Jemele Hill has been suspended by ESPN

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

cats do support just because you don't see it doesn't mean its not this chick is fighting the good fight...but don't jeopardize your career.....they told her not to violate their social media policy and thats what she can someone get piss she got reprimanded for breaking policy....remember she works for ESPN not CNN these tweets are not going to sit well with the company she works for...

So, are you defending the company’s bottom line, or are you upset that she retweeted an article with which you disagree?


Rising Star
Platinum Member


Rising Star
Platinum Member

At great professional risk, she called out the White House and her employer on their anti-black hypocrisy. Obviously, her tweets were seen as threatening, otherwise she wouldn’t have been suspended.

Your posts, on the other hand..
She also called out straight black males for their predatory no professional risk. Which you attempt to minimize somehow.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wish her all the best, but I honestly do NOT feel bad for her.
When she originally "voiced" her distain for the current POTUS on Twitter and was taken to task by White America, Black men & women came to her defense in droves and defended her right to express herself.
But she then chose to turn right around and throw those same "Straight Black Men..." who stood up for her & defended her under the bus by cosigning that divisive and completely BULLSHIT article... :smh:
I personally think she chose to cosign the article in an attempt to show White Corporations, ESPN and White America (in general) that she's sorry for criticizing Trump and that basically, she's a "Good Negro".


Hey, I wonder if her new BFF Damon Young is out in front, leading the charge calling for ESPN to end her suspension...?


Rising Star
OG Investor

So, are you defending the company’s bottom line, or are you upset that she retweeted an article with which you disagree?

Jemelle has always low key had some shit to say about brothas through out her career as much as she defends us she also throws the shade...just like Cari champion...they go ham when a brotha does something in sports but say very little when its a white boy...just like the Ray Rice and Josh Brown...

at the end of the day the company has to protect their bottom line...she was suspended after being warned to lay off these types of tweets..there are many ways to create change and its not by kneeling or tweeting


Rising Star
OG Investor
I wish her all the best, but I honestly do NOT feel bad for her.
When she originally "voiced" her distain for the current POTUS on Twitter and was taken to task by White America, Black men & women came to her defense in droves and defended her right to express herself.
But she then chose to turn right around and throw those same "Straight Black Men..." who stood up for her & defended her under the bus by cosigning that divisive and utterly completely BULLSHIT article... :smh:
I personally think she chose to cosign the article in an attempt to show White Corporations, ESPN and White America (in general) that she's sorry for criticizing Trump and that basically, she's a "Good Negro".


Hey, I wonder if her new BFF Damon Young is out in front, leading the charge calling for ESPN to end her suspension...?



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Biggest NFL check comes from ESPN. ESPN checks come (largely) from advertisers. Food chain and all dat.


I have no problem with what she said here.
You are seeing a pattern here and with other black female liberal lesbians. They somehow assign the bad behavior of one black male to ALL BLACK MALES. And this goes largely unchecked. As illustrated by the above poster who sees nothing wrong with the lesbian tweeting a blanket statement about black men.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So the President can say whatever he wants,
but we gotta shut the fuck up

Jerry Jones got me on my NFL Boycott.​


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wish her all the best, but I honestly do NOT feel bad for her.
When she originally "voiced" her distain for the current POTUS on Twitter and was taken to task by White America, Black men & women came to her defense in droves and defended her right to express herself.
But she then chose to turn right around and throw those same "Straight Black Men..." who stood up for her & defended her under the bus by cosigning that divisive and completely BULLSHIT article... :smh:
I personally think she chose to cosign the article in an attempt to show White Corporations, ESPN and White America (in general) that she's sorry for criticizing Trump and that basically, she's a "Good Negro".


Hey, I wonder if her new BFF Damon Young is out in front, leading the charge calling for ESPN to end her suspension...?

If the article didn't apply to you then why you so butt hurt about it..

Mofokrs didn't support Cosby because they had feelings over an interview that had nothing to do with the lunch job.

Now not supporting hill over an article she cosigned that has nothing to do with this.

That shit is real bitch made

But will continue to support the NFL and dove soap and any other slight crakkas throw. .

There was a whole bunch of mofokrs that fit the article. ..

