"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black!" -Joe Biden @ Charlamagne tha God


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
I agree. But I’m glad he did say it. Kind of answers the question. Basically I ain’t prepared to do shit but you should hate trump enough to vote for me anyway.

Naw. I don't think that's it. It's just some things you shouldn't say on the behalf of someone else even if it's true. If there was a nazi running on the ticket, you wouldn't say "if you don't vote for me, you ain't a Jew"... even if the shit is true, if you aren't a Jew, you can't say it... goes for anybody...a non-black person shouldn't be commenting on blackness.. but that's what you get with Joe..this was bound to happen sooner or later... in this media climate, I think it's a non-story by early next week... Joe gets way too comfortable..it's the Breakfast Club and wild shit gets said but now when you're running for POTUS.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Biden DOES need a high black turnout. All Dem presidential candidates need that if they want to win. Trump won’t be losing white suburban voters like that. His base has never shrank.

Naw. He is losing the suburbs and he's losing them in a major way. There is a huge flight from the GOP to the Dem party with white suburban votes (and especially white women in that demo) However, DEMs also do need black turnout to be high.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:lol: Coppin' pleas for the guy who helped locked more black people up than anyone walking the planet. I swear this shit is hopeless. Scientists talking that parallel world shit. Somewhere on one of those earths, the black community didn't lose their collective balls.

I wonder if he'd feel comfortable talking to muslims, gays, or jews like this.

Who knows the convos he had with Obama. Bet money they talked about how easy it is to lock the black vote. :smh: Senile ass is letting some of that shit slip out now.
Coons are not black folks to me. Anyone voting from Trump is not black in my book. I have not words for those coons and they can burn to the ground


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yeah we are fucked with either of these motherfuckers in office. This is so fucking foul.

This asshole is still defending the crime bill and the criminalization of cannabis is 2020? Knowing damn well you can't study shit, of you don't ever take cannabis off the Stage 1 list.

First gotdamm Clinton, and now I gotta vote for this motherfucker:angry::smh:


Rising Star
Biden DOES need a high black turnout. All Dem presidential candidates need that if they want to win. Trump won’t be losing white suburban voters like that. His base has never shrank.

Hilary Clinton lost because of the suburbs in those swing states. It flipped to trump in 2016 especially White women. They flipped back to the democrats in 2018 midterm election.

We will see if this trend holding up. Because the republicans just flipped CA-25 House seat in California, 2 weeks and that district is a baseline model for a lot of swing states. The reason why democrats won was because of healthcare issues.

But Trump is losing white suburbans and older voters in a massive way.

But Joe Biden is losing the Latino vote. Which trump is dominating. He is going to need it in Nevada and places like New Mexico. Trump is also gaining black men support. But black men are not a reliable voting block anyways.

We will see this is going to be a interesting election.


Rising Star
Coons are not black folks to me. Anyone voting from Trump is not black in my book. I have not words for those coons and they can burn to the ground

Trump and Biden are 2 white crackers. They are not going to do shit for blacks and you know it. Both are white and the only difference is trump is a open white supremacist and Biden is of the same cloth. He just panders you blacks for votes.


Rising Star
Ridiculous. Biden is mad disrespectful. Fuck this dude. We won't get shit from him as a President.

White folks sure like to use the joke cover for every damn thing...ala Trump "locker room talk"

I don’t even see the appeal of Joe Biden. He is just a corporate democrat. People like Joe Biden and the Clinton’s are a reason why we have Donald Trump in the first place. NAFTA (shipping jobs to China) and the bankruptcy laws in which you cannot cancel your student debt if you file bankruptcy. Who you think wrote those laws? Who you you think wrote the crime bill ?


Walter Panov

Rising Star
Because you are a spineless coon that would get beat down by the real @Blunt


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
We do need to start asking a demanding a seat at the table for our votes. Hopefully we inspire to be more than rappers and athletes and produce more political interest that benefits us

I been stressing black political action committees. I don't like the fate of my community tied into the hands of a political party.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I been stressing black political action committees. I don't like the fate of my community tied into the hands of a political party.



Rising Star
I’ll take my chances with CAC Biden. CAC Trump is riding with Rednecks and bigots! Those fools are cock blocking stupid blacks from being with him anyway!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why? He is kidding with Charlemange who is a know kidder. Charlemange started talking about blk this and blk that 1st.

Calm down and recognize the new age we are living in.

Presidents can lie, cheat, kill and rape women ok.

What Biden said aint nothing.

What a piece of shit.

Black A. Camus

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I agree with Biden though. Trump is a confirmed racist. He has the least diverse cabinet in the last 50 years. Why would any woke Black person support trump? But really, he does need to s.t.f.u. before he does something dumb and alienates some Black voters.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He definitely would not. Karen Hunter is not Charlemange the God! Big difference and different context.
Charlemange talks about sucking the farts out of women's butts. Lighten up. He was kidding with the homie.

He would never go on Karen Hunter's show and say something so utterly ridiculous.

It’s very telling what he thinks about that particular audience.


Rising Star
He definitely would not. Karen Hunter is not Charlemange the God! Big difference and different context.
Charlemange talks about sucking the farts out of women's butts. Lighten up. He was kidding with the homie.
You guys over promote Karen Hunter. What she does is the same shit Fox News host do. Filibust, cut people off, and talk aggressive.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
how is trump a “confirmed racist” and Biden isn’t, when Biden’s policies have actively worked to destroy the so-called black community for 50+ years?

I agree with Biden though. Trump is a confirmed racist. He has the least diverse cabinet in the last 50 years. Why would any woke Black person support trump? But really, he does need to s.t.f.u. before he does something dumb and alienates some Black voters.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
How you a democrat and fuck up this badly on a got dam Breakfast Club interview.


Getting too damn comfortable. You're not promoting a silly book or something.. you're running for POTUS... just because Charlamagne is a "shock jock" and talks crazy doesn't mean you gotta be on there cracking jokes and talking shit too. You're not dropping a new album.. you're running for POTUS.