Jemele Hill has been suspended by ESPN


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She was suspended for this tweet:

Damn! And I thought this was light.....
I say time and time again though if you want your freedom and power you can't do it working for these cacs...

Jemelle can start her own shit up in the podcast form.........

And maybe that's what she's trying to do....get fired by ESPN and start her own media outlet whether it's a podcast or whatever. BSPN doesn't own the sports talk demo.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Damn! And I thought this was light.....
I say time and time again though if you want your freedom and power you can't do it working for these cacs...

Jemelle can start her own shit up in the podcast form.........

And maybe that's what she's trying to do....get fired by ESPN and start her own media outlet whether it's a podcast or whatever. BSPN doesn't own the sports talk demo.

First day back from her suspension (if she's back), she should tweet. "Fuck Trump. This statement does not represent the views of my employer".


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Damn! And I thought this was light.....
I say time and time again though if you want your freedom and power you can't do it working for these cacs...

Jemelle can start her own shit up in the podcast form.........

And maybe that's what she's trying to do....get fired by ESPN and start her own media outlet whether it's a podcast or whatever. BSPN doesn't own the sports talk demo.

Yeah right,that's not going to happen.

They all want that Disney money.
Oh didn't she? I need that confirmation because if man not the one suspending her ass for talking about white men.....

She retweeted that article claiming"Straight Black Men are the White People of Black People"


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
She was having a conversation on Twitter like we have on here or what you would have in person.

And for this to happen so soon. :smh:

The thing is that she really didn't say to do it, she was just saying that's the only thing people respond to... is the money... ironically, her being suspended proved her point.

Did she forget ESPN has a partnership with the NFL


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I love Jemele. She probably needs to go independent so that she can go more aggressively with the activism.
You love Jemele Hill, but she is the same black woman that defended this bullshit article talking bad about straight black men smh.



Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
She was having a conversation on Twitter like we have on here or what you would have in person.

And for this to happen so soon. :smh:

Did she forget ESPN has a partnership with the NFL

Yeah. She didn't lie, but this is much different than the other stuff. You can't say anything that could cause damage to your advertisers. You can't do it (if you really want to remain at that company).


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Yeah. She didn't lie, but this is much different than the other stuff. You can't say anything that could cause damage to your advertisers. You can't do it (if you really want to remain at that company).

Seems like she either has a death wish or isn't as bright as we thought.

I can't believe she had that conversation on Twitter like it was cool.

I'd care but she'd probably shit on all Black men tomorrow like last she did already.

You On your own homegirl

I'm beginning to think she has some other issues going on.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
This is what i was interested in seeing unfold.. His response. I can respect that decision. But he needs to be more strategic and thoughtful in his movements than Jamelle does. Their actions will have separate cost.

Homey has a wife and young kids at home and they're used to living a certain way at this point. I'm interested in how that's going over, because her actions are starting to directly affect him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Also remember the FBI just put a new label to black folk and that's B.I.E or black identity extremist

Meaning if you are black and identify as black then your a terrorist.. let that bullshit sink in...
Yeah man this shit is deep. That's basically their way of saying showing any form of wokeness or black pride is illegal. We all we got..
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is what i was interested in seeing unfold.. His response. I can respect that decision. But he needs to be more strategic and thoughtful in his movements than Jamelle does. Their actions will have separate cost.

He must be smashing them cheeks.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
First day back from her suspension (if she's back), she should tweet. "Fuck Trump. This statement does not represent the views of my employer".

She should have that about her views in her social media profiles anyway, if she doesn't already.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hate it for her. Id love to say its unfair... But ESPN and the NFL are in bed together. Knowing she already had a bullseye on her from the last time, and the fact that cacs aint watching the 6... But as others have said, maybe the 2 of them are over it and want to be fired??? But they aint doing the podcast and I only DVR the 6 to give them ratings it aint like itll affect my life any. I need Bo to stop taking all them damn days off though.:lol: I aint mad at him, but I dont want to here Clinton Yates doin "The right time."

Yeah his voice is fuckin annoying.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Homey has a wife and young kids at home and they're used to living a certain way at this point. I'm interested in how that's going over, because her actions are starting to directly affect him.
He must be smashing them cheeks.
lol. Nah, i think hes just a good friend... and he knows alot of his success is attached to the work they did together.


Rising Star
She can't be that dumb. She must have known calling out sponsors would put her in hot water. I have not watched one episode of SC6 or listened to the his and her podcast? Is it any good?


BGOL Investor
She was having a conversation on Twitter like we have on here or what you would have in person.

Imho, its more so about her being defiant toward the people who troll her. She knew that a lot of people wanted her fired after the Trump stuff. so a good way to rub it in the faces of her haters is to keep typing, after she didnt get fired.

A lot of the people who are typing to her aint Black nor do they give about what she cares about. A lot of them are just White racist trolls with "Black twitter profiles". Theyre tryna rile her up via baiting her into bs twitter conversations, and she's taking the bait.

Like I stated before, what shes typing about is on point, but at some point she needs to realize that responding to trolls, and trolls in disguise, is counterproductive. It aint about doing what your White employer tells you, its about being smart.