The problem with a binch of mofokrs is low reading comprehensive skills..

Simple mofokrs jumped on Jim Brown cause they didn't understand what the fuck he was saying...


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
OH fuck her then.....she just getting her nigga wake up call moment.
Yeah, see seems to be one of those feminist types of activists. :smh: They're on some other shit these days. They just need to be checked when they try their fuckery.

People, social media, and their jobs. :smh: We see that shit all the time. Does she live under a rock, are likes that important to her, or does she just not like her job? These white folks probably flooded ESPN with calls and emails.

ESPN probably wants to reign in political views on both sides right about now. They will cater to the 80 percent of sports fans who don't want any of this in their sports. Folks in this era are trained to block people they don't agree with and live in echo chambers. ESPN is going to do what it can for their bottom line.

She isn't an NFL player. She's someone who is easily replaced. No one is going to be beating down her door to hire her. She better work to build her brand and then start going in.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You are seeing a pattern here and with other black female liberal lesbians. They somehow assign the bad behavior of one black male to ALL BLACK MALES. And this goes largely unchecked. As illustrated by the above poster who sees nothing wrong with the lesbian tweeting a blanket statement about black men.
The post i referenced she made it clear that her commentary was directed at a specific subgroup within a group. She articulated that point more than once. I found nothing offensive there. However, "that straight black man are white men" nonsense is very problematic but i only saw the headline retweeted and no the actual content.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They're pretty much the same man.
Right....I don't see no difference between them.
Yeah, see seems to be one of those feminist types of activists. :smh: They're on some other shit these days. They just need to be checked when they try their fuckery.

People, social media, and their jobs. :smh: We see that shit all the time. Does she live under a rock, are likes that important to her, or does she just not like her job? These white folks probably flooded ESPN with calls and emails.

ESPN probably wants to reign in political views on both sides right about now. They will cater to the 80 percent of sports fans who don't want any of this in their sports. Folks in this era are trained to block people they don't agree with and live in echo chambers. ESPN is going to do what it can for their bottom line.

She isn't an NFL player. She's someone who is easily replaced. No one is going to be beating down her door to hire her. She better work to build her brand and then start going in.

It really bothers me when I see a black female say she's a feminist. You're black. You fighting for women's rights when you're black and have none. You're fighting for cac rights at that point.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
If the article didn't apply to you then why you so butt hurt about it..

Mofokrs didn't support Cosby because they had feelings over an interview that had nothing to do with the lunch job.

Now not supporting hill over an article she cosigned that has nothing to do with this.

That shit is real bitch made

But will continue to support the NFL and dove soap and any other slight crakkas throw. .

There was a whole bunch of mofokrs that fit the article. ..

The problem with a binch of mofokrs is low reading comprehensive skills..

Simple mofokrs jumped on Jim Brown cause they didn't understand what the fuck he was saying...

The post i referenced she made it clear that her commentary was directed at a specific subgroup within a group. She articulated that point more than once. I found nothing offensive there. However, "that straight black man are white men" nonsense is very problematic but i only saw the headline retweeted and no the actual content.
The first sentence was the dead giveaway. "I don't want to paint all black men with a broad brush, but....."


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
She rides for us though.....:rolleyes2::rolleyes2:


Damn this is such bullshit

Did ALL black women support the men in Ferguson :confused:

Then she says "some" black men defend Ray Rice. So why not big up the men not defending Ray Rice instead of those supporting him.

She has a college degree, so she has to see the hypocrisy in this :smh:

It's no wonder she keeps responding to the people who want her fired

She has issues. She needs to go see a shrink, she has some issues that she needs to get past.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The first sentence was the dead giveaway. "I don't want to paint all black men with a broad brush, but....."

My issue is black folks have no problem letting other black folks get fucked over if they have ever had a contrare opinion or position no matter what their entire body of work.

And that show's the weakness of black folx..

And the same ones talking about unity and building our own...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
My issue is black folks have no problem letting other black folks get fucked over if they have ever had a contrare opinion or position no matter what their entire body of work.

And that show's the weakness of black folx..

And the same ones talking about unity and building our own...
I feel ya, but straight black men being compared to white supremacy is not a contrary position to anything. That's just hate speech. It will not be tolerated.


