Is anyone on here REALLY voting for Kamala ? Why should I vote for Kamala?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
On a basic level:
  • Trump/GOP represents a brand of racism and oppression that we’re already familiar with and far more virulent versions of which we have already survived before.
  • Kamala/Obama/Dems are taking us down a dangerous road that will ultimately lead to our annihilation as an ethnocultural group that some of us now see but far too many of us do NOT see.
I’ll DM you later to elaborate on these, particularly the latter point, as you seem to engage issues on a higher level even if we disagree.
Apparently VAiz4hustlaz is ignoring me and probably has me on ignore but this is an interesting line and its a shame that he's frustrated and afraid to expand on it in on the thread.

People wanna live in echo chambers of like minds and dont want to defend their positions and when they do its with insults and name calling and its a shame.

I looked at the green party platform much of it I agree with and I'd like to examine the feasibility and realities of their positions. I dont agree with the tactics and strategy being used but I have no problem hashing it out.

Too bad no one wants to do that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck you lil nga

You are barking at the wrong tree..

Just shut your moisty bitch ass and go sit down

To the Mod



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man while you were reporting that I had my foot on his neck for some sewing circle shit he posted. Ole racist gossiping ass ho spreading misinformation. He stay trying to ice skate uphill.
I don't have a problem with anyone talking any kinda shit on here, but the person can't be white on here calling us niggas.

I told him about it before but he didn't listen or learn.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Will the immigration problem get better ?

1) Do you really believe she will make a 180 on the policy ?
You wait till those 8 million people
Procreate ( and you know damn well they can breed ) we are FINISHED as a force to be reckoned with .. yeah I said it ..
We are 12% ..
Imagine what happens to their number in 7 years

You can hate Trump all you want but at the end of the day.. whose policies will be BETTER for you ?

1) Will the AGENDA be minimized or will it go FULL THROTTLE ?
* yeah you damn well know what I mean by the “agenda” …unless you are a closet faghit

1) Will the economy make a 180 under her ?
Please be honest to your self ( put Trump hate on the side)

I am an independent and these issues keep me up at night

let’s stop ignoring the elephant in the room
Black people

This “movement” just don’t feel right .. for me !

What about you ?
on the issue of immigration the real issue boils down to who americans want to hire....if they want to hire immigrants (legal or otherwise) over American citizens no harsh immigration policy is going to stop that.

this is from 2019

President Donald Trump came far closer to closing the border than previously understood, ordering his top aides nearly two weeks ago to shut down a portion of the border with Mexico within 24 hours, ABC News has learned from two sources familiar with the matter.

The order came during a tense Oval Office meeting on March 28, just one day before the president publicly threatened to close the border the following week.

The president grew frustrated during the meeting, which ended with an order for the Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to shut down a portion of the border the next day, with plans to possibly expand the closures, according to the sources.

The president's order sent White House aides scrambling to convince him not to close it, and that day they were able to convince him to keep the border open for a week so that the administration could craft an emergency plan.

The aides were successful. By Friday the president tweeted "If Mexico doesn't immediately stop ALL illegal immigration coming into the United State through our Southern Border, I will be CLOSING the Border, or large sections of the Border, next week."

"The president was literally hours away from sealing the border last week. Hours. But he was persuaded to delay, which gave enough time to consider alternatives," a senior administration official familiar with the matter told ABC News. "It also allowed Pompeo and Nielsen to ratchet up the pressure on Mexico, which started taking tougher action, though they didn't publicize it."

The incident -- while the threat was never carried out -- demonstrates a penchant for making snap policy decisions that are a times at odds with the thinking of a majority of the administration.

the only time trump actually sealed the border was during covid

God Dammit

Shaddyvillescrub’s Idol
BGOL Investor
You're right, it doesn't start with presidential elections and we all do need to do a better job voting for all offices locally to make change in our areas first.

And nobody has our best interests except for us.

Lastly, I don't know what trump did for you but it sounds like he grabbed you by the pussy tight and never let go!

SMMFH… This the shit I’m talking about.
I’ve never voted for a single republikkkan president and never gave you a reason to assume that I did.
It’s like you niggas are slow or something.
Not voting is not voting. I hate both candidates.
Pretty sure I made that clear but yet I have to explain it once again

God Dammit

Shaddyvillescrub’s Idol
BGOL Investor
She's doing exactly what @God Dammit said. In those pics it's the equivalent of her eating at a famous Black restaurant to get their votes.

But in the case she doesn't have to eat anything. Just ride in a car, wave and sometimes put on a fancy jacket when it's windy.

So all she has to do is ride around and wave to get their vote.

It's not to make everyone gay like the simple minded are thinking. Just like she doesn't visit famous Black restaurants to get everyone to eat there.


They visit the famous Black restaurant because they think we’re all ignorant enough to believe that that’s all it takes for us to fall in love and vote for them.

