I'm in Mexico right now, and i might fuck this fat hoe

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
Dude, forget that shit hole Mexico and go to the real chics are at. Niggaz be too contained in the U.S. with these fat sloppy hoes!



you wasting your time in that shit hole called Mexico. Come to Rio De Janiero

and you can get better.
Whaaaat the fuuuuuck???
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Damn. My lady ran a fucking red light on the way to TJ and the federales immediately pulled her dumb ass over
Saw that we had California plates and began extorting. Said it was $300 usd not peso fee. She talked him down to less and long story short I had to pay his ass off. But I only had 40 cash in my wallet (kept the hundreds in the door) showed him and he happily took it and let us go.
Went to a few of the strip clubs afterwards..


Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Hey what part of mexico you chillin in... soak up some of that sun for me..

I got to head out there since they legalized the holy herb..

mexico might be getting that good shit again....

enjoy yourself bruh

you deserve it!!
It was chill AF. Just hate the ese's coming by every 4 mins selling their trinkets.

Back stateside now in Del Mar



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It was chill AF. Just hate the ese's coming by every 4 mins selling their trinkets.

Back stateside now in Del Mar


You aint playing... thats how you power up your super powers,

aka melanin, get all that cosmic energy...water and sunlight...

is all your super power needs... damn shame so many of my people

run from the sun...

nothing like working out, having a real breakfast.. ALL FRUIT...maybe some hash browns or plantains,

then water and beach all fuckn day...

you go in the water bruh?? I fuckin love tropical waters...


Rising Star
OG Investor
Also, He’s still a virgin. He’s still trying to understand the birds and the bees. That’s probably why he’s so befuddled over dudes getting chics. I told him to stop worshiping Dr Truth and he’d get rid get right. If he took his mind off worshiping men he’d be okay.

You fly to Spanish countries to buy pussy..... And look what you chose to buy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That first bitch cuzz posted looked like a buff Kangaroo


Hey I got no beef with dude...I know he aint a fag, and I was just thinking

it was a bad angle... hey I know for a fact sometimes when you see a hoe in person,

the same bad hoe does not translate well in pictures...

but that hoe didnt have typical ho abs... but in his defense....

I seen brazilian bitchs with really shit plastic work.... and Im thinkin

she bought them abs, which is why they dont look natural..

and it didnt help having that manly watch on....

the ho appears to have pussy lips...I dont think

trannys pussy lips and Im ok not ever knowing...

bruh you said "buff kangaroo"

you are waaay outt control :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


waking people up
BGOL Investor
It was chill AF. Just hate the ese's coming by every 4 mins selling their trinkets.

Back stateside now in Del Mar

you in my city now. and ive been to rosarito many times. how much time did you spend at the border? no test requirements in and out now.


BGOL Investor
Damn. My lady ran a fucking red light on the way to TJ and the federales immediately pulled her dumb ass over
Saw that we had California plates and began extorting. Said it was $300 usd not peso fee. She talked him down to less and long story short I had to pay his ass off. But I only had 40 cash in my wallet (kept the hundreds in the door) showed him and he happily took it and let us go.
Went to a few of the strip clubs afterwards..

Damn. She gonna cheat on you with a Democrat my G


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
This nigga @Megatron X done broke off Brazilian SHAZAM with a piece of that retard check for some hairy keister.
That's all plastic and ass hair. That motherfucker was named Tony too about 6 months before you got here.
@Megatron X you could've stayed home and seen Transformers for free.
that is a nigga mayne
That first bitch cuzz posted looked like a buff Kangaroo

That’s a nigga b
@Megatron X bought some ass off of Sue Ferrigno.
@Megatron X that motherfucker forearms look like he could twist the top off of an oak barrel. Nigga be hand tightening lug nuts.

I am in here in absolute fucking real tears


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor
This nigga @Megatron X done broke off Brazilian SHAZAM with a piece of that retard check for some hairy keister.
That's all plastic and ass hair. That motherfucker was named Tony too about 6 months before you got here.
@Megatron X you could've stayed home and seen Transformers for free.
We’re glad sHe wasn’t excited or it would’ve been a wrap!


Yo my adams apple is killin me from laughter holy shit :lol: