"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black!" -Joe Biden @ Charlamagne tha God


Rising Star




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you vote for David Duke what are you? Trump ain’t that different than him

30 Million eligible Black American voters. That's enough for a third party that would swing an election or even win with a coalition. Your and their problem is in being incapable of understanding the power you hold.

In short, it does NOT have to be a choice between the lesser of two evils.


Medium well
BGOL Investor
30 Million eligible Black American voters. That's enough for a third party that would swing an election or even win with a coalition. Your and their problem is in being incapable of understanding the power you hold.

In short, it does NOT have to be a choice between the lesser of two evils.
Electoral college, voter suppression, that 30 million doesn't hold the same weight you think is does.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
30 Million eligible Black American voters. That's enough for a third party that would swing an election or even win with a coalition. Your and their problem is in being incapable of understanding the power you hold.

In short, it does NOT have to be a choice between the lesser of two evils.
Fantasy land , you forget Cornell West is running as a third party candidate? How’s that going ?

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
30 Million eligible Black American voters. That's enough for a third party that would swing an election or even win with a coalition. Your and their problem is in being incapable of understanding the power you hold.

In short, it does NOT have to be a choice between the lesser of two evils.
The scare tactics are out again. Vote to get fucked in your ass, but at least we use some lube. (**Big time No Diddy). I don't fuck with no parties, I'm voting for the candidate, that's doing shit I like democrat, republican or independent. The whole country was supposed to implode during the Trump reign and he's pretty much the same shit albeit, with more divisive rhetoric. Both parties overspend, both party flake on promises and you can't do shit without Congress and them crooked fucks vote to stay in office forever, insider trade, attach dumb shit to every bill.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fantasy land , you forget Cornell West is running as a third party candidate? How’s that going ?

I dunno, are Black people of one accord in their vote for him? There's 30 million Black votes for grabs. Is he getting the numbers Biden got? Does he have a strong coalition like Jesse had?

How's voting Democratic going? Satisfied with our progress?

MLK wouldn't have been too happy with the Democratic party either. He would be viewed too extreme in his final days. Today's Democratic party doesn't necessarily represent your interests. Isn't that what is said on this board ad nauseam in the disdain for LBGT, Immigration, high taxes, government regulations in schools, etc?

But have at it.
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Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
Not in one election. Over time. That's how you neutralize the effects of voter suppression and the EC.

Now what?
How much time do you think the people have? What if Project 25 goes into effect?
The people in Germany in 1930 probably had no idea that they would be rounded up and the world war would break out in less than eight years.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How much time do you think the people have? What if Project 25 goes into effect?
The people in Germany in 1930 probably had no idea that they would be rounded up and the world war would break out in less than eight years.

Ok, voting for Biden will prevent World War now?

Doesn't seem to be stopping conflict in the Middle East, Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, or anywhere else.

The solution to all the world's ills is to vote for Biden. Got it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
30 Million eligible Black American voters. That's enough for a third party that would swing an election or even win with a coalition. Your and their problem is in being incapable of understanding the power you hold.

In short, it does NOT have to be a choice between the lesser of two evils.
In THIS election, it is down to the lesser of two evils. So, it’s Biden all day. I’ll take the guy who hides his racism the best. I don’t believe any 80 year old white man isn’t racist. But I’m not voting for trump mainly because he’s a dummy. He’s just dumb. Barely articulate, impulsive, and a confirmed racist. Any ninja voting for Trump is an absolute moron.


Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
Ok, voting for Biden will prevent World War now?

Doesn't seem to be stopping conflict in the Middle East, Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, or anywhere else.

The solution to all the world's ills is to vote for Biden. Got it.
I never told you to vote for Sleepy Joe. I only asked two questions, and you didn't answer one of them.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Ok, voting for Biden will prevent World War now?

Doesn't seem to be stopping conflict in the Middle East, Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, or anywhere else.