How every politician see Black Americans:
Soul brotha #1: “Say Jack, You see (insert politician name here) eat at Gritz on the west side?”
Soul brotha #2: “I’s shole did cool breeze”.
Soul brotha #1: “I can jive with that!”
Soul brotha #2: “Oh yeah, me’s too brotha! I’s is voting for (insert politician name here)!”​

God Dammit

Shaddyvillescrub’s Idol
BGOL Investor
As long as you are paying taxes all abstention does is fund the systems and legislation you disagree with while providing you zero agency to do anything about it, ironically getting nothing in return for your money. Is that not the entire argument?
The argument is I’m not voting for a piece of shit candidate. Instead of trying to turn the White House blue, you need to be turning your states blue by voting to get the right people in place to select the right candidates for president​

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
The argument is I’m not voting for a piece of shit candidate. Instead of trying to turn the White House blue, you need to be turning your states blue by voting to get the right people in place to select the right candidates for president​
All those state dems have pretty much 95-100% the same stances on the issues as Harris, so why would you vote for any of them if you hate her so much?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The political process is like making sausage. Once you've experienced the process of sausage being made, you will never want to eat sausage again. Furthermore, politicians are like diapers and should be changed often for the same reason.

With this being said, the best thing you can do is read (from reputable sources) what each candidate stands for, plans to change, if elected, and how those changes will impact you financially and mentally in the near and distant future. Keep in mind, there will be global and financial ramifications depending on the results of this election. As strong as America is, it needs to be in good standing with other global allies. Pissing off your once-allies can be a risky venture. Also keep in mind that there are situations that no president can prevent or control that will impact your financial bottom line. It's just the way of the world.

Regardless of your party affiliation, there's a whole lot of strategy games being played. After all, that is politics. However, just be prepared to accept and live with the actions of the candidate you voted for.

God Dammit

Shaddyvillescrub’s Idol
BGOL Investor
All those state dems have pretty much 95-100% the same stances on the issues as Harris, so why would you vote for any of them if you hate her so much?
Not every politician will publicly say they’re not doing anything to benefit just Black people and then turn around and do something that solely benefits Asians.
They need to put a real Black person as the primary. An FBA. Not a half white, half Kenyan, nor a 75% Indian 25% Jamaican.
We need an FBA​


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
SMMFH… This the shit I’m talking about.
I’ve never voted for a single republikkkan president and never gave you a reason to assume that I did.
It’s like you niggas are slow or something.
Not voting is not voting. I hate both candidates.
Pretty sure I made that clear but yet I have to explain it once again
A silent protest means nothing. you can say that both sides are the same but one side is more malleable and workable even if its slight than the other side. Its why blacks are so frustrated with the democrats/liberals/progressives than we are with conservatives.

You dont get angry with someone you KNOW you cant work with. ANY progress for the black agenda in any capacity is going to come from the left. Thats just the reality.

Unfortunately we live in a 2 party system and in order to get ANYTHING done legislatively there needs to be consensus between the parties. Both sides need to get enough votes and support to get anything done long term.

Between the republicans and democrats which side do you think would garner ANY positive votes for anything on the list below....

This is whats on the Green Party platform.

We support the following initial steps, aligning with the Black agenda:

    1. Establish a reparations’ trust fund financed by recovered wealth and other profits accumulated from the slave trade. Funds will be sourced from recovered wealth amassed by slave trade beneficiaries, corporations that profited from racial exploitation, and potential taxes on wealth accumulated through historical systemic disparities. Descendants of enslaved Africans, through their chosen representatives and organizations, will have a central role in shaping the calculation, distribution, and use of the reparations trust fund.

    2. We recognize that money is the governing factor and that our privately owned debt-based financial system is rooted in the exploitation of people and the planet. It has perpetuated the legacy of colonialism, slavery, and systemic discrimination. To achieve true equity and sustainability, we must fundamentally transform our nation’s current monetary system to a public asset-based system. This will enable our elected representatives to address all the economic injustices, including nurturing Black businesses, closing the racial wealth gap, providing crucial financial resources and support services directly to Black entrepreneurs and cooperatives, empowering us to thrive and contribute to the economic well-being of our communities.

    3. We recognize that full employment and a national minimum wage are essential to achieving both economic justice and environmental sustainability. We support prioritizing green jobs and investment in historically disadvantaged communities, alongside policies like worker cooperatives and a guaranteed minimum income funded by progressive taxation, to finally break the cycle of poverty and end environmental racism.

    4. Initiate the repeal of the slave clauses within the U.S. Constitution. They contribute to ongoing racial disparities, mass incarceration, and other injustices.

    5. Work to restore lands stolen from Black communities through various discriminatory practices like the Sharecropping system and land ownership restrictions that continue to impact Black farmers’ opportunities and success. We also demand access to safe, secure, and affordable housing – free from discriminatory practices like redlining and forced evictions. We support policies that empower us to plan and preserve our land or neighborhoods, prioritize community needs over large-scale displacement, and invest in culturally sensitive revitalization efforts.

    6. Support the release of all political prisoners held by the USA. We reject the authority of the U.S. State to imprison Black individuals whose imprisonment stems from their defense of Black people’s democratic and self-determination rights, regardless of the specific location or movement associated with their activities.

    7. Support existing Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Education and Development Funds.

    8. Take action to overcome the effects of over 200 years of racial discrimination, including ending official support for any remaining symbols of slavery, specifically call for the removal of the Confederate battle flag from all government buildings, and addressing issues like racial profiling, police brutality, voting rights, and access to language resources.

    9. We oppose discriminatory English-only pressure groups. We call for a national language policy that would encourage all citizens to be fluent in at least two languages.

