hey you leave boss shady alone bruh, you sound jealous of his
official nba dress and mini skirt collection...
muthafucka said.. see thats why nobody fucks with you...
I was like.. oh shit thats news to me.. I came here to be fucked with... I aint ein know that shit bruh...lol
so you better fallback or nobody from the cool crew is gonna fuck with you..
and you gonna be sad

and start crying like this
boo hoo... boo hoo hoo... boo who
boo whoddy who who..
shady gonna puff his bird chest and flex his feathery wings and lead the cool crew on a holy war against us...
we better hide
shady bruh.. its just a porn board bruh, we come here just to laugh, share shit, laugh, bust each others chops,
and laugh some more etc.. some dudes can be dicks/assholes/obnoxious faggots but nobody means nobody no real harm bruh
thats it...
I read post of yours where you literally wrote
"I hate that nigga with all my might"

BRUH.. it aint that serious bruh