Support BGOL
Shes right!!
If we stop buying "J's" Nike would do something we still begging stop buying their shit!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I feel ya, but straight black men being compared to white supremacy is not a contrary position to anything. That's just hate speech. It will not be tolerated.

Unless a crakka says it and then it's those chic fila are so good...

See the difference is disagreeing with black is lifetime...

But crakka? It only lasts as long as the thread is on the frontpage..

But I guess yall grew up different.

We fought on our block everyday but couldn't nobody else come on our block and fuck with one of us. .


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Regardless of all the bullshit, BSPN is full of shit! They let Michelle Beadle get away with murder. I don’t give a fuck about that bullshit ass warning. Weather she shitted on black men or not doesn’t move me at all. I’m not that insecure about my shit to leave her hanging on this issue because it’s bigger than her. If it was Sage Steele levels of fuckery then I will be like fuck her. With Trump on his bullshit it’s time to stick the fuck together. Some of y’all negroes have co-signed people who’ve done way more fuckery than what she posted about black men. Does she need to be checked for that shit though? Hell yea! Regardless BSPN was dead wrong for this shit! Y’all know it!


"Right when you least expect it"~Karma
It may be petty of me but After her cosign on the article "black men are the white people of black people" I don't give a duck....let her fight her own battles with white daddy....bossup bitch!

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Damn this is such bullshit

Did ALL black women support the men in Ferguson :confused:

Then she says "some" black men defend Ray Rice. So why not big up the men not defending Ray Rice instead of those supporting him.

She has a college degree, so she has to see the hypocrisy in this :smh:

It's no wonder she keeps responding to the people who want her fired

She has issues. She needs to go see a shrink, she has some issues that she needs to get past.

I wouldn't say she has issues that require a shrink. She lives in a fucking echo chamber like a lot of people these days. Most of these echo chambers are very hypocritical. Folks in her circle keep telling her everything she does is a fucking good idea. I bet she has a lot of black feminists cosigning every fucking thing she says.

Even after she's been suspended, folks in her chamber will tell her she basically did nothing wrong.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
I wouldn't say she has issues that require a shrink. She lives in a fucking echo chamber like a lot of people these days. Most of these echo chambers are very hypocritical. Folks in her circle keep telling her everything she does is a fucking good idea. I bet she has a lot of black feminists cosigning every fucking thing she says.

Even after she's been suspended, folks in her chamber will tell her she basically did nothing wrong.

At this point it looks like she's trying to intentionally sabotage things

Maybe she doesn't like hosting Sportscenter or there's shit occurring behind the scenes.

But this shit isn't normal. It's what, two weeks later. And it's not slipping up.

On twitter you type shit out, have time to think about it, and then hit send. She did several tweets. And did it last night AND this morning.

You aren't going to convince them that Trump is a racist or idiot. You aren't going to win. Their goal is to get you angry and fired, and they're winning.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
So let me get this straight. Y’all down with NFL players speaking out even when massa says not to but saying she was warned by massa so she fucked herself because she didn’t listen? I’m sorry but you can’t have it both ways. I don’t get some of you cats.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I mean... at this point I think she wants them to Fire her..

Yeah I have to agree

As much as I complain that Bomani is way to over protective with his position...

I realize now he is one smart black boy

That platform that audience this has a price


And Jemele feels this is how she needs to play this.

I don't agree, but I respect her and support her. And will continue to do so.

Cause ALL this is a reflection on us.

We as a Black nation have the financial and political weight to hurt these corporate entities.

That is fact.

We have done it before.

We didn't all support Kaepernick because he was light skinned he was mixed and suddenly cosigned the troops and became huge anti castro lobbyists then veteran supporters...

Everything EXCEPT really giving a shit about these cops killing innocent black people.

We always have to have free thought free will independent spirit when it means joining together AGAINST our oppressors

We don't all think the same, we all don't agree, my black ain't his black

So it so warm safe comfy cozy easy to coon

And now it's profitable

Getting justice aint cheap.

Problem is the people you getting that justice for?

Ain't trying to chip in for shit.

Not realizing that yeah it's different for black people....

But to them white folk?

You ALL the same ole n*gger.
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