    10. We strongly support the vigorous enforcement of civil-rights laws, the aggressive prosecution of hate crimes, and the strengthening of legal services for the poor, including:
      1. Black Women: We pledge full partnership with Black women as architects of our liberation, wielding power equally to build a world free from oppression.

      2. Self-Defense: When facing violence, the right to defend ourselves is intrinsic. While advocating peaceful solutions, we affirm self-defense as a tool for justice.

      3. Voting Rights: Winner-take-all denies true representation. We demand proportional voting systems that amplify Black voices, reflecting our diverse aspirations.

MY understanding of american history and politics tells me that NO conservatives would agree to MOST if ANY of those demands listed whther you call those conservatives democrats in the 1800s to mid 20th century or republicans today. Almost ALL of the stuff on that list is a NONSTARTER for them.

SOME liberals and progressives would agree with SOME of demands on the list but they would look to water down the more strident demands. BUT they would calculate they wouldnt be able to garner enough support for it and they would be like :dunno: But you would get SOME votes on their side.

So NOT voting for the side thats at least willing to table some of those issues...what does NOT voting for and working with that get you????


Why is that considered a smart strategy???


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A silent protest means nothing. you can say that both sides are the same but one side is more malleable and workable even if its slight than the other side. Its why blacks are so frustrated with the democrats/liberals/progressives than we are with conservatives.

You dont get angry with someone you KNOW you cant work with. ANY progress for the black agenda in any capacity is going to come from the left. Thats just the reality.

Unfortunately we live in a 2 party system and in order to get ANYTHING done legislatively there needs to be consensus between the parties. Both sides need to get enough votes and support to get anything done long term.

Between the republicans and democrats which side do you think would garner ANY positive votes for anything on the list below....

This is whats on the Green Party platform.

We support the following initial steps, aligning with the Black agenda:

    1. Establish a reparations’ trust fund financed by recovered wealth and other profits accumulated from the slave trade. Funds will be sourced from recovered wealth amassed by slave trade beneficiaries, corporations that profited from racial exploitation, and potential taxes on wealth accumulated through historical systemic disparities. Descendants of enslaved Africans, through their chosen representatives and organizations, will have a central role in shaping the calculation, distribution, and use of the reparations trust fund.

    2. We recognize that money is the governing factor and that our privately owned debt-based financial system is rooted in the exploitation of people and the planet. It has perpetuated the legacy of colonialism, slavery, and systemic discrimination. To achieve true equity and sustainability, we must fundamentally transform our nation’s current monetary system to a public asset-based system. This will enable our elected representatives to address all the economic injustices, including nurturing Black businesses, closing the racial wealth gap, providing crucial financial resources and support services directly to Black entrepreneurs and cooperatives, empowering us to thrive and contribute to the economic well-being of our communities.

    3. We recognize that full employment and a national minimum wage are essential to achieving both economic justice and environmental sustainability. We support prioritizing green jobs and investment in historically disadvantaged communities, alongside policies like worker cooperatives and a guaranteed minimum income funded by progressive taxation, to finally break the cycle of poverty and end environmental racism.

    4. Initiate the repeal of the slave clauses within the U.S. Constitution. They contribute to ongoing racial disparities, mass incarceration, and other injustices.

    5. Work to restore lands stolen from Black communities through various discriminatory practices like the Sharecropping system and land ownership restrictions that continue to impact Black farmers’ opportunities and success. We also demand access to safe, secure, and affordable housing – free from discriminatory practices like redlining and forced evictions. We support policies that empower us to plan and preserve our land or neighborhoods, prioritize community needs over large-scale displacement, and invest in culturally sensitive revitalization efforts.

    6. Support the release of all political prisoners held by the USA. We reject the authority of the U.S. State to imprison Black individuals whose imprisonment stems from their defense of Black people’s democratic and self-determination rights, regardless of the specific location or movement associated with their activities.

    7. Support existing Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Education and Development Funds.

    8. Take action to overcome the effects of over 200 years of racial discrimination, including ending official support for any remaining symbols of slavery, specifically call for the removal of the Confederate battle flag from all government buildings, and addressing issues like racial profiling, police brutality, voting rights, and access to language resources.

    9. We oppose discriminatory English-only pressure groups. We call for a national language policy that would encourage all citizens to be fluent in at least two languages.

    10. We strongly support the vigorous enforcement of civil-rights laws, the aggressive prosecution of hate crimes, and the strengthening of legal services for the poor, including:
      1. Black Women: We pledge full partnership with Black women as architects of our liberation, wielding power equally to build a world free from oppression.

      2. Self-Defense: When facing violence, the right to defend ourselves is intrinsic. While advocating peaceful solutions, we affirm self-defense as a tool for justice.

      3. Voting Rights: Winner-take-all denies true representation. We demand proportional voting systems that amplify Black voices, reflecting our diverse aspirations.

MY understanding of american history and politics tells me that NO conservatives would agree to MOST if ANY of those demands listed whther you call those conservatives democrats in the 1800s to mid 20th century or republicans today. Almost ALL of the stuff on that list is a NONSTARTER for them.

SOME liberals and progressives would agree with SOME of demands on the list but they would look to water down the more strident demands. BUT they would calculate they wouldnt be able to garner enough support for it and they would be like :dunno: But you would get SOME votes on their side.

