know the difference from a plant to a real politician. Too fuvking stupid to realize you are getting played. This is why your home country is most like a shit whole. You keep selecting bad leaders and then allow them to pawn all yall problems on some archvilan bad guy like Trump or them replublican party.

Meanwhile your white Democratic/shitty black leaders friends are robbing you blind and while patting you one the back.

Unless he and his party come up with a concrete plan to compensate blacks for our vote, then fuck him. Dems are filled with fake ass replublican white males. None of them are to be trusted. White mayors democratic in Detroit, Chicago, and NYC aint have been the worse thing for blacks in these cities since the KKK.

Whitmer will really be running the country and her Michigan AG Nessel with be the next US AG. The only positive is that both women are at least competent. Nessel is someone I would like to see run for office and she could be next in line to be Gov. Of Michigan. Shes a future political star and has been very impressive as AG of Michigan.

The Gooch has spoken, this shall come to pass!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So a black man supporting Trump is not a coon in your eyes?
a so-called black man that has kids with multiple women and not take care of them, deals drugs to his own people, robs his own people, murders his own people, is a coon.

if a so-called black man supporting trump is a coon then one supporting Biden is a coon on cocaine.