The solution to all the world's ills is to vote for Biden. Got it.
Why is your thinking so simple? Is anybody saying that? Meanwhile your boy Trump wants to create a task force to protect whites since they are the most discriminated against group. He wants to ban contraception, wants to get rid of anything that helps Black people and you in here acting like a fucking moron as if both candidate the same. GTFOH with this bullshit. You know how many racist judges Trump appointed with lifetime appointments who are fucking over Black people right now? Hundreds of them


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In THIS election, it is down to the lesser of two evils. So, it’s Biden all day. I’ll take the guy who hides his racism the best. I don’t believe any 80 year old white man isn’t racist. But I’m not voting for trump mainly because he’s a dummy. He’s just dumb. Barely articulate, impulsive, and a confirmed racist. Any ninja voting for Trump is an absolute moron.

Yeah. But as the political strategists the board claims to be (along with scientists, lawyers, doctors, world class athletes and businessmen, and international men of mystery), are we not capable of planning beyond one election cycle? That's one factor as to why we remain stuck in the mud politically.

"I'll have the ninjas voting Democratic the next 500 years" paraphrasing.

Aw fuck it.

I don't disagree with you though.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why is your thinking so simple? Is anybody saying that? Meanwhile your boy Trump wants to create a task force to protect whites since they are the most discriminated against group. He wants to ban contraception, wants to get rid of anything that helps Black people and you in here acting like a fucking moron as if both candidate the same. GTFOH with this bullshit. You know how many racist judges Trump appointed with lifetime appointments who are fucking over Black people right now? Hundreds of them

Nowhere did I say vote for trump, in fact I advocated for a 3rd party.

Why is YOUR thinking so simple?

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Nowhere did I say vote for trump, in fact I advocated for a 3rd party.

Why is YOUR thinking so simple?
I’m tired of you 3rd party child level pretend voters. Thats basic unrealistic non sense. There are already dozens of 3rd party candidates and they don’t do shit but steal votes from the main candidates . Stop pretending there are zero third party candidates .


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I never told you to vote for Sleepy Joe. I only asked two questions, and you didn't answer one of them.

You're right, apologies on that.

How much time do I think the people have? No time at all to waste, so none at all in terms of the luxury of not organizing.

If Project 25 happens, those with the means should leave.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m tired of you 3rd party child level pretend voters. Thats basic unrealistic non sense. There are already dozens of 3rd party candidates and they don’t do shit but steal votes from the main candidates . Stop pretending there are zero third party candidates .

So you acknowledge that I never said vote for Trump? Let's start there. You won't answer though.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
You can't even walk back your error when you know you're wrong. That's immaturity.

Vote Biden
How am I wrong ? I don’t know you or take your word for it . You are like a lot of people who claim to not vote for Trump but do it in secret.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How am I wrong ? I don’t know you or take your word for it . You are like a lot of people who claim to not vote for Trump but do it in secret.

I'm looking for solutions. You just want to be right, to win an argument. You'll even make up fantastic scenarios in your mind to do it.

You probably don't even want that. You're just a troll.

Okay, you're right. Feel good now?


Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
I'm looking for solutions. You just want to be right, to win an argument. You'll even make up fantastic scenarios in your mind to do it.

You probably don't even want that. You're just a troll.

Okay, you're right. Feel good now?

You’re not looking for solutions because if you were you wouldn’t even be mentioning a 3rd party because there are already multiple 3rd party candidates . You just want to be contrarian to come off as somebody that thinks they know more than everybody else but really dont have a fucking clue. Troll yeah you got me


Medium well
BGOL Investor
Nowhere did I say vote for trump, in fact I advocated for a 3rd party.

Why is YOUR thinking so simple?
You're just wasting a vote. How about this, find Democrats who support rank choice voting. Vote and donate, then 20 yrs from now your 3rd party vote might mean something because of ranked choice

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Outside of Israel Biden has been a solid president TBH.
Exactly , I’m not sure what the fuck these idiots want? They keep begging for shit that will never happen . Meanwhile he’s forgiven millions of Black dollar student loans. Appointed the most Black judges in American history , and has done more shit for Black folks than even Obama did only because Obama had way more racist opposition and blocking