So NOT voting for the side thats at least willing to table some of those issues...what does NOT voting for and working with that get you????


Why is that considered a smart strategy???
Neither side cares and in this case like he said the Indian women already said she isn't doing anything primarily for black folks


Rising Star
Apparently VAiz4hustlaz is ignoring me and probably has me on ignore but this is an interesting line and its a shame that he's frustrated and afraid to expand on it in on the thread.

People wanna live in echo chambers of like minds and dont want to defend their positions and when they do its with insults and name calling and its a shame.

I looked at the green party platform much of it I agree with and I'd like to examine the feasibility and realities of their positions. I dont agree with the tactics and strategy being used but I have no problem hashing it out.

Too bad no one wants to do that.

Don't fall for the bullshit.

He NEVER responds accordingly when the faultiness of the arguments he regurgitates (he does not generate his own) are pointed out. This is because he is NOT here to engage in a real exchange of ideas.

He never supports the bullshit he puts out there.
He puts it out there to divide us.

I would not be surprised to find he is actually some Polish nazi sitting in Hamtramck somewhere, bouncing from platform to platform, under many names, promoting the same old bullshit.

You see this kind of thing on X every day.

Don't think for a moment that this forum is too small for them to pay attention to.

They know most of us here are Black.

They know most of us here are male.

Do the math.

Food for thought.



Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Don't fall for the bullshit.

He NEVER responds accordingly when the faultiness of the arguments he regurgitates (he does not generate his own) are pointed out. This is because he is NOT here to engage in a real exchange of ideas.

He never supports the bullshit he puts out there.
He puts it out there to divide us.

I would not be surprised to find he is actually some Polish nazi sitting in Hamtramck somewhere, bouncing from platform to platform, under many names, promoting the same old bullshit.

You see this kind of thing on X every day.

Don't think for a moment that this forum is too small for them to pay attention to.

They know most of us here are Black.

They know most of us here are male.

Do the math.

Food for thought.



God Dammit

Shaddyvillescrub’s Idol
BGOL Investor
A silent protest means nothing. you can say that both sides are the same but one side is more malleable and workable even if its slight than the other side. Its why blacks are so frustrated with the democrats/liberals/progressives than we are with conservatives.

You dont get angry with someone you KNOW you cant work with. ANY progress for the black agenda in any capacity is going to come from the left. Thats just the reality.

Unfortunately we live in a 2 party system and in order to get ANYTHING done legislatively there needs to be consensus between the parties. Both sides need to get enough votes and support to get anything done long term.

Between the republicans and democrats which side do you think would garner ANY positive votes for anything on the list below....

This is whats on the Green Party platform.

We support the following initial steps, aligning with the Black agenda:

    1. Establish a reparations’ trust fund financed by recovered wealth and other profits accumulated from the slave trade. Funds will be sourced from recovered wealth amassed by slave trade beneficiaries, corporations that profited from racial exploitation, and potential taxes on wealth accumulated through historical systemic disparities. Descendants of enslaved Africans, through their chosen representatives and organizations, will have a central role in shaping the calculation, distribution, and use of the reparations trust fund.

    2. We recognize that money is the governing factor and that our privately owned debt-based financial system is rooted in the exploitation of people and the planet. It has perpetuated the legacy of colonialism, slavery, and systemic discrimination. To achieve true equity and sustainability, we must fundamentally transform our nation’s current monetary system to a public asset-based system. This will enable our elected representatives to address all the economic injustices, including nurturing Black businesses, closing the racial wealth gap, providing crucial financial resources and support services directly to Black entrepreneurs and cooperatives, empowering us to thrive and contribute to the economic well-being of our communities.

    3. We recognize that full employment and a national minimum wage are essential to achieving both economic justice and environmental sustainability. We support prioritizing green jobs and investment in historically disadvantaged communities, alongside policies like worker cooperatives and a guaranteed minimum income funded by progressive taxation, to finally break the cycle of poverty and end environmental racism.

    4. Initiate the repeal of the slave clauses within the U.S. Constitution. They contribute to ongoing racial disparities, mass incarceration, and other injustices.

    5. Work to restore lands stolen from Black communities through various discriminatory practices like the Sharecropping system and land ownership restrictions that continue to impact Black farmers’ opportunities and success. We also demand access to safe, secure, and affordable housing – free from discriminatory practices like redlining and forced evictions. We support policies that empower us to plan and preserve our land or neighborhoods, prioritize community needs over large-scale displacement, and invest in culturally sensitive revitalization efforts.

    6. Support the release of all political prisoners held by the USA. We reject the authority of the U.S. State to imprison Black individuals whose imprisonment stems from their defense of Black people’s democratic and self-determination rights, regardless of the specific location or movement associated with their activities.

    7. Support existing Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Education and Development Funds.

    8. Take action to overcome the effects of over 200 years of racial discrimination, including ending official support for any remaining symbols of slavery, specifically call for the removal of the Confederate battle flag from all government buildings, and addressing issues like racial profiling, police brutality, voting rights, and access to language resources.

    9. We oppose discriminatory English-only pressure groups. We call for a national language policy that would encourage all citizens to be fluent in at least two languages.

    10. We strongly support the vigorous enforcement of civil-rights laws, the aggressive prosecution of hate crimes, and the strengthening of legal services for the poor, including:
      1. Black Women: We pledge full partnership with Black women as architects of our liberation, wielding power equally to build a world free from oppression.

      2. Self-Defense: When facing violence, the right to defend ourselves is intrinsic. While advocating peaceful solutions, we affirm self-defense as a tool for justice.

      3. Voting Rights: Winner-take-all denies true representation. We demand proportional voting systems that amplify Black voices, reflecting our diverse aspirations.

MY understanding of american history and politics tells me that NO conservatives would agree to MOST if ANY of those demands listed whther you call those conservatives democrats in the 1800s to mid 20th century or republicans today. Almost ALL of the stuff on that list is a NONSTARTER for them.

SOME liberals and progressives would agree with SOME of demands on the list but they would look to water down the more strident demands. BUT they would calculate they wouldnt be able to garner enough support for it and they would be like :dunno: But you would get SOME votes on their side.

So NOT voting for the side thats at least willing to table some of those issues...what does NOT voting for and working with that get you????


Why is that considered a smart strategy???
Black people need to stop giving their votes away for free.
Let the republikkkans win 20 times in a row, I don’t give a damn. As long as the demokkkrats know that they need our vote and they will do anything to receive our vote. Right now they still know that all they have to do is remind you all that they’re “less racist than the repubs” and you’re all in.
That’s not enough for me.​

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Not every politician will publicly say they’re not doing anything to benefit just Black people and then turn around and do something that solely benefits Asians.
They need to put a real Black person as the primary. An FBA. Not a half white, half Kenyan, nor a 75% Indian 25% Jamaican.
We need an FBA​
What policy was put forth that only benefits Asians? Post the text of the law that states it only benefits Asians.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Not every politician will publicly say they’re not doing anything to benefit just Black people and then turn around and do something that solely benefits Asians.
They need to put a real Black person as the primary. An FBA. Not a half white, half Kenyan, nor a 75% Indian 25% Jamaican.
We need an FBA​
Also this is stupid. There is not a single FBA in this country that don't have white or European in their background. 23 and Me tells you that.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Let me do this AGAIN.

Here is the text of the "Asian Crime Bill"

No where in there does it say it applies only to Asians. There is a note at the beginning pointing out some Asian hate crime numbers, but every single benefit in this bill applies equally to all races.

Public Law 117-13
117th Congress

An Act

To facilitate the expedited review of COVID-19 hate crimes, and for
other purposes. <<NOTE: May 20, 2021 - [S. 937]>>

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, <<NOTE: COVID-19 Hate
Crimes Act.>>
SECTION 1. <<NOTE: 34 USC 10101 note.>> SHORT TITLE.

This Act may be cited as the ``COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act''.
SEC. 2. <<NOTE: 34 USC 30501 note.>> FINDINGS.

Congress finds the following:
(1) Following the spread of COVID-19 in 2020, there has been
a dramatic increase in hate crimes and violence against Asian-
Americans and Pacific Islanders.
(2) According to a recent report, there were nearly 3,800
reported cases of anti-Asian discrimination and incidents
related to COVID-19 between March 19, 2020, and February 28,
2021, in all 50 States and the District of Columbia.
(3) During this time frame, race has been cited as the
primary reason for discrimination, making up over 90 percent of
incidents, and the United States condemns and denounces any and
all anti-Asian and Pacific Islander sentiment in any form.
(4) Roughly 36 percent of these incidents took place at a
business and more than 2,000,000 Asian-American businesses have
contributed to the diverse fabric of American life.
(5) More than 1,900,000 Asian-American and Pacific Islander
older adults, particularly those older adults who are recent
immigrants or have limited English proficiency, may face even
greater challenges in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic,
including discrimination, economic insecurity, and language
(6) In the midst of this alarming surge in anti-Asian hate
crimes and incidents, a shooter murdered the following 8 people
in the Atlanta, Georgia region, 7 of whom were women and 6 of
whom were women of Asian descent: <<NOTE: Xiaojie Tan. Daoyou
Feng. Delaina Ashley Yaun Gonzalez. Paul Andre Michels. Soon
Chung Park. Hyun Jung Grant. Suncha Kim. Yong Ae Yue.>>
(A) Xiaojie Tan.
(B) Daoyou Feng.
(C) Delaina Ashley Yaun Gonzalez.
(D) Paul Andre Michels.
(E) Soon Chung Park.
(F) Hyun Jung Grant.
(G) Suncha Kim.
(H) Yong Ae Yue.
(7) The people of the United States will always remember the
victims of these shootings and stand in solidarity with

[[Page 135 STAT. 266]]

those affected by this senseless tragedy and incidents of hate
that have affected the Asian and Pacific Islander communities.
SEC. 3. <<NOTE: 34 USC 30501 note.>> REVIEW OF HATE CRIMES.

(a) <<NOTE: Deadline. Designation.>> In General.--Not later than 7
days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Attorney General shall
designate an officer or employee of the Department of Justice whose
responsibility during the applicable period shall be to facilitate the
expedited review of hate crimes (as described in section 249 of title
18, United States Code) and reports of any such crime to Federal, State,
local, or Tribal law enforcement agencies.

(b) Applicable Period Defined.--In this section, the term
``applicable period'' means the period beginning on the date on which
the officer or employee is designated under subsection (a), and ending
on the date that is 1 year after the date on which the emergency period
described in subparagraph (B) of section 1135(g)(1) of the Social
Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5(g)(1)) ends, except that the Attorney
General may extend such period as appropriate.
SEC. 4. <<NOTE: 34 USC 30501 note.>> GUIDANCE.

(a) Guidance for Law Enforcement Agencies.--The Attorney General
shall issue guidance for State, local, and Tribal law enforcement
agencies, pursuant to this Act and other applicable law, on how to--
(1) establish online reporting of hate crimes or incidents,
and to have online reporting that is equally effective for
people with disabilities as for people without disabilities
available in multiple languages as determined by the Attorney
(2) collect data disaggregated by the protected
characteristics described in section 249 of title 18, United
States Code; and
(3) expand public education campaigns aimed at raising
awareness of hate crimes and reaching victims, that are equally
effective for people with disabilities as for people without

(b) <<NOTE: Coordination.>> Guidance Relating to COVID-19
Pandemic.--The Attorney General and the Secretary of Health and Human
Services, in coordination with the COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force and
community-based organizations, shall issue guidance aimed at raising
awareness of hate crimes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
SEC. 5. <<NOTE: Khalid Jabara and Heather Heyer National
Opposition to Hate, Assault, and Threats to
Equality Act of 2021. 34 USC 30507.>> JABARA-

(a) Short Title.--This section may be cited as the ``Khalid Jabara
and Heather Heyer National Opposition to Hate, Assault, and Threats to
Equality Act of 2021'' or the ``Jabara-Heyer NO HATE Act''.
(b) Findings.--Congress finds the following:
(1) The incidence of violence known as hate crimes, or
crimes motivated by bias, poses a serious national problem.
(2) According to data obtained by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, the incidence of such violence increased in 2019,
the most recent year for which data is available.
(3) In 1990, Congress enacted the Hate Crime Statistics Act
(Public Law 101-275; 28 U.S.C. 534 note) to provide the Federal
Government, law enforcement agencies, and the public with data
regarding the incidence of hate crime. The Hate Crime Statistics
Act and the Matthew Shepard and James

[[Page 135 STAT. 267]]

Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act (division E of Public Law
111-84; 123 Stat. 2835) have enabled Federal authorities to
understand and, where appropriate, investigate and prosecute
hate crimes.
(4) A more complete understanding of the national problem
posed by hate crime is in the public interest and supports the
Federal interest in eradicating bias-motivated violence
referenced in section 249(b)(1)(C) of title 18, United States
(5) However, a complete understanding of the national
problem posed by hate crimes is hindered by incomplete data from
Federal, State, and local jurisdictions through the Uniform
Crime Reports program authorized under section 534 of title 28,
United States Code, and administered by the Federal Bureau of
(6) Multiple factors contribute to the provision of
inaccurate and incomplete data regarding the incidence of hate
crime through the Uniform Crime Reports program. A significant
contributing factor is the quality and quantity of training that
State and local law enforcement agencies receive on the
identification and reporting of suspected bias-motivated crimes.
(7) The problem of crimes motivated by bias is sufficiently
serious, widespread, and interstate in nature as to warrant
Federal financial assistance to States and local jurisdictions.
(8) Federal financial assistance with regard to certain
violent crimes motivated by bias enables Federal, State, and
local authorities to work together as partners in the
investigation and prosecution of such crimes.

(c) Definitions.--In this section:
(1) Hate crime.--The term ``hate crime'' means an act
described in section 245, 247, or 249 of title 18, United States
Code, or in section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42
U.S.C. 3631).
(2) Priority agency.--The term ``priority agency'' means--
(A) a law enforcement agency of a unit of local
government that serves a population of not less than
100,000, as computed by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation; or
(B) a law enforcement agency of a unit of local
government that--
(i) serves a population of not less than
50,000 and less than 100,000, as computed by the
Federal Bureau of Investigation; and
(ii) has reported no hate crimes through the
Uniform Crime Reports program in each of the 3
most recent calendar years for which such data is
(3) State.--The term ``State'' has the meaning given the
term in section 901 of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and
Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10251).
(4) Uniform crime reports.--The term ``Uniform Crime
Reports'' means the reports authorized under section 534 of
title 28, United States Code, and administered by the Federal
Bureau of Investigation that compile nationwide criminal
statistics for use--
(A) in law enforcement administration, operation,
and management; and
(B) to assess the nature and type of crime in the
United States.

[[Page 135 STAT. 268]]

(5) Unit of local government.--The term ``unit of local
government'' has the meaning given the term in section 901 of
title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of
1968 (34 U.S.C. 10251).

(d) <<NOTE: State and local governments.>> Reporting of Hate
(1) Implementation grants.--
(A) In general.--The Attorney General may make
grants to States and units of local government to assist
the State or unit of local government in implementing
the National Incident-Based Reporting System, including
to train employees in identifying and classifying hate
crimes in the National Incident-Based Reporting System.
(B) Priority.--In making grants under subparagraph
(A), the Attorney General shall give priority to States
and units of local government that develop and implement
the programs and activities described in subsection
(2) Reporting.--
(A) Compliance.--
(i) <<NOTE: Time period. Effective date.>> In
general.--Except as provided in clause (ii), in
each fiscal year beginning after the date that is
3 years after the date on which a State or unit of
local government first receives a grant under
paragraph (1), the State or unit of local
government shall provide to the Attorney General,
through the Uniform Crime Reporting system,
information pertaining to hate crimes committed in
that jurisdiction during the preceding fiscal
(ii) Extensions; waiver.--The Attorney
(I) may provide a 120-day extension
to a State or unit of local government
that is making good faith efforts to
comply with clause (i); and
(II) shall waive the requirements of
clause (i) if compliance with that
subparagraph by a State or unit of local
government would be unconstitutional
under the constitution of the State or
of the State in which the unit of local
government is located, respectively.
(B) Failure to comply.--If a State or unit of local
government that receives a grant under paragraph (1)
fails to substantially comply with subparagraph (A) of
this paragraph, the State or unit of local government
shall repay the grant in full, plus reasonable interest
and penalty charges allowable by law or established by
the Attorney General.

(e) Grants for State-run Hate Crime Hotlines.--
(1) Grants authorized.--
(A) In general.--The Attorney General shall make
grants to States to create State-run hate crime
reporting hotlines.
(B) Grant period.--A grant made under subparagraph
(A) shall be for a period of not more than 5 years.
(2) Hotline requirements.--A State shall ensure, with
respect to a hotline funded by a grant under paragraph (1),
(A) the hotline directs individuals to--
(i) law enforcement if appropriate; and
(ii) local support services;

[[Page 135 STAT. 269]]

(B) any personally identifiable information that an
individual provides to an agency of the State through
the hotline is not directly or indirectly disclosed,
without the consent of the individual, to--
(i) any other agency of that State;
(ii) any other State;
(iii) the Federal Government; or
(iv) any other person or entity;
(C) the staff members who operate the hotline are
trained to be knowledgeable about--
(i) applicable Federal, State, and local hate
crime laws; and
(ii) local law enforcement resources and
applicable local support services; and
(D) the hotline is accessible to--
(i) individuals with limited English
proficiency, where appropriate; and
(ii) individuals with disabilities.
(3) Best practices.--The Attorney General shall issue
guidance to States on best practices for implementing the
requirements of paragraph (2).

(f) Information Collection by States and Units of Local
(1) Definitions.--In this subsection:
(A) Covered agency.--The term ``covered agency''
(i) a State law enforcement agency; and
(ii) a priority agency.
(B) Eligible entity.--The term ``eligible entity''
(i) a State; or
(ii) a unit of local government that has a
priority agency.
(2) Grants.--
(A) In general.--The Attorney General may make
grants to eligible entities to assist covered agencies
within the jurisdiction of the eligible entity in
conducting law enforcement activities or crime reduction
programs to prevent, address, or otherwise respond to
hate crime, particularly as those activities or programs
relate to reporting hate crimes through the Uniform
Crime Reports program, including--
(i) adopting a policy on identifying,
investigating, and reporting hate crimes;
(ii) developing a standardized system of
collecting, analyzing, and reporting the incidence
of hate crime;
(iii) establishing a unit specialized in
identifying, investigating, and reporting hate
(iv) engaging in community relations functions
related to hate crime prevention and education
such as--
(I) establishing a liaison with
formal community-based organizations or
leaders; and

[[Page 135 STAT. 270]]

(II) conducting public meetings or
educational forums on the impact of hate
crimes, services available to hate crime
victims, and the relevant Federal,
State, and local laws pertaining to hate
crimes; and
(v) providing hate crime trainings for agency
(B) Subgrants.--A State that receives a grant under
subparagraph (A) may award a subgrant to a unit of local
government within the State for the purposes under that
subparagraph, except that a unit of local government may
provide funding from such a subgrant to any law
enforcement agency of the unit of local government.
(3) Information required of states and units of local
(A) In general.--For each fiscal year in which a
State or unit of local government receives a grant or
subgrant under paragraph (2), the State or unit of local
government shall--
(i) collect information from each law
enforcement agency that receives funding from the
grant or subgrant summarizing the law enforcement
activities or crime reduction programs conducted
by the agency to prevent, address, or otherwise
respond to hate crime, particularly as those
activities or programs relate to reporting hate
crimes through the Uniform Crime Reports program;
(ii) <<NOTE: Reports.>> submit to the
Attorney General a report containing the
information collected under clause (i).
(B) Semiannual law enforcement agency report.--
(i) <<NOTE: Requirement.>> In general.--In
collecting the information required under
subparagraph (A)(i), a State or unit of local
government shall require each law enforcement
agency that receives funding from a grant or
subgrant awarded to the State or unit of local
government under paragraph (2) to submit a
semiannual report to the State or unit of local
government that includes a summary of the law
enforcement activities or crime reduction programs
conducted by the agency during the reporting
period to prevent, address, or otherwise respond
to hate crime, particularly as those activities or
programs relate to reporting hate crimes through
the Uniform Crime Reports program.
(ii) Contents.--In a report submitted under
clause (i), a law enforcement agency shall, at a
minimum, disclose--
(I) whether the agency has adopted a
policy on identifying, investigating,
and reporting hate crimes;
(II) whether the agency has
developed a standardized system of
collecting, analyzing, and reporting the
incidence of hate crime;
(III) whether the agency has
established a unit specialized in
identifying, investigating, and
reporting hate crimes;
(IV) whether the agency engages in
community relations functions related to
hate crime, such as--

[[Page 135 STAT. 271]]

(aa) establishing a liaison
with formal community-based
organizations or leaders; and
(bb) conducting public
meetings or educational forums
on the impact of hate crime,
services available to hate crime
victims, and the relevant
Federal, State, and local laws
pertaining to hate crime; and
(V) the number of hate crime
trainings for agency personnel,
including the duration of the trainings,
conducted by the agency during the
reporting period.
(4) Compliance and redirection of funds.--
(A) <<NOTE: Deadline.>> In general.--Except as
provided in subparagraph (B), beginning not later than 1
year after the date of this Act, a State or unit of
local government receiving a grant or subgrant under
paragraph (2) shall comply with paragraph (3).
(B) Extensions; waiver.--The Attorney General--
(i) may provide a 120-day extension to a State
or unit of local government that is making good
faith efforts to collect the information required
under paragraph (3); and
(ii) shall waive the requirements of paragraph
(3) for a State or unit of local government if
compliance with that subsection by the State or
unit of local government would be unconstitutional
under the constitution of the State or of the
State in which the unit of local government is
located, respectively.

(g) Requirements of the Attorney General.--
(1) Information collection and analysis; report.--In order
to improve the accuracy of data regarding the incidence of hate
crime provided through the Uniform Crime Reports program, and
promote a more complete understanding of the national problem
posed by hate crime, the Attorney General shall--
(A) collect and analyze the information provided by
States and units of local government under subsection
(f) for the purpose of developing policies related to
the provision of accurate data obtained under the Hate
Crime Statistics Act (Public Law 101-275; 28 U.S.C. 534
note) by the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and
(B) <<NOTE: Time period. Effective date.>> for each
calendar year beginning after the date of enactment of
this Act, publish and submit to Congress a report based
on the information collected and analyzed under
subparagraph (A).
(2) <<NOTE: Analysis.>> Contents of report.--A report
submitted under paragraph (1) shall include--
(A) a qualitative analysis of the relationship
(i) the number of hate crimes reported by
State law enforcement agencies or other law
enforcement agencies that received funding from a
grant or subgrant awarded under paragraph (2)
through the Uniform Crime Reports program; and
(ii) the nature and extent of law enforcement
activities or crime reduction programs conducted

[[Page 135 STAT. 272]]

those agencies to prevent, address, or otherwise
respond to hate crime; and
(B) a quantitative analysis of the number of State
law enforcement agencies and other law enforcement
agencies that received funding from a grant or subgrant
awarded under paragraph (2) that have--
(i) adopted a policy on identifying,
investigating, and reporting hate crimes;
(ii) developed a standardized system of
collecting, analyzing, and reporting the incidence
of hate crime;
(iii) established a unit specialized in
identifying, investigating, and reporting hate
(iv) engaged in community relations functions
related to hate crime, such as--
(I) establishing a liaison with
formal community-based organizations or
leaders; and
(II) conducting public meetings or
educational forums on the impact of hate
crime, services available to hate crime
victims, and the relevant Federal,
State, and local laws pertaining to hate
crime; and
(v) conducted hate crime trainings for agency
personnel during the reporting period, including--
(I) the total number of trainings
conducted by each agency; and
(II) the duration of the trainings
described in subclause (I).

(h) Alternative Sentencing.--Section 249 of title 18, United States
Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
``(e) <<NOTE: Courts. Requirement.>> Supervised Release.--If a
court includes, as a part of a sentence of imprisonment imposed for a
violation of subsection (a), a requirement that the defendant be placed
on a term of supervised release after imprisonment under section 3583,
the court may order, as an explicit condition of supervised release,
that the defendant undertake educational classes or community service
directly related to the community harmed by the defendant's offense.''.

Approved May 20, 2021.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Black people need to stop giving their votes away for free.
Let the republikkkans win 20 times in a row, I don’t give a damn. As long as the demokkkrats know that they need our vote and they will do anything to receive our vote. Right now they still know that all they have to do is remind you all that they’re “less racist than the repubs” and you’re all in.
That’s not enough for me.​
An in all those years thats happening how is the black agenda moving forward?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The sad part is that is all they have to do is give us policy specific to us and it would be a runaway victory.

But for some reason, they can’t and the shills still make excuses :lol:

Because if they do that they lose their white base
Welcome to America but here's a question...what makes you think ALL or even some of the more strident demands made on behalf of all ADOS is agreed to by Black Americans?

What makes you think ALL or even a majority of black Americans want reparations? Or want to be classified a protected group?

These issues don't have majority consensus among all ADOS and certainly not on the left.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They visit the famous Black restaurant because they think we’re all ignorant enough to believe that that’s all it takes for us to fall in love and vote for them.

How every politician see Black Americans:
Soul brotha #1: “Say Jack, You see (insert politician name here) eat at Gritz on the west side?”
Soul brotha #2: “I’s shole did cool breeze”.
Soul brotha #1: “I can jive with that!”
Soul brotha #2: “Oh yeah, me’s too brotha! I’s is voting for (insert politician name here)!”​
I agree and it's lame as fuck and we as Black people shouldn't allow that bullshit.